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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I found that the range is a good place to get it for free, as lots of people think that WWB is cheap enough they don't need to reload. I agree with them and encourage them to continue in that belief. I need to get me some shirts printed with "Sponsored by people to lazy to pick up their own brass" on the back.
  2. Hmm .. I wonder if this would work with mounting the frontsight on the tube, as my gas block is under my tube.
  3. I think it really can't be any other way. By its nature practical shooting is a social event. We don't use a common firing line which means one guy is shooting and everyone else is watching or talking among thermselves. The social aspects, the friendships, the bullshit sessions, those are as much a part of these games as the shooting itself. That being the case, a dishonest shooter (or for that matter one with other antisocial qualities) will quickly find himself or herself standing by themselves or picked on with the elan of angry 14 year old girls You can cheat (sometimes) but people are going to call you on it. You can sandbag, but you are sure as hell going to be called on that. You can sit on your ass and not help tape and reset, but the rest of your squad is sure going to notice. These kind of things take care of themselves after a while, people either shape up or go away.
  4. Ooh Ooh I know ... He wasn't cheating, he was just telling you he was to screw with your mind. While all of you where watching him and trying to figure it out instead of concetrating on your game, he was grinning and shooting his.
  5. Try a variable rate 15lb spring. They rock.
  6. Hey Jim, talk to your cable company, most offer a DVR/cable box cambo for a extra fee. Mine costs me $5/month over a normal cable box and it comes with 100 hours of storage and 2 tuners so you can watch and/or record two things at once.
  7. Errr ... Check out the end of the clip. Take a look at his pants. I'm guessing the pressure was exerted in more then one directions and there are only two openings ....
  8. Yes! I'd be interested..... And as much as I like the idea, and as much as I like Nik, I don't want him on that comittee because then I'll have more work to do at our matches. Just kidding.. Nik would be a great choice.
  9. Have you watched ST? They break the prime directive every other week. I'm not even sure the prime directive has ever made sense either.
  10. Huh? My mossberg unlocks when the trigger gets pressed and I do pull on the pump while I shoot. Maybe it is poor techinque but it allows me to pump the gun quite fast as my off hand is comming back towards me almost as soon as the shot left the gun. Now if I could reload ...
  11. It is sad, ironic, a tragedy for his family, but also .... Do you guys think he would have prefered to go in his bed or this way? I don't know the guy, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think that given a choice he would have prefered it this way.
  12. One thing I have to ask is weather you have used kydex holsters before? They require a bit of a snap to release but with the correct draw it should release fast and clean. It may also take a bit to break in. What belt are you using, they work best with VERY stiff belts like the CR Speeds. Because it hangs lower and it pivots below the belt, unlike standard belt holsters which pivot right AT the belt, without a stiff belt you may get some of the torque you mentioned until you get used to the correct draw for it.
  13. Thats fine, my point was that they are not cheaper. On a lowly 550 It takes me about 2.5 hours to load 1000 rounds. With $40 savings that $16 per hour which is a hell of a lot less then I make for a living but it is not like I was going to rush to my office and work overtime for those hours anyway. Also, I like the way my ammo feel a lot more that WWB, which is almost more important then the savings to me. But seriously, keep on shooting WWB. I need the brass. Yup .. those prices are quoted are actual, today, you can buy them too, for real, prices. Yes I buy components all the time, as I use them up. Yes they are higher then the used to be but do you think Winchester buys their copper and lead from martian faeries? The prices on WWB are what they are most likely because of existing contracts, and won't stay there for long.
  14. Hmm $120/1000 Lets do the math on reloading. 124gr PD bullets $51/100, 4.2gr of TG works out to less the $10 per 1000, $20 for primers, brass is basically free, I can't remember when I last bought any, mostly I get it from all the people who think that WWB is cheaper then reloads and leave it on the ground. If you really want to buy it then you can pay about $20 without searching hard. Thats $101, but it should be about $81 which is what it cost me. To me $40 more is not cheaper Actually it does say that, as approved by NROI and the BOD. BTW, if you search for the related thread about bomars, you will note that no one actually thinks that milling the slide makes any competitive advantage. On a glock the weight you remove, you end up putting back with a steel sight instead of plastic one. It doesn't even matter if you like them or not, the guy next door does. Production needs clearer rules. But it USPSA production, unlike IPSC production, needs to account for the realities of firearm ownership in the US. People who don't shoot IPSC, think it is perfectly sane to upgrade sights and do trigger jobs. That is part of the compulsive need American gun owners have to make their guns uniquely their own. And it isn't even a bad thing, considering the crappy factory triggers we see on most guns and the afterthoughts that sights are on a lot of guns. As for holsters ... They are a last bastion of practicality when it comes to the rest of gear. What is practical about a limcat? I have no need to make Open and Limited shooters use realistic holsters, but Production should at least attempt to keep alive the flame.
  15. Ford or Chevy? The 870 has more accessories, the 590 is so much easier to reload. I prefer the 500/590, but they way they feel and balance for you may matter more.
  16. I'm sorry but my logic circuitry tells me that Mr Amidon is out of the rule book by some distance if he actually states that. Based on what rules in our current book can such a ruling be made? How can you prohibit mods to something you could make yourself out of an old pair of jeans with a pocket knife and some thread, while staying inside the rules?
  17. That would be because USPSA is far from the only game .. we have SASS, bullseye, high power, who knows how many shotgun disciplines, small bore, steel challenge type stuff, bianchi, PPC, F class, and 50 others I'm forgeting. Not only do we shoot every gun game known to mankind in this country, but we also can hunt more types of game and for longer seasons then most of the world. Combine all those numbers and you end up with a large number of dedicated shooters. Also keep in mind that competition shooters are a small part of the gun owning public in the US. You are basically asking "With so many cars on the road why do we only have a handfull of race drivers?". Not everyone is interested in shooting matches.
  18. Any chance someone has a typed up version of that ruling or a picture or something? I have no idea where that FS issue is in my house and I don't see it on the NROI rulings page on USPSA.org. Btw, is that page to be taken as bible? If not whats the point, if yes are those all the official rulings?
  19. Hmm .. So we can expect news of it being stolen again in a few weeks.
  20. As a side note, in our area we proabably have a lot active shooters who never join USPSA. Don't ask me why, but for every 2 or 3 registered shooters we also have 1 who isn't. Some only make it out to a few matches a year, some are Steel shooters who come out for trigger time, some are regulars who just don't care about classifications and just show up for the social aspects and plain shooting fun. Some of them do end up joining USPSA, but they end up in that pile of unclassified shooters as they are not as active as the rest of us but may end up shooting in 3 or 4 divisions, and it make take years for them to collect 4 classifiers in a single division.
  21. Say what? How would one enforce that? If there is not approved holster list, that means I can make my own from scratch as long it is of "non race type". I just happen to make mine from the "raw" materials of a Bladetech DOH and lets say I round off some corners and slick up the release. I'll even sell it as the Vlad Super Improved Dropped and Offset and Rounded and Slicked Holster. How can that be against the rules? What if I incorporate? While we are at it, how would anyone prove that a holster was modified without a complete catalog of every manufacturer from every year? Heck I've seen same brand holsters, for the same gun model, sold during the same year which clearly used different molds. I can't imagine how such a ruling be justified.
  22. I've only been once in Philly but the homeless people seemed fairly high class. It was almost as if they were actors playing homeless people and who didn't quite get all the moves right. A nice town but it had a strange vibe to me .. it almost felt artificial. I mostly hung in the central part of the town while in business for a week, and I'm sure that other parts of town are more "real".
  23. I'm only familiar with the Linksys version, and that one is a piece of crap. No it doesn't need to be attached to a computer normally, though you do need to attach it to a machine to configure it. You also have to install the drivers for the printer on all machines, which with some printers (like the HP Officejets) is almost impossible nowdays as they use unified drivers which only get loaded when the printer is attached to the machine itself. Then you need to run a special pieace of software on each machine to create a virtual printer which acts as a tunnel between the networked print server and the local printer driver. Then the stupid printer server chooses to hang about once a day or so and need a hard reset. The support for linksys is non-existent. I know this is not the same hardware that you are using and yours might work great. From talking to people who have used other models as well, my opinion is that if I need a wireless printer so I can store my printer in some oddball corner of my house where I don't have a computer, I rather buy the Dell $249.95 special or something of that nature and a wireless card for it and make it a networked print server. I've spent 2 days trying to get my fathers 2 laptops and 1 PC talking with the POS printer server hidding in the basement next to his printer. I gave up in disgust and just attached it one of his old laptops. I might be biased and I know this doesn't really help you.
  24. Vlad

    Fortune Cookies

    There are some fortune cookie messages that make no sense no matter what you add at the end. So far my favorite in that category is one my office mate and forum member Raz-0 found last year. It is posted on our office door: "The rubber bands are heading in the right direction."
  25. Did you check the gallery? You never know if that photoshoped image of Jake made it there.
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