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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. This thread is worthless without picture
  2. San Diego is one of my favorite towns. For a while the wife and I placed the town on our "We could live there" list, but eventually it got bumped off because of their refusal to pick up the town and move it out of California.
  3. huh? The whole ACE "stock" is held in place by that lonely hex screw at the upper end shoulder rest. (You may have to take the rubber pad off first).
  4. Sounds about right but you could build it for around $1000.
  5. It does look cool and it may even be a decent rifle, but where it seems that S&W is trying to be the price leader with the M&P pistol, the M&P rifle is priced pretty high for what it is.
  6. Well by that logic we those revolver shooters who we never see should be droped, why carry them when only a handfull of shooters would be affected. And those Single Stack guys .. dump them too. Not the same thing you say? One is a choice and one is not? What do you care? No one seems to force you shoot L10 in your happy state so why do you give a damn what others shoot, it is still a choice Scratch that, lets even ignore that. At this years nationals there where 96 L10 shooters and 36 Revolver. And that is with L and L10 being shot at the same time. You want to eliminate a divison I have one for you and it starts with R. (BTW revolver shooters, please put down the rope, I'm not suggesting we do away with revolver, but how long before that happens do you think, if we start throwing out divsions with 3 times for competitors?) So tell me, what rules affect you in your free state because of those evil states populated by alien flying monkeys? On a separate note, I'm glad to see you are supportive of your fellow shooters and countrymen. Next time you have a problem in your state and need help, don't hesitate to ask, we will all rush out and help you.
  7. No I think he means they can be open with a dull butter knife.
  8. I'm more intrigued by the younger brother .. Does he have any super powers at all? Maybe his super power is that he can clone those of others around him.
  9. Yeah what he said. The longer the handguard the lesser the chance you are going to grab onto a hot barrel, plus being freefloated it gives you a few more options on how to use props as rests. I use a rifle length set on my 16" AR.
  10. I went the other way. I searched for the cheapest camera which took movies at a frame rate high enough to let me see what I wanted to see. I only use it to review my performance, not to impress my friends so quality past a certain point didn't matter to me specially from a camera which was going to reside in my range back and get kicked, covered in dust, and maybe shot. I bought a Aiptek shrink wraped type of thing and it has worked better then I expected. The newer version of the same are much nicer and still only about $100.
  11. I would also encourage you to take a look at the Rudy Project NXT lenses. Their new material is so much better then plain old polycarbonate, much clearer and sharper.
  12. Jeez ... thats an add for Rudy's if I ever saw one.
  13. It is my understanding that for the M frame you need to get the actual shields cut with the correction in them. You need to contact an optometrist who deals with Oakley and order through them. At least thats what I was told when I was looking into it. To me that seemed like a bad idea because if the shields get scratched, then I have to pay for a whole new prescription, and if I want multiple color shields I need multiple prescriptions. To me that means lots of money. I went with Rudy, who use the prescription behind the shields method.
  14. It seems I missed a lot of good dirt by not reading the IDPA threads before Duane gets to them. As I don't shoot IDPA, I'm replying to this thread simple as a enoverse members. I don't care if God himself came down to post, the forum rules apply. This is Brians house. If God doesn't like, he can take it up with Brian in the after life, thats why we have free will. Everyone else, doesn't even get that option, though I suppose they could send Brian a PM and ask for rule changes.
  15. I've never seen it do that. I do see that all the time with clays and .45 though.
  16. So .. is it just me or did Eric get really bitter lately?
  17. I've asked some questions regarding the military/leo issue myself, and got no answers, I've also asked how IPSC can state that we want to encourage manufacturers to make cheaper/better products and then ban those cheaper/better products. No answer on that one as well and the thread is now closed. Oh well. I don't bother PM the IPSC secretary, never got a straight answer before.
  18. And people where mad at me when I had weak hand head shots at 18 yards next to a no shoot. It was just training for the nationals guys
  19. I'm fairly rough on my systems from the stand point of installing stuff and removing it. I find that keeping track of whats is running on your machine is the most efficient way to keep it alive. I use Windows Defender (which I think its is better then then spybot and adaware which is what I used to use), Startup Panel and Startup Monitor, Zone Alarm as a firewall (though all my machines are also behind hardware firewalls). I'm running 2000 and XP. The only times I do reinstalls is when I burn out a drive, heck Raz-0 yells at me because half the time I won't reinstall even when I upgrade my CPU, MB, and drive. I'm sure he is right as that being a bad idea but so far I've been lucky I guess. Of course .. video drivers are my bane, I'm think I'm cursed with that.
  20. I think my wife would skin me alive if I chased the cats around. And the dog would just sit there and stare at me. I've practice and shot just as much as I was before. I really do think it had more to do with change in my center of gravity and upper body strength. As I've gotten more used to it, I started shooting better as well.
  21. Vlad

    My New 3 Gun Gun

    No No .. the throwing stars are not hidden. It SHOOTS throwing stars.
  22. Something I didn't see mentioned in this thread is you don't always get what you pay for, or at least some surprises may creep up. Since February of this year I've been working out a few times a week (circuit training on my bowflex) and moderate hikes once a week (around 4hours with up to 1000ft elevation changes). I've lost 35lb, though in reality a lot more fat then that as I've built up quite a bit more muscle then I've started with. My endurance has been greatly improved, hot summer days bother me a lot less, and my performance over the course of a match is much more predictable. Whats the problem? My shooting sucked for most of the year. My balance was off, my new upper body mass plays havoc with my transitions, my splits sometimes end up in Alpha Mikes, and my general timing has been off. I'm just now getting back to the shooting level I was at at the begining of the year as I'm getting more used to the changes and my weight loss leveled out for a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the results, but don't be surprised if a heavy workout program makes you a worse shooter for a while.
  23. Yeah, don't sweat it. 3.2 TG under 147's is the right combination for MOST guns (132pf in my CZ) but there is way to much variation in brass, bullets, barrel, primers, batches of powder, humidity, elevation, etc to be a perfect number. If 127pf is to close for you then use 3.3 and you should be good.
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