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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. They also think rapid fire is 5 rounds in 10 seconds
  2. As a side note to the KE vs ME, I'm not sure that KE would be better measure of bullet effectivness. In theory we don't care much about energy, we care about potential terminal effects. Looking at the hunting industry (because otherwise we would politically incorect), the bigger the game the bigger the bullet diameter and bullet weight. There are 50 other issues at work, but for simplicity's sake MV might be a better thing to measure the KE for our purposes.
  3. Hmm, I didn't see it in the options, I guess I should have looked more carefully. I like gadgets just fine, but that price I could buy an M&P and the mags for it, plus a holster and maybe a new belt.
  4. I think the 1505 is a fine machine based on my experience with the one I got for my wife. I think the screen is a bit huge for my taste, but if you game a lot it makes sense.
  5. And it doesn't even have a camera. Not that it really matters but everyone seems to put one in their phones now.
  6. I thought it was quite superb. It is one of those things I wouldn't mind if we import more of from China. It is worth the outsourcing of Hollywood jobs, I think.
  7. Or work the match like a dog and you won't even realize its cold outside.
  8. My wife has a Inspirion 1505 with a 2ghz duo and a X1400 with the highest end screen they make. She really likes it, but the x1400 is not killer video card. The screen looks good to me, with no artifacts.
  9. yes, its only 12, but it is a widescreen. It is a bit of compromise, and you can always plug into a real monitor at home. My experience with HP's has been pretty poor, but maybe they've gotten better.
  10. Ok, XPS 1201, Core 2 Duo T7200 (2 x 2ghz, 4mb cache), 1gb ram, 80gb drive, dvd burner, 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce Go 7400 is $1503. Is it a screaming gamer machine which will play everything at the best possible frame rate? No, but for $1503 it is a pretty nice machine. I have one configured kinda like that (actually I have the first generation Duo, pre Core 2) and I can play Neverwinter Nights 2 at close to full pretty. I'm also not the only Enosverse member to have one, and the other guy I know has one is also pretty happy with his.
  11. If I may, do pick up that ammo, but dispose of it. Leaving it on the ground is not a good idea either, we don't know what load it is and who is going to pick it up and shoot it in their gun and hurt themselves. Further, if the range has grass and it gets mowed, I hear mower blades don't like live rounds
  12. I found that while head mounted cams are really cool for some things, the best way to see your own performace if by having someone else hold a camera for you. That aside, The three things I saw are: Grip, and ports, as mentioned above, and speed. You seem to be moving slowly between shooting positions. I don't know if that is because you don't feel comfortable about going faster or because of what shape you are in, or maybe you had uncomfortable shoes that day Anyway, you can speed your movement quite a bit. Your splits are a bit slow to, but let experience and your eyes control that, don't rush them. I can't really see your reloads, but it is possible you are dropping your gun too much, try to bring in to your chest at about the same height as your normal shooting stance. Finally, on stage two, I have no idea why engaged that far left target from the far right. I assume you did that for reload math reasons, but seeing how you had to get right next to it anyway, I don't think it was worth it. You can always find the time for another reload on a stage like that, even if you have to drop 1/2 full mag somewhere. Actually on stage two, I would have taken the first 3 targets from around the end on the right, then the fourth through the second port, eliminating on spot you had to stop, reload, engage the next 2, reload again, and finish of the last 5.
  13. Take a look at the dell XPS laptop line. They are a completly different beast then their regular line. I have one of the smaller ones, and when the place I work for bought it for me it was about $1600 very nicely configured. The should be a bit cheaper nowdays and they do have decent video cards available. The large versions are quite nice too, but they get way out of your price range.
  14. I guess I'm special, I have an RCBS kinetic puller and I pulled 400 rounds of 9mm over a very long week. I used it on the cement floor of my garage. The tool is still in fine shape, but I did wear out the collet. I guess thats not so bad after 400 rounds. No cracks, or wear besides some scuffs.
  15. I found I had the same problem when I shot a match with a borrowed glock and doh (Thanx Nik!). I think it would almost be easier to get a grip using a normal holster.
  16. Hmm .. I guess I should throw away my military surplus 1996 CZ. Of course, it hasn't blown up yet, nor has any other CZ I have ever heard of, but I've seen a few a glocks do so. It isn't about a sacred cow, it is about not spreading bad information and misconceptions further then we need to. I like Glocks just fine, I like 1911's, and I like pleanty of other designs. I'm not however fond of people calling a solid and succefull gun junk without real experience wih one. I've been shooting my CZ for some time, reading forums, and talking with people, yet this is the first time I've ever heard anyone say that the early 90's guns where anything but normal. Could you maybe provide some references to those junk 90's CZ's?
  17. I'm still not sure what you are so upset about. I recommend you bring this issue up on the USPSA forums. I would like to point out that if you are upset about the words used then your propsosed wording ("9.1.5 A bullet cannot pass through the scoring area of a USPSA scoring target or no-shoot then hit another target for score or penalty.") also has some problems. A bullet cleary CAN pass through the scoring are and hit another target. Words matter. Note that the existing rules "deemed impenetrable", the rule book doesn't actually claim they are, they are just considered as such for the purposes of scoring other targets.
  18. There are 3 parts you need to decide how you want handled. There is the hostname, the hosting, and the blog software. You can choose to do it all yourself, in which case you have handle all 3 options and you get most flexibility, or you can shortcut it all and use a existing blogging service like Blogger. Things like Blogger give a more limited enviornment, but they will handle most of the technical issues, host the blog, assign you a hostname and give you the software. The problem is that the hostname is going be something like <your-choice>.blogger.com. The software options are going to be limited, and if the servers get busy you suffer along with everyone else. Its also free, but they will post adds on it. On the other hand, you can register your own hostname (which can now be <your-choice>.com or <family-name>.com or whatever, assuming it is not already taken). Then you can find one of the many hosting companies out there and buy a contract. For most people that is going to cost them less then $10 per month. Not only do you get your own hostname, and website, but you also get a whole bunch of email address you can add and remove for your family. Most hosting companies will register your hostname often for free or a reduced fee when you sign up with them. I prefer to pay the $25 or per year on my own and register the host on my own, but for a first timer avail yourself of their services. Once you have a hostname and hosting company hosting it, most hosting companies will have a bunch of web apps which will allow you to manage your website. They will also provide you a choice of 5 to 10 popular blogging software engines which they will install for you and do basic configuration, after which you can use them or modify them as you wish. Most will provide some form of support forum or ticketing system for basic questions. And if you want to and know what you are doing, you can grab any other blogging package or content management system (they will most likely offer a few of those too) from the many many free ones out there and install it even if they don't offer it. Or you could even write your own. It is both simpler and more complicated then it sounds. Blogger and Myspace and the like would certainly be easier, but you get to swim in the same pool with everyone, don't get your own hostname, most likely will gave adds on your website outside your control.
  19. Let me try explaining it this way .. The target is impenetrable as far as scoring OTHER targets is concerned, but it must be penetraded to for scoring the target itself. Does that help?
  20. There are two different things. The issue with targets being impenetrable is there because we don't want people using funny angles to get multiple hits. Clearly cardboard does not stop bullets. Often neither do people. However to avoid a scoring nightmare, in our game targets are CONSIDERED impenetrable. On the other hand, you can't have a dent in the paper and claim you hit it. Without a hole you can not established what hit the paper. It could have been a rock bouncing and denting the paper, it could have been an ejected case, or thumb. I'm not exactly sure why you think these two issues are related.
  21. Out of curiosity, what would take to "prove" a gun by your way of thinking. I'm only asking because a CZ won the world shoot, places consistently in the top spots as USPSA national events, is the second most copied designed in the world after the 1911, and it and its varients have been used my many military institutions, including the IDF. I don't know if it suitable for US police issue, as I'm not sure what the requierments would be, but I am curious what you expect from a gun you would bet the farm on?
  22. The guy may have been funny, but he's got more bitter as life went on. I don't find myself agreeing with him very often, or for that matter who anyone who thinks that that they are watching the fall of man AND choose to be observers. Not only are they wrong about the fall of man, as everyone who has predicted since the advent of the writen world as also been, but I find the "amused outside observer" to be sham designed to hide laziness or a complete lack of ideas and abilities coupled with a disdain for the human race which can only be spawned from the belief that you are better then everyone else.
  23. Personally I've always liked the Cougar, certainly a lot more then the rest of the Beretta pistols. Also the current models are made on the same machines as the Beretta ones, they moved them to Turkey. Something to keep in mind, the Turks have been building guns longer then almost anyone. Like a lot of other places they build stuff on the spec of the company ordering it. If the company orders junk, they get junk. That doesn't mean they can't build some high quallity guns. My 1947 Turkish Mauser outshoots my BYF42 98K made at high of german quality, with a pitted barrel and crummy surplus ammo. I would like to handle one of the new Cougars before I bought one, but I wouldn't discount them just because of where they are made.
  24. Vlad


    For your next trick explain sqrt(-1) to them. Have a mop handy for cleaning up the brain matter when their head explodes.
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