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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Vlad

    Pit Bull Attack

    American bulldog. 97lb last time I had him weighed.
  2. Vlad

    Pit Bull Attack

    Advising people to engage in criminal behaviour on a open forum, may not be the best course of action. I own a big mean looking dog, and I sympathize with all bully breed owners that get grouped in with the few idiots who can't control their dogs. However that dog did attack another dog and a human and that shouldn't be ignored. However, those idiots are out there, and I think the legal path is the better option. First, contact their homeowners insurance. Most will refuse to cover your house if you have a violent dog. If the owner has a mortgage then he is required to have insurance. Thats something that is going to get his ass into line real fast. No need for us to make gun owners looks bad by poisoning the dog, who after all is not really at fault.
  3. I've been drawing my CZ from kydex for some time now and the only wear on the finish is where I nicked it by being stupid, and the magwell area from reloads. The small various nicks don't rust, the magwell will sometimes get a bit of a stain if I don't wipe it down after a rainy match. CZ's are made of pretty high end materials in my opinion, there is nothing for you to fear about that. On the other hand, mags rust pretty quickly in my hands, but those are MecGar's and I rust all mags unless I take really good care of them so it is not the gun's fault.
  4. On the other hand, being unhappy is what drives progress. You don't go invent the mouse trap that catches 75% of the mice if you are happy with the one that works on 65%. You don't invent color television if you are happy with black and white. You also don't re-invent democracy if you are happy with the king's men providing your security. Yeah, some people bitch to much. Some of them bitch a whole fracking lot. But not being content with the status quo is why we strive for better things.
  5. When I run into cell idiots who don't know when to hang up, I've taken to walking behind them and starting to talk softly but slowly raising my voice until I get them to yell in the phone to drown me out. I've only done it a couple of times but it was so much fun I think I need to work up the nerve to do it more. For the guy with 30 items in the "fast" lane, I just add stuff to their pile when they aren't looking. Mostly crap from the impulse buy racks by the counters. I've think I made my ShopRite about $100 so far in glasses repair kits and candy bars. Better yet, add some of those "help hungry kids for a dollar" coupons, even if they spot them, they are to embaressed to ask the clerk to take them off the bill. But mostly I'm a big fan of the self checkout counters some of the stores have around here. I can check out and bag a whole cart of groceries in less time then it would have taken me to convince the non english speaking lady ahead of me that the conveyor belt is not an appropriate toddler parking area.
  6. I would be very surprised. Target has been doing very well and I doubt they are ready to be bought out.
  7. Oh I dont know, I welcome some new colors in the world. Black everything gets boring after a while. On the other hand, the answer to tactical is simple: its there because we buy it, and I mean the colective we of the gun world.
  8. http://www.brassmanbrass.com/ Edited to add The salty cruchy one beat me to it.
  9. Brass IS free. You know how? Because a lot of people still think that WWB is so cheap it isn't worth to reload and leave their brass behind. It costs me a couple of waist level bends, but thats good for my figure. During my shooting history which only started around 2000, reloading 9mm has always been cheaper then buying it. When the factory ammo was around $100, heads where around $30. As for the original question, my opinion is that 147 at 130pf feels a bit sluggish. I prefer the recoil of 124 which to me are a much better compromise of snap to push, but that is a personal choice. Try so of each and see what you like best.
  10. I read the article and the basic story is that he got turned around by following a stream branch that split, and wonder over a fairly high mountain range. His GPS failed due to heavy cloud cover and geography, and his compas failed because of its proximity to his GMRS type radio (as he discovered by himself later in his adventure). The search party looked for him in he area he was supposed to be in, but he was over a mountain range. He stayed still, as recommened by S&R, trying to be visible and easy to find. After two days, he left markers and a note, and found his way back after he figured out what happened and used his wits and navigation aids to know which way to head. He was getting to be in pretty bad shape (lost 15lb) but managed to keep himself focused and going. After 5 days, as they called off the search and the family was preparing to start a private search, two of the tiered searchers having lunch see this guy walking towards them and say "Wouldn't be funny if this was the guy we were all looking for?". He was.
  11. I always think it is kinda sad. Imagine how much their life must suck being them. I sometimes even work for people everyone hates and all I can feel for them is just pity. Not that I cry when they move on or anything, but it must stink to be that incompetent and it is not possible that some nights when they go to sleep they don't realize it. Imagine how much that must suck.
  12. I don't know about Texas, but around my neck of the woods a bill with no co-authors or sponsors is dead dead dead.
  13. My opinion on calibrating poppers has always been that they should be set as light as possible without being knocked over by the wind. I try yo adjust them so they fall if hit, not fall if hit with 125pf in the perfect spot. If I want to chrono the shooters loads, there is a procedure for that, I don't want to use the steel.
  14. Try some titanium parts, like the firing pin, hammer strut, assorted small parts. S&A makes a aluminum magwell/housing. Slim plastic grips like the Ergo ones weight almost nothing. Singles sided safeties save some weight too, I never really found the double sided that usefull as I can rest my jumb of the top of the grip panel. If you want to go really crazy, checker front strap or better yet get some of the more intreresting paterns like chainlink or golfball checkering which will remove more metal. Blend your magwell to the frame and remove some mental from the inside of the frame and the inside and outside of the magwell. Go with a flat top slide and a melt/bevel treatment with an undercut trigger guard. I'm sure all of these things would trim a few ounces off the gun. And a few inches of twenties from your bank account. Or you could just put in the GI rod and plug in the gun and call it a day. You might even have a set somewhere in a drawer.
  15. Think of it this way, the lack of war is not peace, it is slavery. There are countless things that suck about war. It doesn't have a single good thing about it, except that it is a representation of man's need to be free. Without the will for self determination, there would be no need for war, but no freedom either.
  16. Revolver, the other 6 shot, pre-loaded chambers solution. I only pointed out the shortcomings of the design as a competition or military arm, because its possible applications in those fields where mentioned. Also it can proabably be stoped from firing by covering the ejection port.
  17. Hmm, nope. Sorry, innovation is all good and fine, but this isn't it. Muzzleflip is not all about the slide moving, some of it is from the bore axis. Also, having to pick up your chambers is going to be a killer. Also having to load each chamber by hand for a match of 150 rounds is going to be a killer. So is the price of 150 chambers, which is the minium you would need for a single steel match, nevermind a good practice session. Then there is going to be the fact that you are using 150 chambers which are not all going to be identical. Chamber check ammo for that problem before your big match and let me know how it is going to work out for you. The military is not going to love a weapon system which requires steel chambers to be carried around for EVERY round of ammo they carry. I could build a car with hexagonal wheels because it would improve braking, but it is going to have some drawbacks Sorry, but it is still a bad idea. We figured out how to handle moving parts a while ago.
  18. WTH??? What genetic reject came up with that??? You have to pick up your chambers from the ground afterwards I assume. They can't be cheap. What problem does this solve?
  19. One obvious but easy to forget caveat is that steel is heavy. It is one thing to setup a couple of small pieces on a single stages, but going crazy with hardcover steel on a 6 to 7 stage match is just asking for you volunteers to find something else to do at setup time.
  20. Some links of pretty pics: http://lundestudio.com/2007SHOTShow/ http://www.onpointfirearms.com/shotshow/2007/web/default/ http://www.gunblast.com/SHOT_Show_2007.htm Drool away.
  21. Fitting safeties is normal. They do not come with the "correct" shape because not everyone's parts geometry is the same.
  22. Why wouldn't it? It might even be legal under the proposed next version of the rules. It cover trigger guard, it is not cut to far under the ejection port, not of race type, the grip is above belt line. Looks good to go.
  23. I also have one of the 4.5lb kits in my MilSpec and I love it. It measures around 3.7lb and it is nice clean and crisp. I love it.
  24. Vlad


    Nowdays I like my chili made with ground bison. Yummy. On the other hand, I like all chili.
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