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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I use ear plugs as I wear a boonie hat on the range most of the year.
  2. Another thing to check is the plunger spring. The original one in my gun was never too strong and it broke after about 4k rounds. I started getting oddball problems like premature lock back and droping the slide with the mags. I replaced the spring and so far so good, though I didnt shoot the gun much since.
  3. Around here, we shoot one classifer every month as part of the monthly club match. Some of us shoot matches every month and thus shoot a few classifiers. The classifier is part of the match and treated exactly like any other stage in the match. Standard walkthough, no warm ups, and mostly no do-overs. Some choose to shoot it multiple times, for multiple divisions, but only the first run counts for match score and your first run has to be in the division you are shooting the match in. Some clubs run a "special classifier match" once a year where every stage is a classifer (4 to 6 stages). This is usually for the benefit of new shooters who need a minimum of 4 classifiers on record before they obtain their first classification. For existing shooters, a really good day at a classifier match may push you into the next class.
  4. Though at times the movie felt a bit long (and at 131min it is not short), I thought it was well worth it. Nevermind that anything with Miss Scarlet J is worth watching, but I found the story really engrossing. I kinda regret the the tiny bit of science fiction they use to pull off the story, but overall I was pleasently surprised though I saw a few of the twists ahead of time, but not all the clever ones towards the end.
  5. Vlad


    USPS sucks big time, but they are the cheapest game in town. Delivery confirmation is available on First Class mail as well and it is less then $1. Insurance is almost never worth it from USPS, unlike the other carriers. Priority Mail seems to work a lot better, I think part of it is actually handled by Fedex. The USPS service is attrocious. In my town they are actually upset if I bring them to much mail. How many of you would complain is you got to much business? And its not even like I hold the line or anything, my wife does the EBAY thing and all our mail is pre-posted and all that. All they have to do is pick it from hands and put it in a basket, and their company makes more money to pay them.
  6. You're not kidding. And wait till they merge with Sirius and there is no competition. Also, oddly, they have commercials on some channels but not others?
  7. Vlad

    My New Truck

    I'll bite: Sure in a hypothetical world, it would be terrific if the corporate profits from all economic activity in the U.S. stayed in this country --- but since it's the real world, I'm grateful for the economic ripple effect of a factory in MS...... Plus .. It is not like any of these companies are privately owned. Nissan, Toyota, etc are owned by stockholders and thats something most of us are. Your 401k, union retirement plan, life insurance, etc are all made up of countless funds, which are made of countless stocks, some of them international, some of them Toyota and Nissan. And, on the other side, GM and Chrysler and Ford are partial owned by some working stiffs in North Korea, or France, or China. The world is not as simple as it used to be neither is the path that profits take.
  8. Last nite my wife and I went out with 7 other shooters and their wives to a Brazilian type restaurant. We all had the "meat on a stick" (which has a name I can't think off right now), which is basically guys walking around with huge chunks of various roasted meats on 2ft steel spikes and they just cut of slabs onto your plate until you tell them you are dead. And then they bring you cinamon covered pineapple on a stick. And then they bring you the desert tray. And good coffee. Oh yeah, and there are pitchers of Sangria involved. And there was talk of kilts, cloud factories, custom celebrity meat cuts, cats, shooting stories, and everything in between. Good times.
  9. The Laquer coated stuff is going to be hard to even find anymore. I don't think they've been importing it for a couple of years now. As far as I know there have been zero reports on the polymer stuff sticking or flowing.
  10. I'm not an expert but I'll add my voice to the "drop Weaver" crowd. Its advantages are minimal when you are standing still, and not really even relevant to our game. To top it off, you are almost never standing still facing your targets. Sure, for some classifiers we do, but in my experience, we spend more time at angles not quite square to the targets, leaning, crouching, moving, reaching, shooting one handed, etc. All of those things can be done more consistently from the more balanced ISO, and that neutral, standing still, stance can be returned to more consistently. YMMV
  11. A long enough lever and a fixed point anything is possible I guess.
  12. Are you shooting static steel or knockdown steel? .... I don't think there a 9mm load on earth which will knock over static steel. At least not a handgun one, I guess some big game rifle might be able to pull it off, but even then it will be something to watch.
  13. I'm looking at replacing my current washer and dryer setup. I have one of those tall single units with a dryer up top, and a washer at the bottom. Its been giving me headaches over the last couple of years, and even though I have a "worry free contract" with my utility company which means I don't have to pay for the repairs when they happen, it is getting frustrating to wait for repairmen and not have laundry functions for a week. Not to mention, this last time it also leaked so I don't want my floors destroyed. My current unit is a 27" wide one and it lives in a "closet" which was built for it and it has a 30" door opening. Whatever I buy has fit in the same hole. As far as I can tell I have 3 options: 1) Buy another 2in1 stacked thing like I have now. They are cheap, but they are cheap. If I spend more then a new AR I would kinda like it to work 2) Buy a pair of standalone but stackable washer and dryer. This is the most expensive route, and it may place the controls of one of the units WAY high. My wife is 5ft tall so that may be a real problem. 3) Buy one of the new machines which are both washer and dryer in one single box. Those apeal to me on space usage and they also seem to be in the middle of the pack price wise, but they seem to be smaller and I have no idea how well they work. Besides fitting in the hole my other wishes are that it work well, not be expensive, be big enough to wash blankets, be electric, and last a while. Yes I know some of those may not work well with each other. Does anyone have any experiences on this subject? Brand to avoid or go with? Models and designs? Thanx
  14. Another issue to consider while you are looking at recoil. 147's may be softer feeling BUT I found that the they make the slide move slower and you spend time waiting for the sights to be back where you can use them. Depending on you skill level this may or may not be an issue, but after a couple of years of 147 I've switched to 124's which provide a compromise beween recoil and slide speed.
  15. So sorry, dogs are divine gift to mankind.
  16. I found most to be kinda blah, but I found the depressed robot to be quite disturbing, not to mention I'm not sure that Chevy wants us to think that they can't build a car without missing bolts even with robots.
  17. Also you are comparing apples to oranges. MB and Precision are molly/polymer covered bullets. The Precision Delta ones are FMJ.
  18. I am kinda surprised that Mr Hunter went along with that choice. The man is pretty pro gun and so is the character. On the other hand Marky Mark seems to be able to actually act sometimes.
  19. Can we prosecute the city for being stupid? The panic was not created by harmless devices, it was created by overreaction by the city officials. They where the ones who paralized the city. Last I check there was nothing illegal about leaving a tablet of pretty lights somewhere. Well, I guess it could be littering, but thats about as far as it goes.
  20. Also, this is one of those "right now" things. What it means changes with time. The Mauser K98k (23" barrel), the mainstay of WWII german rifles was a carbine by contrast with the much longer M98 before it. By today standards it is a rifle. The 20" AR barrels would have been considered carbines by anyone's standard 40 or 50 years ago, the M1 was 24", the M14 was 22", the M1 carbine was 18".
  21. I guess it's "Play" by Moby. Also originally Vera Hall, I think the original was called "Trouble so hard". Check out the library of congress Alan Lomax recordings of 1930's folk/blues recordings. Amazon sells a few CD's from the collection.
  22. On this topic, as I've gotten more involved with the running of matches I've stated to notice the differences between shooters more and more. There are people who would not cheat or attempt to get an advantage even it meant loosing or winning. And then there are folks who will actually celebrate obtaining a insignificant "advantage" by means other then honest or sportsmanlike. I can not comprehend what the folks in the second category think have won? How can you be proud of placing higher then your buddy if you KNOW you didn't earn it? Do these people actually think they have earned the higher score? Sure you gamed the system better but you didn't SHOOT the game any better. I think some of them are unhappy when I give them the cold shoulder, but if you can't be bothered to act like decent human, I can't be bothered to treat you like one. I'm not going to mis-treat you in any way, but don't expect me to by your buddy or do you any favors.
  23. Vlad

    Pit Bull Attack

    We are now wondering far off the original topic, but pitbulls were indeed bred to be aggresive. Towards other dogs. They are fighting dogs, not dogs of war. They are not any more aggresive towards humans then other breeds, but they often come in contanct with humans as they attack other dogs, such as in the example the started this thread. Note that kids and adults have been killed by labs, rotweilers, german shepherds, and even collies, and yes pitbulls. Pitbulls are fast becoming the second most popular breed of dog after labs, and yes you will hear more about such attacks because there are more of them outthere. For some reason no one complains when they get bit by a lab, but as they breed labs bigger and bigger I'm guessing that will change too.
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