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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. If you thought her previous videos where interesting .. wait 'till we get the jailhouse edition. The titles I can come up with by themselves would get me banned from this forum. And the sequels with Nicole Richie .. 'scuse me while I go chortle for a while.
  2. Vlad

    Taking Chances

    Plus with a .22 your effective range is under 100 yards. With a .223 you can start working on the charge/crowd from further away. Why wait till they get close, you are not making a movie where you want the tension of close up fights, are you?
  3. My understanding is that the bolt is V shaped and it pushes the the case into the ejection tube. Cases in the tube are pushed forward by the ones behind it. It seems strange but I don't think they are the only ones to use such a concept. The FN2000 and a couple of others use the same idea which allows for ambi controls without worrying about having brass thrown in your face.
  4. I'm more intrigued by the 30"+ long barrel that FS mentioned. That could be about the length of a 20"-24" bolt gun which would be cool.
  5. Vlad

    E Bay Humor

    The funny part is that apprently it took the "experts" many years to realize that he really wasn't left handed, despite the picture in front of their eyes.
  6. Irony aside, its worth noting that the rule book does not prohibit cammo, and certainly not strictly. The wording of 5.3.1 is "The use of camouflage or other similar types of military or police garments is discouraged." Discouraged is not prohibited.
  7. Glenlivet is nice, specially at 12+ years. But scotch is scotch and burbon is burbon. If you want a nice burbon, Makers Mark just rocks.
  8. This reminds me .. I need to get some Makers Mark, somehow I keep on running out.
  9. And Victoria's secret MAY actually make a camo bra. They do make camo skirts and tshirts which are easy enough to find on their website. I didn't have the stamina to browse the many hundreds of bra styles ... Hmm that didn't sound right.
  10. So I ordered me a M&P and this is my first .40 so I also ordered a toolhead for my 550, powder die, funnel, locator buttons, heads, and piles of other stuff. A bunch of these things arrived at my door today so I figured I'd take 30 minutes to set up the press so I can get ahead of the game and load some test ammo before my gun gets here. I already had a set of dies (Lee) which someone got for me some Xmas from my long list of stuff. Heck, not only do I have dies for every caliber I own, I have dies for calibers I plan to own someday, even though I only load for 9, .45, and .308. I pull out my set of .40 dies and remembered that many moons back I broke the depriming pin in my 9mm die and I swiped the one from the 40 die while I waited for the replacement to arrive. Of course, when the replacement got there I put it somewhere safe and promptly forgat about it. Now, I couldnt find it. Thats not a problem, I have all these die sets and all of the Lee dies seem to use the same pin so I'll again swipe one and order it yet one more time. I took out my leatherman and another multitool and tried to unscrew the ones from my .223 die. Damn.. Thats stuck there, and I can't find my wrenches. My gun room happens to be a wreck at this time as I've used it to stage building materials for my upstairs renovations. Oh well, I'll try a different set of dies .. 30/30 .. nope brusied knuckles, curses. Ok .... I know I'll take the 9mm die out of its tool head and take that one apart .. hmm No .. This one seems stuck too. Maybe if I put the die in a vise.. Hmm die spinning in vise, I need to make it tigher. Ok .. Now I broke of a corner of the vice jaws by applying enough force to the die. That can't be good. Well I must need bigger tools. I head to the garage for some adjustable wrenches. Hey .. whats this on my work bench? I think it may be that pin Lee shipped me ages ago. Yay. Head back upstairs. After I attached the pin to its die, I put away all the other dies and toolheads and place all the new dies on the toolhead. I drop the powder funnel in its die and mount the powder measure on it. I spend some time adjusting all the dies according to instructions. Ok, now its time to try out the settings. WTF? Why doesn't a .40 case fit in the sizing die? Oh. Because I mounted and adjusted the 9mm die in the .40 toolhead. I get the right die mounted and set up, next I adjust the powder die and move on to the sitting die. Hmm ok, that was way to low because it also crimped the round. A lot. No problem, some twiddling later it is set up correctly. Well not really the cases are kinda loose in the shellplate. Frack, I forgat to change the shellplate from .45. So I drop in the right shell plate and locator points. While I'm at it I change out the primer bar, and I take this oportunity to drop the large primer bar on my toe. It hurts, but I cowboy up and after hopping around on one foot for 5 minutes, I get back to work. Hmm .. The powder funnel looks odd. Like dirty and stuff. Double Frack. I put in the 9mm funnel as well. Now I need to take the powder measure off again, replace the funnel , replace the powder measure and readjust. With that done it is now time for the crimp die, and that works with minor issues in contrast with the previous ones. By this point two and a half hours have passed for something that should have taken a fifth of that. I stand back and take a look at my press and the mess I've made all around in the process. I still need to adjust the powder measure but I think I'll leave that for some other night because tonite I may actually blow myself up. Damn, I should have just gotten a monkey with ADD and polio, it would have been more efficient the what I managed to do. I swear I've done this a few times before, I have no idea what the hell happened tonite. Oh .. and someone remind me I still need to change the primer magazine tube to the small primers, please. I'm sure I'll forget and some terrible comedy of errors will follow.
  11. Out of curiosity .. why can't you move out of NYC? Even New Jersey is cheaper and easier to live in when it comes to handguns and the train/bus/ferry don't take all that long.
  12. Of course, these polls are worthless. We all remember cheering the ABC poll lost week, but these week when they published the results they said that 61% thought more gun control would help. So .. Okie .. I guess they read numbers different then you and I.
  13. Well seeing how the cheapest Mac Book is $1100 and its a 13" that advice may be not be helpfull for Flex's friend And that price is for a dual core 1.83ghz with 512megs of ram The Dell 1705 currently starts at $900 for a dual core 1.83 with 1gb of ram, which is a perfectly usable machine. I have a XPS 1201 which my work got for me, I got my wife a 1501 which she is very happy with, and I've guided 3 or 4 other people towards Dell laptops. They have all been quite happy. You won't get a gaming machine, but you'll get a perfectly usable machine for the average user. For another $139 he can get the accidental damage protection which can fix whatever damage he manages to inflict upon it. Dell replaced a charger my dog chewed without any hassles for laptop I got for my wife and on which we payed the plan.
  14. So .. do you have a theory of what happened?
  15. Vlad

    Be Forums

    Well .. I just think you are whinner hidding from real debate!! See .. how was that?
  16. 17lb main, steel cap, titanium strut, C&S sear/hammer, titanium pin (springfield) and no problems.
  17. Huh .. last I checked Tennessee was still land locked, yes? Edited to add: and I don't know how real this list is, but I can assure you it is also illegal for you to pump your own gas in New Jersey. It seems silly but not when it rains, and somehow our gas is still cheaper then those of states around us.
  18. It sucks big time. All I can recommend is that next time you buy a hardened laptop, or get one from a manufacturer who offer complete coverage. For example for my wife's Dell I payed an extra $200 or so but when the dog ate the power supply they just mailed us a new one with a smile. And they even cover the hammer through the screen scenario as long as it is accidental.
  19. I think Im going to send Natural balance a nasty letter. They claim that all their ingredients come from the US except for the actual venison and lamb which come from NZ. Well .. How did that chinese rice get in there, bub?
  20. Vlad


    Walls are brick. The house is 80 years old and I think it has seen a few other floods like this one (from some water marks) and the walls seem to be holding up. This is however the worst I've seen the water in the 6 years I owned the place. Doing something about it was always on the list but kept on getting pushed by other projects. It just moved up on the list. Thanks to forum member and all around good guy Bill Rosenthal, I now have a third pump going. While I was running over to his house to pick it up and to buy one more hose, the other two droped down the water level by about 1 inch. I hope with three going at once I'll be able to get ahead of this mess. The rain is supposed to stop in a few hours. Driving around today, there where a LOT of hoses in people's front yards. The silly thing is that it didnt even seem to rain that hard. I've seen longer and harder rains do a lot less damage. Sigh. This has not been a good year so far.
  21. Vlad


    Noreaster .. Much much rain. There is a 5inch deep creek around the back of my house, around the side and flowing into the street now that I dug a moat to keep the water from pooling against the side of the house. Of course, I already have about 8 inches of water in my unfinished basement. Part of my furnance and water heater are under water. The sump pump is running non stop and so are the two 1/4hp pumps running water out garden hoses to the street. This is mostly keeping the water from getting worse, not really bringing it down. I have about 30" to go before water starts reaching electrical gear so I hope it doesn't come to that. No I can't buy more pumps, ALL the stores are out and one place was making a signup list for the next shipment. And the rain keeps on coming. I should have bought a boat.
  22. I don't really wish harm upon most people, but strangely I have yet to hear a single person in the state of NJ say something like "Oh the poor governor is hurt". There is a smug look on everyone's face for some reason. This guy has managed to even make his base want to kick him in the frangibles.
  23. After a series of silly problems with my CZ75B I reached the conclusion that my barrel needed replacement, I ordered a new one from CZ, and I'm sure I was right, my old chamber is WAY oversized compared with the new one and the fit on the new one is so much tighter. I do have about 30k rounds through that barrel and it started a lot rougher and sloppier then the new one is. I guess the old military surplus ones really were looser. Anyway, the new barrel is certainly not drop in. The most obvious problem is that the hood/locking lug area does not sit deep enough in the slide. My first hint was that after assembling the gun for the first time, the slide wouldnt go fully into battery when the slide pin was in place, but it would when the pin was out. I looked around and as far as I can tell the problem is that barrel hangs low and the bean shape cut can't clear the pin enough for the slide to move fully forward. Comparing the old ad new barrels it is clear that the older one fits the slide deeper, and measuring the locking lugs, hood, and really everything, the new one is larger in every direction. Mostly thats ok because it creates a better side to side fit, but clearly the vertical fit needs some work. The problem is that I can't tell WHAT doesn't fit. I can't tell if the problem is close to the breach face, if it is the hood area, the lugs are too long or the grooves between the lugs are too shallow. I tried marking the slide with ink to look for wear unfortunatly the geometry of the whole thing doesn't allow ink wear to show me what the problem is. I don't get ink wear. I don't want to use the old barrel dimenssions as my guide, as it is cleary worn. I've posted this very same question on the CZ forums and one reply I got was that if the barrel locked well enough into the slide (which it does) then I should just work on the bean shaped cut and alter that for the pin to fit correctly. Comparing the two cuts, the old barrel indeed has a larger whole in the right area which would allow the slide to move fully forward. However while locking like a vault, the new barrel does sit a bit lower on the slide and you can see that with the slide removed or by just looking at the ejection port. I'm not sure if I should try to get it to ride as high as the old barrel, which I'm not trusting. Further I need to be very careful cutting the beam whole because CZ already eat slide stop and uneven fitting there would only make that problem worse. So ... Does anyone have any experience and advice to give regarding fitting CZ barrels/slides? What problems have you seen and how did you work around them? PS Thank Nik, for letting me use your computer to post this.
  24. Some do, some don't. Personally, I prefer those without the take down clip. That design uses a paperclip (more or less) to hold the plug back as the slide comes back forward. To me thats an extra un-needed part, but thats the beauty of a 1911, no matter what you prefer you can find some one to sell you what you want. I use Ed Brown guide rods for myself.
  25. Some do, some don't. Personally, I prefer those without the take down clip. That design uses a paperclip (more or less) to hold the plug back as the slide comes back forward. To me thats an extra un-needed part, but thats the beauty of a 1911, no matter what you prefer you can find some one to sell you what you want. I use Ed Brown guide rods for myself.
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