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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Vlad


    Not that I am fond of Ebay/Paypal and this new policy but lets step back for a second. It is entirely their right to decide what can be traded via their services even if the decide that the only valid merchandise is Garden Gnomes between 7" and 16". It is their business, and as consumers it is our right not to participate. If the tables where turned and a lets say Gunbroker decided that they would not allow auctions for some items we didn't like we would be cheering them on. Yup, we can all decide not to use Ebay, but getting angry and accusing them of affecting your rights is proabably not the right aproach. After all, they only exercised their own rights and that shouldn't be somthing we oppose .... even if they are a bunch of friking bastards
  2. 12ga slugs are a really fun vs drives. When the platers get hit, the surface treatment peels off for inches around the impact site, which puts a nice lead covered hole through the whole mess, with lots of pastic deformation of the media. Fun Fun.
  3. Hmm .. I thought the new Tundra was built in Texas and Indiana ... and a lot of the GMC's in Canada?
  4. for the 10rd mags, use their own springs or you are going to have to experiment with cutting others down. I found that the Magnum Research Baby Eagle 10 rounders are better mags with springs that last for ever. My 15lb mainspring lights up WSP's just fine, federals shouldn't be required. I think the ligher recoils are not necessary, but try it out and make your own decission.
  5. I found that for me the best top is 1inch or thicker MDF with countertop material glued to the top surface. You can find that in your local home superstore next to the countertops. It is slick, dent resistent, easy to clean, and looks better then plain MDF or particle board. I have a large bench in the garage which I built for loading and now abandoned in favor of me second loading bench built for the inside of my house. This is built from with MDF/Coutertop as the top surface which is attached to a folding work table which itself has a 1" of MDF as it top working surface and nice stable steel legs, That makes for over 2" of top surface thickness and rigidity. As I store my spare bullets in top of the table, against the wall, this thing neverr moves unless I want it too, and then it move with ease. Raz-0 gave me the idea when he built something like that himself.
  6. When I was shooting my CZ I used the 15lb mainspring and the stock recoil. The stock recoil spring is softer then its rated for anyway but it seems to wear slower then the replacements. Also, in my experience, the replacements use thinner wire and I had a couple bind on the half length guide rod.
  7. Dillon, as always we appreciate your input and your products rock. Bug guys ... come on ... if the cotter pin suck so bad that you guys recommend using a safety pin (which does help a lot btw) why not pass a word up to the R&D department and ship the bloody things with a safety pin or some Dillon branded version of the same. It seems to me that everyone knows the cotter pin is a bad soltution.
  8. Wouldn't it be funny if Merlin changes his own title just so he can bitch about it?
  9. Yup, the internet is not being good to the middle man. I recently bought a plane ticket for my mom to fly from Germany to the US and Continental's price was a few bucks cheaper then buying the same ticket from any of the resellers. The only reason to use the resellers is to find what flights are available and who is cheaper, then go directly to the airline. Of course, the resellers won't be in business long this way, but thats the way it is. Shattner can go back to ST conventions and writing crappy books. That alone may be worth all those resellers going broke.
  10. Also should keep in mind the light/heavy thing. I've shot a CZ for a few years and I like the gun just fine. But I've recently switched to an M&P and couldn't be happier. After a while I really started to want a lighter gun. Heavy guns soak up recoil, sure, but I found a lighter gun easier to transition with, easier to carry a whole day, easier to shoot after at the end of a long match when my arms are tiered from working all day (I work most matches I shoot). That said, all gun designs have their issues. I've never owned a glock, but the CZ's will break slide stop pins, will wear out extractors and extractor springs, and can have various fixable timing issues from the factory. I still think they are great guns. I like my M&P better in some ways, and less in others.
  11. Their online form doesn't let me actually submit a comment. It just goes back to the same friking submition page with no errors.
  12. Man, with all the 1911 problems you see people complain about, that thing must be a really flawed product. Heck, looking at the glock forum leads me to believe they all explode. I think I'll go practice with my bow. Only then, I have to worry about strings snaping and taking out an eye. Maybe I should stay away from all mechanical devices.
  13. I kinda like it, and I loath to admit it, as I'm not usually a fan of MS products. I think the revision control features are kinda cool and seem to work slicker then older versions. Outlook is much improved, and though I don't use it for my mail, I really wish Thunderbird had some of calendaring/task features in the new Outlook.
  14. I used to have this problem. I used to touch a AUS8 blade and next day you could see my fingerprint in fine orange on it. My CZ mags would rust overnite if I didn't oil them after each use, to the point that they wouldn't drop free if not cleaned. I used to carry 000 steel wool in my range bag to make sure I can get them to work if I forgat to clean them between matches. To some extent I still rust things out but something changed a couple of years ago. It was about the same time I quite smoking but I'm not sure the two are related. Plus, if your 11 years old is smoking you got bigger issues.
  15. You assume it fell on the rear of the slide. Maybe it first fell on the heel of the grip, muzzle up, and the slide kept going moving backwards and racking in a round. Then it kept on falling and landed on the rear of the slide. Or the slide hit the ground as it was racking. Stranger things have happened.
  16. Though we always should be carefull whos hands are the "wrong hands". That way devils may be hidding. In this case however it is hard to make an argument that people with history if mental problems which have not been cleaned off the record are not the wrong people. As long as there is a way to get off the list when proven "sane".
  17. I don't know, it seems like a win win. We get the cleaning and maintainance of NICS we've wanted for some time, at the "cost" of better information fed into the system about people with mental problems. And to boot, even that can be cleaned if the steps are followed. It doesn't seem to bad if it doesnt get altered as it goes through the houses. The only issues remaining are those of medical privacy, but I think thats already out in the open when you are talking about court mandated trips to the mental ward, those are already in the public record.
  18. Ok so I'll be different, because I'm a cheap bastard. I only use one belt and gear for up to three guns which get swapped on and off. Do you shoot the same gun design in all the games? If you do I would say use a single holster, something like the Stingray would be legal everywhere and its pleanty fast. For mags, you could use some tek-locks and swap stuff out. Not only am I cheap, but I like multipurpose solutions, probably because I'm cheap
  19. That sucks. All I can say is that I'm glad that NJ did away with the silly things a few years ago.
  20. According to their website some of their sunglasses are made out of polycorbonate and some arent. I would avoid the ones who aren't for shooting purposes.
  21. Well you can reuse the sights at least. You are in one piece, which is all that matters.
  22. Bah you wimps! Come drive in New Jersey. Take a couple of hours drive up and down the Turnpike at 90mph (speed limit is 65, but the truck drivers will tell you that thats the maximum velocity allowed for objects falling off their vehicles). I kept on reading that article and going "So whats unusual about this?" waiting for some punchline.
  23. On the other hand it must feel pretty good to know that you shot so well that they had to change the rules because of you. I think sometimes we take out host for granted, the Zen monk in the background, and us younger guys who werent shooting that far back forget what a kick ass shooter he really is. 505 plates in a row is 505 plates in a row, I don't care if other GM's had to be your errand boys for more ammo. While on the subject, I think Bruce broke a couple of records himself this year. Way to go, Bruce.
  24. Oh I agree, I was just drifting slightly by adding the availability of matches to the discussion. By no means am I recommending to anyone to move to NJ, I'm just suggesting to that competitive shooters should look for both good laws AND an appropriate population density, which sometimes conflicts with other requierments (ie: housing pricing, etc). I'm sorta going through this process myself and I know it isn't easy. I picked up a map and started crossing out states.
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