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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I reminds me of a certain incident at a certain match ... which I'm pretty sure is what Slav was referring to with the thread title.
  2. I'm glad you are ok, but please please go to the Rudy Project forum and then buy yourself a decent pair of shooting glasses. When you take them off the end of the video I realized you were using normal everyday glasses and no matter how impact resistant they are they are way to small. You really want more coverage and side protection. Just think what could have happened if whatever hit your nose was half an inch lower or higher and sneaked by your glasses.
  3. I think we all try to focus on speed when we start and while objectively that is probably a bad plan that only trains bad habits, I think it is fine to do as long as you stay safe, you will quickly figure out when you are going to fast all by yourself: you will miss. Everyone will tell you to slow down, walk don't run, get your hits, etc, which is all correct advice but it will mean nothing to you until you experience it and realize that you are shooting to fast for your current skill set. Everyone does this as far as I know. Also do yourself a favor and go to the match with somewhat of a blank mind, don't overthink it, and don't let prior instruction or training dictate everything you do, ask questions, have people look at the way you grip the gun, your stance, ask all the questions you might have even the ones that seem stupid. After you crash and burn and wonder how could you have picked up all those misses and no shoots (this is also normal, don't kick yourself to hard), buy Brian's book. Read it, and it will often make no sense on the first read, then focus on the mechanics he describes. The rest of the book will make sense later, when you re-read its. This is also pretty normal. And finally, to address your question: There is no second shot. Each shot is its own shot. Don't think of it as the first shot, or the second shot or the 32ed shot, think of it as "THE shot". The shot you are taking right now is the only shot that matters, if you are thinking of pairs, or series then you are not shooting each shot as its own event and you are doing yourself a disservice.
  4. And personally I thinks that silly. Front pants pocket is not an advantage over behind the hip. If we want to be pedantic about it, production rules are supposed to emulate some sort of "real world" carry with locations and holster types. I've been given to understand that "real people" carrying spare mags in their pocket all the time.
  5. Screw the wording, WTH is the problem with having mags in your pockets? Where is the competitive advantage to shoving change and lint into your gun, it sure as hell is not faster then an actual mag pouch? Are we actually concerned about people sewing special pockets? Then just allow magazines in pockets unless the RO belives that particular pocket design adds a competitive advantage.
  6. What I want to know is how are you going to check? Are you going to stick your hand in my pocket to find I out if I had mags in there? I predict a run on gag dead mice, actual mouse traps, and small (or large) rubber penises. Shortly no RO or NROI representative will stick their hands in anyone's pockets
  7. Please, someone say that the above is not so. The way I read the new rule, unfortunately, it's so. It's possible that it will be further clarified, but as it is now, the front pocket is not in compliance with the division rules for magazine location. The words, "after the start signal" seem to be missing, so all magazines and the gun will have to be in compliance with division rules at "make ready". Just my opinion, though. Troy TBH, if this becomes "law" I foresee everyone ignoring this rule because it would frankly be stupid and very unfriendly towards new shooters. BOD, please don't make rules we all have to ignore.
  8. Hey guys, quit throwing away your S&B brass, I'll pay for the shipping, just send it my way.
  9. This is on the fine line where I couldn't tell if it was real or parody, if not for the fact that I've seen some print ads for this crap. I think the Onion couldn't do a better job.
  10. I wont bother with that forum but someone should post a link to the SASS rules. They are getting to be remarkably similar in ammunition location requirements. Seriously, check it out: http://www.sassnet.com/Downloads/RO/SASSHandbook-16-2010.pdf
  11. I still have a couple of K of 9mm S&B brass which is probably 7-8 years old, has seen maybe 10 reloads and it is still kicking. Granted, this is old brass so they might have changed it, but it started with tight primer pockets (for example CCI primers were a no-no) but I'm guessing that also accounts for their longevity.
  12. I don't like those folks either but sometimes I'm on of them, it is nearly impossible to clear the snow from the roof rack of a Nissan Xterra. On the bright side you can control how far behind those folks you drive. Remember, you don't have to tailgate them even though it may seem it is the law in places like New Jersey.
  13. I use Titegroup, start at 3.5 gr and see what that does from your gun over the chrono.
  14. While feel for the family and friends, and I think the track design was insane (not even some padding on those pillars???) I'm also always surprised that ANYONE ever survives the luge. If this was a new sport it would never survive scrutiny.
  15. If you don't think the latest set of interpretations were not a change, then I guess you are right and I am wrong.
  16. Actually it is called Practical shooting, which is not what comes to my mind when I stare a 170mm mag or other such things. Of course, if you just want to blast downrange there is always open waiting for you, so please leave production alone PS: yes I know open shooters don't just blast downrange.
  17. I thought that conversation and intelligent discussion was the whole purpose of this board.... if you do not like the discussion you can simply just choose not to participate. I dont think you got my point. I've been shooting production for some time now and what I would like is people to stop screwing around with the division every couple of years. I don't care if someone has the most brilliant idea ever, stop changing the damn rules. It seems lots of people like the production game because they keep shooting it DESPITE (not because) of the stream of changes, so how about we stop treating those shooters as USPSA lab rats and let them (and me) enjoy their game?
  18. Am I the only one annoyed that we are even having the conversation? What is with the compulsion to much with Production. Lets leave the damn thing alone for more then 2 years in a row?
  19. 170gr 3.6gr TG 132PF in a standard length M&P, 4.5TG makes 165PF in the same gun. The major load has a lot of head room to max load, but frankly it is unpleasant in a light plastic gun.
  20. Awesome story, finish fix it it, and shoot a match with it.
  21. I cleaned some guns today .. It was kinda funny. First I cleaned the wife's Ruger MKIII which has not had as much as bore snake through it in some 3k rounds or so, it was just ran with some extra oil and whatever factory grease it came with. Being a MkII/MkIII it was a royal pain in the ass though mad props to Bill Ruger because that thing still runs like a top despite the fingernail sized hunks of powder residue I've removed from all over the insides. I could do without the mad monkey hammering to take upper off lower or the re-assembly rubik cube routine. Then I cleaned her Sig 239 which I guess had less then 500 rounds through based on crud level. Meh, it could have waited another 1000 rounds but I already had it apart. And then I got to some of my guns .. cause .. well .. damn. My M&P has a stainless guide rod and a long ass non-captured spring which was very confusing to me because last match I noticed that it had become captured. This annoying recoil spring that takes 3 hands to get into the gun was holding on and holding on darn well by the amount of crud built up on the tip of the guide rod. For a bit I thought I had some form of pinning of the rod, but no it was just built up. I tried to scrap it off, no go. I tried to wire brush it off, no go. Then I soaked the crap out of it left in the bench as cleaning the rest of gun. BTW did you know that the barrel has all sorts of sharp angles around the chamber and locking surfaces? Mine were all filled in with crud and to be brushed for a while with a wire brush. Haven't used a boresnake in the bore in over 1k, and I don't think I ever brushed it so I start actually brushing the bore for a while (new brush came out of plastic bag, purchased with the gun 2 years ago) and just about then SPROOOOING the recoil rod lets go of the spring which flies around the room and settles in a small storage cube. I win! I brushed the guide rod for like 5 min to bring it back to normal size, cleaned the rest of the gun, and that was done. Then it was time to clean my AR. Now, I know of people who have to store their gun in a barrel of oil for it to run, and I know of people who refuse to mix brass nevermind shoot steel cased stuff, but none of them are me. I shoot all sorts of crap in my AR and I don't really clean it. It keeps running. I guess I got the only good one . Anyway Saturday I was stupid enough to plink for a bit with Raz-0 (he and I have this odd thing going where we pick the worst days on earth to go rifle plinking, this time it was like 10F out there, last time we tried to zero .308s in 30 mph cross winds and rain) and over lunch while I was bitching that we don't really need forward assists he mentioned he had to use the one on my gun. Now that is serious business, I take pride in my ugly but running AR, so we can't really need the forward assist so it must have gotten odd in there. Holy crap. Most of it was dirty but within my working standards dirty but the inside of the bolt carrier was scary. Chrome plated or not, there was so much built up inside the carrier that looking from the front I couldn't tell were that shoulder was anymore. That took some scrubbing. Anyway .. the point of this is that if you shoot your guns, you'll learn to understand when your gun is telling you it's time for a bath. I don't like cleaning guns, so I listen to my what my guns are telling me, some are pickier then others.
  22. Not to mention that this day an age an IP address might not even point to a real machine, it may be a vritual address fronting for hundreds of machines in a corporate network, or the sorta-an-ip-but-really-really-dynamic address of a mobile device, etc. Assuming the remote side and their service provider are even remotely competent and you are not out to really really break laws, the most useful thing to do with the IP address is to ban it from accessing your own services.
  23. As long as its not 20 yard head shots. People have greatly exaggerated the distance on that stage, I don't think the pit is 20 yards deep.
  24. That sucks, I'm not a religious man so no prayers from me, but how about a pox and some curses on the low lives who perpetrated this? Injuring a man and killing his dog ought to be a shootable offense.
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