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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I can't wait for the darts episode.
  2. Observers of the sport are its future participants and supporters. I strongly disagree. I think the future of the sport are people who meet the following 3 requirements: 1) Like guns 2) Like to compete 3) Think that ultimately guns are made for killing things and breaking stuff. I think the first two are not controversial, but the third one will get people pissed off, but so be it. It is called Practical shooting. Call me a purist, but this game started by testing how good you are at defending yourself (maybe even being the aggressor under certain circumstances) with a handgun (and nowdays shotgun and rifle). We use humanoid targets, we have time pressures, we draw from holsters, etc. Giving that up will likely LOSE more shooters then it can attract. It would lose me for sure. Given those 3 requirements, people who meet them will want to be involved shooting the game, not sit back and watch it, and don't need fancy TV shows, or stands with beer and corn dogs to be convinced they want to get involved. In NASCAR maybe every one of those in the stands dreams of driving a race car, but they can't because they can't afford it, where practical shooting has no such barrier of entry, even if you don't own a gun already you can get into the game for $500 with a bit of shopping at the local used guns emporium. Instead on focusing on making accessible to casual observers we should focus on making the game accessible to shooters.
  3. We have molly coated ones, but you can have them in any color you want as long as it is black.
  4. I have to ask why? This is really not an observer game.
  5. Get someone to make you custom 10rd mags and shoot L10 with it.
  6. Make sure the sights are not moving, try different ammo, then call STI
  7. Well for one they are completely different technology, the Eotech holographic reticle is nice if your eyes like it, mine hate it. If I squint I'll get the desired circle and dot, but if I look at it normally the dot and circle pixelate and I see a mess of dots instead of a nice reticle. Even if I look "through" it and focus on a target it still looks a mess. I know I'm not the only person with this issue, I think it has to do with astigmatism and even though there are corrective lenses between me and it, that is no help. I'd say look through one first before you worry about the shooting benefits aspect, because if your eyes hate it it doesn't matter if little flying gnomes jump out of it and drag the bullet to the target.
  8. I for one really don't want to see our game watered down further. IPSC's airsoft devision is bad enough.
  9. At the PA team match I solved that problem by making sure I didn't shoot shotgun. I'm in the process of setting up my shotgun gear, and I'm thinking 4 shot caddies would work better.
  10. I'm almost with Vlad on this one -- it's a freakin' great every day light. That said, I've had occasional failures to light -- which I've never had with a Surefire.... BTW, yours is the only one I've ever heard have this problem. Stop licking the battery contacts
  11. GPS is not that accurate, and you really don't want to give lawmakers more ideas about gun control, I say this as someone who lives in a state with a smart gun law on the books. Also video recordings are a lot more useful for COF analysis then a GPS trail is going to be. Also it is not so much that STI or SVI have stop innovating, but there is only so much you can do to hand held firearm that still functions, before it gets to be the size of a rifle. On the other hand there has been huge innovation in the rifle market and rifle scope market. Stop asking your handgun to be a super phaser, it isn't and it can't be. Also batteries suck, specially small ones. Don't expect that CR2032 to power your timer, gps, dot, accelerometer, video camera, hand warmer, margarita blender, or whatever else you want to hang from your handgun. It is nice to dream and "innovate" is a lot harder to actually put it into practice, I can dream of lots of toys I want, but I'm not going to accuse manufacturers for building you the Homer Simpson car of your dreams
  12. Mild thread drift alert .. I've recently shot a team 3gun match in PA that was very interesting. By adding a team component to every stage, you can have short shotgun use, 8-16 rounds can still make a huge difference to the stage, and you can also have the team play to the strengths and weakness of the team members. Anyway, the Xrail looks really interesting, I'm just worried that some stage designers will start making stages against it, hurting everyone.
  13. I think the limited shooters will care because after a while it gets kinda boring to shove rounds into the gun. The shotgun game is already to much of a reloading game, no reason to make it more so. Ironically, the Xrail seems to be designed to allow you to reload less, but I worry that it may have the opposite effect for any one who doesn't have one. You can't even call it the beta-mag of shutguns, the difference in times will be far vaster.
  14. Oh I'm sure it can be done. I'm just not sure that the trade offs will be worth it, and its reliability will be questionable. I see open guns blowing away light bulbs in indoor ranges, I'm guessing the tiny mic you need to place on your gun will need to be replace on a shockbuff schedule. What is this getting you besides "ooh shinny!"? Does it improve your shooting?, Does it make your gun run better, faster, cleaner?
  15. Before you spend money, also have someone else shoot it. You never know, sometimes the wrong combination of parts screws with the shooters. Also when you repositioned the handguard, are you sure that everything was left tight? You may want to check the barrel nut is at the correct torque.
  16. My point was that Production penalizes you more for screwing up and you learn to make sure you get your hits. I find that most new shooters like the challenge.
  17. What he said, plus you should start in the more challenging divisions, where more reloads and better hits are required (ie production). Getting those skills now will help you later.
  18. I tell you what, why don't you make it, make sure it works, and get rich off this idea? Let us know what recoil does the electronics. Also, unless we start keeping time with our guns (I can see it now, RO's running around with their own gun in hand) we still need stand alone timers. And if we have them anyway, why are we paying stupid money for integrated timer? But, hey, maybe I'm wrong and you have a magic 8ball showing you how IPSC guns will look. Heck, IPSC is going kind airsoft anyway. If you are so sure it is the right way to go, then make it happen and prove me wrong. Wait, were you waiting for someone else do this?
  19. Double check your optics and mounts. Then triple check. I have a AR that used to shoot minute of watermelon, despite me making sure the scope was working right and the mounts were rigid. Apparently they still weren't, I replaced the scope and mounted the new one in a SPR-E, and like magic the guns shot better. Try iron sights?
  20. My gut feeling is that you can hang whatever you want on toys, but on weapons you only hang only the bare minimum necessities. The last thing you want is another thing to break. Of course, for some people 2011's are toys, just not for me.
  21. The webpage has direction to the outdoor range. Seeing how it is in the middle of the woods it doesn't have an address. The Indoor range does, but that will do you no good.
  22. My question is what will happen to stage design when this thing hits Open for real? Will stage designers feel compelled to have 40 round stages just to force open shooters to make some reloads? What will that do to Limited? Or are we going to see a world were open shotgunners don't need to reload on most stages, kinda like most open pistol shooters don't need to reload on most stages. Of course, I'm assuming that this only gets to be used in Open. It would be hilarious if it is allowed in limited, the screams of agony will never end. On the other hand it may make practical shotgun more of a shooting challenge in less of a reloading one.
  23. We already have that problem were I live. I can shoot matches every weekend within comfortable driving distance, and the limiting factor is often having to many shooters, and range time slot availability.
  24. Except you stole our parking spot. You all gotta get there earlier! The A/C was awesome to come back to. :grin: Bah .. the AC was not an issue, Jim just cranked up the generator, the issue were those extra 100ft. Just think how much better we could have shot had we not had to walk those extra feet in the morning.
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