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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. JJ, seriously, are you sure they where jackets and not cores? Because I can haul out the some steel plate I've shot 1000 or more rounds at and take a picture. I can also say that I've shot it at matches with no damage to steel and no one DQ'ing me. I can cut a Wolf steel jacket bullet with my leatherman, I find it hard to think that damages AR500, specially when all evidence points to the contrary. On the other hand plain copper jacket 308 will damage some targets at 100yards and any .223 round will damage crap steel. And pretty much any .223 will start marking steel at 50yards or so. M855 surplus that you can buy every where for cheap right now WILL however screw up steel in no time flat, and I would be a truly sad thing if a unaware match director DQ's someone shooting Wolf and makes them pay for a target someone else with American made brass cased ammo damage because of a misconception. Please show me those pretty cheap FMJ bullets made in the USA, specially as loaded ammo. I'd love to see it.
  2. To be fair, revolver shooters seem to have a LOT of fun and yes they certainly shoot USPSA, I personally think they are nutty but I'm not judging their choices, its simply that those are choices I wouldn't make for myself. I think you should try it, if no thing else you'll get lots of people talking to you (or about you) and likely they'll all think its pretty cool. I somewhat doubt they can be shot as fast as DA's on the average stage, but the biggest problem would be reloads, as they are likely to be very slow. Does anyone make speed loaders for them (or moonclips) ? Edited to add: I never said they weren't GOOD shooters, just nutty Edited AGAIN to add: Also ... for some reason I want a .44mag revolver, no reason really. Just want one. I also know FULLY well that if I buy one, I'll end up getting it cut for moonclips and shoot a few matches with it, so this post WILL come back and bit me in the ass as some point.
  3. So .. that running man thing. ... How is not every target but the last couple a disappearing target then?
  4. Personally, I think DA revolver shooters are kinda .. nutty to begin with, in our game. You want to do it with a SA ... well. Ok then .. at least it has reasonable sights .. oh, it doesn't? Well at least SASS uses the same power factor we do so it quick follow up shots are clearly possible .. oh, they use light loads? Hmm. Sure .. you go right ahead. I've been trying to convince raz-0 for years to get some 10rd mag for his .357 Desert eagle and shoot it in limited 10, minor of course. Shooting a Schofield would be no worse I suppose.
  5. I've used a Millet and I like it well enough, but I bought it when it was the only cheap option. The Burris or the Leatherwood would be what I would look at now, or if you are willing to spend $500 the new Vortex Viper PSTs. I actually went the other way, and switched to a red dot. At close range I find it much faster, and most matches I shoot will have 6 stages at sub 50yards, maybe 1 or 2 at 100-400. Past 300 the red dot get a bit harder, but the time I lose there I more then make up for on the rest of the stages.
  6. I've used some PMC, but I found that it chrono's slower then current production Wolf in two different 16" barrels. In my case Wolf makes PF, PMC doesn't. I've also had PMC primers not light up with spring setups that had no issue lighting up Wolf. It is however more accurate.
  7. The thing is ... 1:7, 1:8, 1:9 matters less then people indicate. In my experience, some barrels "like" some bullets better then others. My 1:7 shoots 55gr better then 75gr, but likes 65-69gr best. Mind you this is based on the heavy scientific method of shooting one box of each in random factory loads. Sure, some bolt guns with 1:12 will have issues with anything above 55gr, but I wouldn't swear 1:7. First try a variety of factory loads in a variety of weights, then worry about which bullet you want to reload.
  8. Not according to PRVI or any website I could find selling them in 10min. I also found 6 other brands of of 62gr bullets which are not steel core, and only 2 that are, and those were pulldowns.
  9. No, no it isn't. Unless explicitly listed as steel core ammo (Which I don't think Wolf actually has right now) it is lead cored with SOFT steel jacket. It is soft enough you can cut with your pocket knife, and it does not damage steel targets. The worst you can say about it is that in desert conditions it MIGHT spark more then standard jackets and it may be an issue if you are afraid of setting the brush on fire. In fact, I think most steel core .223 ammo ends up being US surplus or nato made 62gr/M855, and that stuff you need to be worried about. Wolf is not going to bother to make something that harder to make when they are trying to play the lowest price game. There are good reason to not shoot wolf, its less accurate (but not as much as people will have you think), dirtier, slower, has poor terminal ballistics, etc. Personally I have no issues using it for practice or even matches. It doesn't break steal.
  10. So I watched it again, and counted rounds more carefully so I have more advice. First, shoot slow, do everything else fast. That stage has lots of movement, so run like hell when you aren't shooting things. Second, here is how I would have broken down that stage, assuming 8rd mags. At the start engage the two center targets. RELOAD as you move to the left. Engage the first left target, then the two paper through the port, and might as well shoot the steel through the port. It look exposed and you have to slow/stop for the target in the port anyway. From what I can tell from the video, taking the steel from the port is no harder or easier then from outside the port, so why make another stop. Thats 8 rounds (with one in the pipe still left over if you need a make up shot). RELOAD as you move to the back left wall. Shoot the 3 back left targets, RELOAD and then run like hell around the corner. Shoot the 3 right targets on a slow walk, using small but quick baby steps, shoot the right steel, RELOAD as you move into final right side position.
  11. Does it matter? The YHM ones for example are a very slim gas block and nothing says you have to use it a gas block.
  12. When you moved up to the first "back" wall, you stopped half way up to engage the left target (around 1:30-1:36). Why would you do that? You should have just started your reload and charged the wall and blaze that target when you got there, you should have had plenty of ammo.
  13. I replaced it. Ok I'm going to be serious now. I've shot my 500 for a few years in 3gun stuff, but I'm not a hardcore shooter. What I've done to it is replaced the bead sight with a large fiber bead, extended the stock because it was too short for my taste, attached a side saddle because I can never have to much ammo the way I shoot. All those things are pretty easy. The only "real" modification I've done to it was taking a dremel to the loading gate area and rounding off the edges. I find that the Mossberg edges are very sharp and I've cut my fingers on them a few times before I said "screw this, I can solve this in 5 min with power tools". But also, I replaced it. A "used" 11-87 from a local gun store that someone got for hunting and never used (factory grease still in it), a new barrel, easy loader, tube, fiber sights, and I have less then $700 in it and I like it a lot better. It allows me, who normally dislikes shotguns, to not go "!Groan!, another shotgun stage in this 3gun match I wish it was 2gun" and instead now shrug it as "Meh, its nor rifle, but it burns powder so its ok".
  14. Who's rail is that? Also, the Magpul sites are ok backups but they are somewhat "combat" oriented, by which I mean they are not as rigid or solid you might want a match sight to be. For example, I have a front sight of theirs which when deployed I can push left to right a bit with my finger. Magpul is actually ok with this and expect that to happen. Its enough to change the point of impact by about 1inch at 50 yards. I think from the one's I've handled Troy's are the most bullet proof, but also among the most expensive.
  15. Did they ever actually sell any to anyone and why? They cost more then a mid-line AR now days.
  16. Quick side note here, we fall ALL the time. Its call walking. Don't believe me? Start walking and then without changing your stride or inertia, fold up one of your legs instead of putting it down. You will fall on your face. Walking is controlled falling forward. Controlled falling is a pretty natural activity for those of us living in a world with gravity in it.
  17. The first answer that comes to mind is "Some people are dangerous". Its harder to check if someone put the safety on before they smacked down the gun somewhere. For example, unless the RO picks up an 1187 themselves and checks its kinda hard to see if the safety was on, or the shooter put it on after the picked it up to unload. M&P/Glocks don't have safeties and you could snag the trigger on something as you abandon them. Etc Etc ... Now, I'm not saying that a big match with lots of "grown ups" and experienced shooters these are likely to be problems, but turn the knob to local club level, where some of the people that might show up might be only 80% sure of what end the bullets come from, or where the safety is, and this might be their first 3gun match, and you get a bit more worried about these things. You might instinctively want to tell these folks to not show up, but they have to start somewhere, and in my opinion it is safer if they start at a match which people who can watch them and correct them before they try what they saw on TV in their backyard cause those mean people at the range didn't let them shoot.
  18. Quick question: How many archers, hunters, blowgun artists, backyard shooters, bullseye champions, golf instructors, etc, at the top of their game, are being sought after to train military and law enforcement? Followup question: How many USPSA GMs, 3gun shooters, etc, are in the above situation? I'm betting the answer to the followup question is larger then that of the first question. As USPSA includes the word Practical in there somewhere, I'd say that we have sufficient practical accuracy in our blend of spices. Of course, when we go to war with the pool ball alien nation, I'll recall these words with much bitterness. I've also noted that Brian Z's shooting has not been what I would have considered surgical or representative of national level champions of bullseye.
  19. If you shoot nose to charging handle, most scopes will probably work best in the SPR-E, if your head is farther back then SPR may be the answer.
  20. IP people have big brass ones for charging people for this version, the view new posts duplicates issues has basically made me read this forum less, it is that annoying to me. For a commercial product, to be broken for this long, it is just not acceptable. BTW, not mad at BE or the rest of the local admins, just at the product itself.
  21. Not that I ever seen, but I can tell you that the factory ones are really easy to modify with a soldering iron if you want more texture.
  22. Take a look at the vtac sling, you can choose one of many attachment types including what is basically the wrap around strap that you should be able to attach to anything.
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