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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Very cool. A couple of questions about device selection. Based on the fact that the iOS version is out first I assume this is what is was most tested with. Do you have a recommendation for a particular hardware, like say bulk purchased gen1 ipod touches? Will the iOS and android devices be able to talk to each other so a mixed environment can exist? Does pulling the data between devices act as backup mid match? What kind of lifespan have you been getting from the batteries of the devices you have used, does it last a whole day?
  2. Or you could shoot minor 40 which I think its nicer feeling then 9 anyway
  3. For me the Cold Gear stuff does do exactly what it says on tin, but I find it uncomfortable after a few hours as it starts to pull on my body hair. For my orangutan like physique I found that things like Cabelas MTP (which looks a lot like the NordicTrack linked above) work a lot better.
  4. At Close up stuff recoil shouldn't be that much of a n issue unless you are running without a comp. I use my .22 kit to practice awkward position shooting, and shooting offhand at small'ish targets.
  5. 1) These were personal property of Mike D, not club owned, just his personal practice/teaching stuff. 2) In NJ not really an option to shoot on your own land 3) Clubs are in the wood and away from people, also the stuff was stolen from Mike's property not from a club 4) Now that is is an idea 5) Too selective in what they picked
  6. I think most people over-bundle in clothes that don't necessarily retain heat or allow sweat to escape. My approach is a decent base layer (either under armor or cabelas MTP which I find more comfortable) followed up by a light weight fleece pullover that is fairly tight. That's is what I shoot in, between stages I'll put on a fleece jacket or a fleece lined winter jacket if the wind is moving. Boots with good wool socks, fleece lined pants for the lower half, I don't like long underwear personally. For my hands I've been using a pair of mechanix winter armor gloves which aren't the heaviest but if you keep doing stuff are great. A wind proof fleece watch cap for the brain pan. Also, keep busy and stay out of the wind.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_diet
  8. The Larue ones are pretty low, my fold-down sights would not fit under it
  9. Well your question is flawed isn't it? We don't restrict capacity, we restrict length, those are two different things, mostly because of the whole "practical" thing in the name of the game and I would argue foot long mags are not all that practical in a pistol, more so in a rifle. We restrict shotgun capacity because reloading is so much a part of shotgun shooting that capacity is probably more important then shooting itself and it makes a huge difference unlike pistol or rifle. The other things is that outside competitive circles there isn't really a race for shoving more rounds in a mag because after a point it gets stupid and uncomfortable. In the rifle world, the industry and users want a lot more rounds and things like Beta's or surefires, or whatever were NOT designed for our game, they are just evolutionary things, unlike 170mm 38super mags.
  10. This theft was not about scrap. I was told that apparently scrap angle iron was moved away to remove the targets. I believe a couple of beat up poppers were left behind as well. Sadly, if this information is correct, this is probably one of us, I probably know the perpetrator even if I may never know who they are. Not a nice feeling knowing that. Hell, that person may even be reading this thread, in which case: You sir are an a_-hole, pond scum called to inform me it doesn't feel it would be fair for me to compare it to you. Targeting Mike D for theft, one of the nicest people in this sport, always helping others, is just beyond imagination. Sooner or later scum like this will be identified or figured out, and legal issues aside, you will be DONE in the shooting community.
  11. FFS .. I don't pay attention to USPSA rules and arguments for a couple of months and every bad idea is coming out of wood work. Ban monopoding, magazine limits, magazine length limits (hello surefire mags). Is there something in the water? Are you trying to fix poor stage design with poor rules? Soon I'll see USPSA rules about banning collapsible stocks, bayonet lugs, and the shoulder thingy that goes up because this stuff makes about as much sense. Why are we limiting ourselves? Why make a rule that freezes technology to 40 years ago or whenever the 30rd mag was designed? We are supposed to be the people that figure out if shit works mechanically and dynamically in the gun world, why do you want to be cowboy action shooting?
  12. I can live with it, I'm secure enough. Start worrying when I start shooting in a kilt, while wearing that range bag. And applying mascara.
  13. I've been using a Jumbo as a match range bag for about 2 years. I find that a larger bag just gets filled with weight I don't actually need and since I hurt my back I try to carry less. Like the man resembling the burning rodents (dude! how the hell did you pick that name??) I find that the Jumbo fits everything I need and not a lot more. Gun, ammo, gloves, a bit of oil, spare parts, and my leatherman. I also chuck in my flashlight and wallet so I don't have them in my pockets while I shoot. Water, spare ear plugs, gum, a bag of nuts or whatever snack, 200-300 rounds of ammo, etc, all have their places. Normally my Rudy's case rides in the water bottle pocket when not at the range as the water rides in the cooler until I get to the range, and once on the range the case stays in the car and the glasses on my face, water bottle in replacing it. At the end of the day my belt/holster/etc rig just gets chucked in the back of the car where it stays until the next match or range session and the jumbo is all that comes into the house. Works for me, I wouldn't want anything bigger, its damn perfect. I even shot a 3 gun match or two with it, fitting all the handgun and rifle ammo and a couple of spare rifle mags (while the rest of the mags were on me), but the shotgun ammo and water cooler where ridding on someone else's garden cart. Edited to add: if your wife is like mine she will laugh and point and call it a purse. I prefer tactical European shoulder bag. Also the little clip on the shoulder strap holds my keys so they don't bang around my pockets.
  14. Nik is not lying, NJ is actually really good for USPSA shooting. Old Bridge had to limit attendance to like 75 for the winter months so they don't run out of light, and at Central Jersey I had to add one more stage to the match permanently because I had 65 shooters in November. If it wasn't for our dumb gun laws, I suspect it would be even better. Perhaps because of those dumb gun laws, our attendance in production is pretty interesting. In November we had 21 production shooters our of 65. The 1/3 ratio is pretty constant through the year. I know this is not the norm around the country but over here this decision is going to anger a WHOLE LOT of people.
  15. Well there's your problem. You think USPSA should. I think it shouldn't and the rules should be sufficiently flexible to keep up with ever changing market while maintaining a competitive environment. Freezing a division to a particular frame of time in respect to innovation is just bad policy as far as I'm concerned. You probably don't want to know my opinion on the poorly named single stack division. My mind set is that we should be the crucible in which new ideas are tested, new equipment tested to failure, and beneficial technologies adopted. You can say that a 3lb rule means one can do whatever they want to the internals and the chronoman only has to test trigger pull, but it is an entirely arbitrary number. Why not 5? 2? 2.753lb? The argument about carry guns holds no water to me, this is not a game about carry guns. What we have here is a completely arbitrary number pulled out a hat in as a theoretically convenient way out of the corner the board and NROI have worked themselves in by allowing all sorts of deviations from the "box stock" initial plan. Instead of actually making sense of the of problems brought by the looser standards in a comprehensive and well stated way, they chose the "simple" way of saying 3lb without actually asking the shooters what the want. Lets put it this way: I really like my area director. I know the guy and encouraged him to run and helped any way I could along the way. He voted yes. He has some explaining to do or he lost my vote.
  16. I think we need a poll were we ask people if they believe that polls are representative. Perhaps we first need a poll to check if we want such a poll.
  17. If one wants to be pedantic, the XD pouch is technically a single one as it is basically a large V, one single cavity.
  18. I'm so divided on this issue .. on one hand I would have been ok with this rule if it was introduced 10 year ago on the other hand introducing now basically tells me the board has no idea idea what they are doing, and those are the softest kindest words I can think to use. It seems to me the current board has decided that they own the sport and the rules and that the shooters opinions on the subject are unimportant. As a production shooter who has no idea what his trigger pull is but is fairly confident is far above the limit, it means I'm not shooting any major matches anymore. It is just not worth the money for the trip to find out some exotic measuring procedure, operated by some tiered RO/chronoman makes my gun no longer legal. As a match director I'm simply not going to enforce it because I can't. I do not consider myself qualified to take this measurement on the variety of available trigger designs out there not am I turning away new shooters who have had triggers worked on long before they came to USPSA because some "wise" council decided they know better. If you want to yank my club affiliation over it, go right ahead. We all have to draw our lines somewhere and this is mine.
  19. I'd just tell him to "Shut it please, you are distracting me and I find that unsportsmanlike", but I'm not particularly famous for my politeness.
  20. How many died in that race as they run into the cement pipes and street signs and dogs? That was insane.
  21. Thats for you to decided I guess, depends on what your eyes like.
  22. I have a question about people using the Prismatic, how good is it when dealing with parallax? One of the things I like about plain red dots is that I can mount them pretty much anywhere as eye relief doesn't matter as much, and shooting from ackward positions is somewhat easier. How does that work with Prismatic which seems to have 'real' optics in it. Kelly how do you deal with cant at longer ranges with the circle type reticule? It would seem that the crosshair type would help with that, thats one problem I have with pure dots. Also how bright is the Prismatic in full sun.
  23. I'm not castrating my sign up staff. Oh you mean the shooter, there the problem, I only find this stuff out until after the match.
  24. But we're not talking about score entry, we're talking about competitor registration which must be completed before the first score gets entered. I just don't think it's asking all that much for the person taking the money to ensure that each and every competitor has filled out the sign up sheet completely, that's all. You'd think so, but they are volunteers like everyone else, getting swamped by 50-60 people over the course of 30min, have to figure out if the competitor is paying the right amount of money (we have a fairly complex payment schedule in the mid-atlantic section), keep track of club membership (club requirement), etc. To top it all, they are actually still human and errors happen. Its not like we have %25 of the shooters with the wrong info, we get maybe one per match on the average.
  25. Get a new complete trigger. It isn't worth fiddling with the military ones. I've tried, and got mine to some thing usable but it still doesn't compare with a GOOD trigger.
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