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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I'm glad folks had fun despite the temperatures previously only recorded on Venus. All the credit for anything you enjoyed goes to my RO's (who were also the build crew). I can't thank them enough for working in the sun for 3 days just cause I asked them. Blame for anything you didn't enjoy (weather included) is on me. Also anyone who has ever shot at CJ knows that when the weather report says 101F in the shade that has little to do with the actual temperature on the range as there is no shade, anywhere but the tents we put up.
  2. We do plan to have tents, iced water and all that stuff to keep people cool. Of course, come prepared.
  3. Hi all, I've posted the stage drawings on the website. Of course, they may change between now and then and what actually ends up on the ground might be slightly different. The minimum round count looks to be 183 rounds plus the usual fodder for the chrono.
  4. Sorry I somehow didn't get notifications for the thread. The stages are being finalized today and tomorrow and sent to NROI for approval. As soon as we get them back we will post them. Right now we are looking at a total of 8 stages plus chrono. Yes we have slots open, I suspect we won't fill out the match at this pace so if you want to send in your apps please do so.
  5. You still have time and there are still slots in any of the shooting sessions.
  6. On the topic of "mostly" USPSA, what division are you shoving red dots in?
  7. Vlad


    Removed my own post, because I'm done arguing. Also I remembered why I'm carrying less and less about USPSA rules, with stuff being invented but not actually put in the rule book. If NROI want this to be a rule the make it a rule and use random start on the timer, they all have it now. Take the RO out of equation because now I can favor my buddies with "random" instead of using constant.
  8. Vlad


    Where EXACTLY does it say that the RO should be random? Because as I said before I read 8.3.3 as basically saying don't rush the shooter with a standbybeep and don't say standby before you answer your phone, not that should be random in that time window.
  9. Vlad


    Hmm show me. Show me where in our rule book does it say that our sport has a premise that you must hear and react to a RANDOM start signal. For one the rule book allows me to tap a deaf shooter on the shoulder, but that is not even the issue. I just want to see where in the rule book do we have this principle of surprise and please don't say 8.3.3 because if it meant to say that it would say that. I think some people are basically making up a story here about reactions to signal being part of the game. To some extent yes, because if you are slow you are slow, but the randomness factor I call bullshit on. This is a SHOOTING SPORT not a game of slapsies. I've just looked at my books and it says power, accuracy, speed and not a damn word about auditory reaction time. If someone wants to time the RO and indeed DON'T jump the gun but are very very ready at the beep that is called being good, we don't ask that GMs run around with a 100lb backpack to slow them down a bit or attach a gnome to their forearm to stab them in the wrist at random time to screw with their aiming. There is nowhere else in our game where we think random, different, inconsistent is good. Sure as hell there is no other spot in this game where we think the actions of someone other then the shooter should matter. But somehow we take a line that most definitely doesn't say that the RO should be inconsistent assume the word "should" should be somewhere in there and run away with this bullshit gotcha game.
  10. Vlad


    I don't buy it. RO's are not machines, if if they try to be consistent they are still going to be somewhere in a .5 of a second range, not a .1 of a second range. And again, who cares if they anticipate the beep, we measure, score, quantify and analyze ONLY what happens after it. Guess what ,, we are all anticipating the beep anyway, its not like we are sleeping relaxed with an arm over a strange blond and then a gun fight breaks out. Ever other damn sport makes is very damn clear when the beep is coming with flashing lights, changing tones and if they could a guy squeezing your bum. Why do we choose to "surprise" the shooter? If you REALLY care about that then put it in the rules, explicitly and set the timer to random.
  11. Vlad


    I don't buy this line of reasoning. I try to use close to the same timing for everyone. This is a competitive event, no? Not some form of whack-a-mole game? I don't see drag races varying the timing of the lights, downhill skiers being presented with random beeps, or runners with random gun shots. This is a game about shooting right, we don't actually score things that happen before the beep? I see that 1-4sec rule as a guideline for not rushing the beep before standby and don't hold the shooter there forever making him wonder if you fell asleep, not a license to play some gotcha game.
  12. Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club is proud to host the 2012 USPSA Mid-Atlantic section match. The match will be held on Saturday July 7th and Sunday July 8th 2012, with two shooting sessions on Saturday (AM and PM) and one shooting session on Sunday. We are planning on 8 stages plus a chrono stage. There will also be a shooting sessions on Friday for the ROs. Please note that this match will be a "factory gun" match with only the Production, Single Stack, Limited 10, and Revolver divisions being recognized, we are not offering Open and Limited due to state laws. This will be a prize match, in the order of finish in the division and class. We will be updating our webpage with more details as we approach the match date. If you have any questions, please contact us at section-match@cjuspsa.org If you would like to volunteer to RO, please contact us at section-match-ro@cjuspsa.org. To sign up for the match please download the application and mail it with your check, following the instructions included in the application. Note that this is a fill in form type of application and we would appreciate if you type in your information before printing it and mailing it out, it will help us read it the pertinent details without having to call you for clarification. Sign up deadline is June 1 2012, which is also the refund deadline.
  13. My guns always work too, and I don't have to clean my mags, in fact I view it as a bonus when they have sand in them, it makes them fall out faster
  14. To each his own I suppose, I don't care if my gear was made by monks fed only fair trade bananas grown by gnomes out of rare earth metals or if it was stamped out by a guy named Geoff with a beer belly. I care if it works and more importantly if it works WITH me to let me put holes in the bits of the paper I intended to perforate.
  15. I personally rather shoot a gun that doesn't need me to clean its mags every time, and the hassle of doing it is just part of it. The biggest issue is what if you forget to clean that mag between stages and now you have a death jam on the next stage. Not worth it in my opinion.
  16. The reason I would avoid that presentation is if you plan to have them close to each other. You will get splatter from the steel shredding the paper target. They can be a mess to score in short order.
  17. My wife drives the "older" version (2009) when it was still called the "Off-Road", but otherwise the same vehicle. She loves it, nothing went wrong with it so far and she is NOT kind to her toys. We looked at all the other off-roadie type vehicles when we got it and there was no argument. The FJ is cute but visibility out of it crap. The Jeeps are way to small inside for what they are and cost. If I was replacing my other SUV right now I would buy a second X-terra without a second, I think they are possibly one of the last true SUV's that you can actually afford without going into the higher priced thing like Range Rovers and the like.
  18. While people are all exited about a novel target presentation can someone tell me how the stripe target is any different of a challenge then painting half the target black? I mean as a shooting challenge it is an identical you basically have half a target or two halves but really same damn thing. There might even be some classifiers that way. Same challenge less chance silliness and odd taping and making an un-scorable target
  19. Legal but I dislike it. What purpose does it serve? Sure you can say it simulates someone taking cover behind a fence post but basically you have a 0.7" of hardcover that needs to be taped and correctly patched when hit. As far as I'm concerned it is a bit of a "gotcha" kind of gimmick. Shoot a .45 and the odds of a miss get even less, because our scoring system isn't really designed to reflect fence posts. We don't have visible scoring marks on our targets presumably because the practical roots of our game say we should know here to aim but then you take that and remove the one spot people actually aim for, namely the center of the target. I'm all for screwing with a shooters comfort zone with awkward target presentation, unusual number of rounds required per target (fun fact: did you know they don't have to be the same number of shots per target for all the targets on a stage?), and so on .. but making a dead zone the width of a bullet (if you are shooting .45) seems odd. If you make the whole target covered in stripes at last you are forcing accuracy because you need those shots to be there, with one stripe down the middle most people will take the C's at speed instead of wasting the time to get A's.
  20. This thread's title is misleading. I came here ready for dirty jokes left underwhelmed.
  21. Vlad

    I hate my bank

    Sure I can speak to our attorney, who isn't free and at some point you are risking throwing money after lost money. I'm going to probably take it to consumer websites, have my wife put it on her rescue's facebook page, local papers that sort of thing. I don't think Wells Fargo give a rats ass about a lawyer calling them, they probably get 1000 of those a day, but maybe a bit more bad publicity will matter to them.
  22. My wife and I run a non-profit animal rescue group which relies on donations for its operations. Some of these donations are cash, some are paypal and some items which the rescue then sells on e-bay or other venues. It is a pretty darn successful rescue, mostly focused on paying for the spaying and neutering of stray animals. Our bank is Wells Fargo since they have absorbed Wachovia, and they handle both the checking account and a money market account where the backup funds are being held. Some of our deposits are electronic but a great deal of the deposits are the old fashioned check type. In the past this meant dealing with slow drive through receptionist during "banker working hours" but more recently this was made easier by the new ATMs which accept deposits without an envelope, scan the checks, do math, and all that good stuff. Sounds like a good deal and it was until about December 2011 when the ATM decided to fail. I was depositing just shy of $1000 worth checks (some donations, some payments) and the ATM decided that it couldn't read one of the checks and it was going to return it. This happens now and then and it is usually not a problem, you can re-insert the check and it reads it on the second attempt. On this day however it decided to fail to return the check .. well actually it decided to fail completely. Not only did fail to return the check it failed to do anything but beep for a about a minute and return my card with no indication what so ever of what it did with the checks. No receipt, no error message, no nothing. I immediately parked and walked into the branch owning the ATM and asked for someone in charge. Of course that only mean that sat me down with a phone because no one in the branch has any control over the ATM attached to them, I had call another number. I give them the details, the time, the exact amount and I'm told they'll get back to us in about 10 days. Of course, they don't so we call them a few times and eventually the temporarily credit the account the deposit value but the case is still open. We keep calling them and they keep not having an answer. Until today .. Today they call us and say that really they can't be held responsible, they will not recognize the deposit, they will not return the checks that now they say they can't find in the clearing house, basically we are out $1000. No apologies, no recourse, no explanation, without a blink of a eye Wells Fargo decided to steal $1000 from a non-profit group. When we asked them what we can do about it their suggestions was that we should obtain photo-copies of the checks from the originators of the check which seems rather absurd seeing how the originators of the checks DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE THE CHECKS they sent us. Never mind that we may not even have contact information of the original writer of the checks, why would someone who purchased something from us even believe us and re-write us a check? Why would a donor ever donate to us ever again when apparently we "lose" checks? So at these point we are basically looking at losing the funds which would have spayed or neutered 10 stray animals and starting the process of looking for a new bank to which to move our business accounts, personal accounts, mortgage, and so on because through no effort of ours they are all now held by the same merged bank that we can no longer trust with the most simple of banking tasks: depositing a check.
  23. Have you considered ordering from someone else? I wouldn't trust anyone that only takes money transfers.
  24. I've been fighting this on and off for 20 years. Shit, its been 20 year? I've manged to quit for years and then start again, usually under stress. I also gave it up again after new years, but I had 2 I've bummed from other people, both shooters .. because here is the kicker: The things that makes me smoke most is shooting matches. I've always smoked MORE during a match then any other time. Something about the ritual rhythm of a match maybe, but my toughest times when quitting are matches, and it isn't even the other people smoking around me, it isn't the nicotine, it is the ritual.
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