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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Interesting, so you are saying it would be better if technology and technique stagnated?
  2. I'll make it worse ... The safety is not the little arm, that arm deactivates the safety. The safety is the firing block plunger itself that is contained in the slide, that's what makes the gun "safe" from discharging when dropped. Also, never ask Amidon anything. Years back I got contradictory answers in the same email, never mind two different people with the same question so I just stopped.
  3. Let me throw a curve ball here. When we are ok with dumping most safetyless loaded striker fire guns as they are because "the safey is on", does anyone ever bother to check that the trigger safety actually works? Over the years I've seen a number of glocks where the trigger safety was there for looks alone. Personally, having just recently been DQ'ed for leaving a loaded striker gun in a bunker when the stage called for an EMPTY abandoment, I'm strangly ok whatever you want to do. I'm ok with requireing empty dumps or DQ, I'm ok with "safety on" dumps or DQ, but I'm not sure I really approve of the 30sec penalty. Ask yourself this, why are we penalizing the shooter? Was it because he didn't follow stage procedure or because we deem the move unsafe? If it is a stage procedure issue, then design better stages because otherwise it is a chickenshit rule. If it is a safety rule, then we don't make exceptions, we DQ people.
  4. This. I think in most cases the MD/RMs are so damn busy and frazled that the odds of them shooting a "good" match for their skill level is pretty low. I think MD/RM should shoot their own match if for no other reason that I think priests should marry if they want to give advice on marriage. Basically, they need to experience their own match as a shooter if they are to improve the experience for the rest of the shooters. If you can work it that way, then having two MD/RMs and having one be the man in charge and the other one shoot over a multi day match is probably a good idea. This morning you are a shooter, this afternoon you are RM, tomorrow we swap around.
  5. One of my friends got one about 3 months ago, but I don't know if that recently enough to answer your question. The trigger was horrid, one of the worst mp triggers I've seen, but that was nothing that apex parts can't fix. Accuracy was good.
  6. Work the stages more, limit signup either day off or via pre-sign up, add more stages
  7. Assume it isn't, everything here is as broken and unfriendly as it can be. The best NJ policy is to assume the worst.
  8. Additionally the AG guidelines say that magazines have to permanently modified to 15rd in a way that can not be reverted, so you can't just have a kit of parts that you take on and off. I guess extended base pads might be a gray area, but with NJ you really take your freedom in your own hands when you screw around with this.
  9. Come one out to our USPSA matches, we have quite a few 3gunners around to talk to in person, I suspect part of the problem you are having is limiting yourself to the relatively small IDPA NJ scene,
  10. Thats is a Springfield specific problem, everyone else has this figured out. Also, 20sec of google found me this: http://www.ebrwebstore.com/EBR_Works_Exclusives.html/
  11. If nobody is there, who is going to see you talking to yourself?????? ?!!!??!!!! The voices in my head say I shouldn't do that anymore, it makes me look like a lunatic.
  12. Except for the handling guns part, I don't see an issue. I'd like to think people are adults and don't need an official nanny. If every one knows the range is cold and not touching their toys, this is fine. You can accomplish this with flags and lights and what not.
  13. Cripes? how do they pay you so you can drive to work on $300 gas? All I know gas is cheaper in NJ then PA
  14. Reminds me of my wife's first trip to a gas station outside of New Jersey. She just sat there getting more and more upset that no one was coming to pump her gas. (New Jersey requires all gas stations to be full service). Thats like one of a all of 4 or 5 good things about NJ. Who wants to get out of the care in a blizzard? Or I can get out of my car, go inside and get a cup of hot chocolate while I watch the skinny 19 year old gettining battered around by the wind.
  15. But think of the part time minimum wage jobs you sacrificing. For me the good news is that I always drive the old car in household after my wife is done putting dents in it, so I really don't care if someone rams it with a cart.
  16. For one because it was always broken, for another because it is now even more broken, and because I have to explain to a bewildered shooter. If you don't live in a state where this rule applies, then the daily implications of it are of no consequence. I'm not really hung up on it, I'm disappointed. But hey, i'm in the minority here so carry on, it really isn't worth arguing about it, as I said I'm really to back ignore the rules process. Its just not that important.
  17. What do you guys have a against the P in USPSA?
  18. And this is why I stopped giving much thought to what uspsa does. If I try to inject consistency people tell me to play it by ear and have rules that don't apply the same to different divisions. If I say screw it, make it up as you go along some comes by and says no you must follow the rules. I give up, I'm going back to ignoring the uspsa rules process, it's been easier on my blood pressure then trying to make sense of it.
  19. Well, L10 and production and so one exit now anyway, if the answer to the "I cant get X" statement is go shoot something else, who cares why you can't get X or why someone can get it? And yeah .. making it a death penalty equivalent is a real bad problem.
  20. I guess you entirely missed the point on how breaking the same rule in production moves you open but breaking it in open or limtied means you shoot for no scores. But its ok, it is only a problem the first time you have explain it to a angry and confused shooter and some do it with a straight face telling them that them are the rules.
  21. I'm actually quite sure the sky is ok , my actual primary concern is the "ok, so you have 16 in that mag, now what" part of the rule.
  22. So here is what I don't understand about this line of thinking. Presumably this rule is there to make it fair to everyone who isn't a LEO and can't obtain a magazine over X. Now, if the state has grandfathering laws, what difference does it make to Timmy that Joe is an LEO who can buy a new big mag or dentist who owns a old big mag? Timmy only cares that he can't buy the same mag for himself, not the method by which it is legal for Joe to use one. From a competitive and fairness angle there is no difference between LEO mags and grandfathered mags. The net result is the same for Jimmy.
  23. Well look it, there was up there on the shelf in the back offices at Sendro a very dusty can. When the offices moved, the can was neatly packed up and moved along with the paper work. It has been now sitting on a shelf for over two decades, patiently gathering dust, but apparently some recently picked it up, smeared the dirt off the label and exclaimed "Invertebrates? Why wonder if the worms are still alive in there!", Well once that can gets opened and the worms are all alive and wiggly now you have to go fishing. You (the board you, not you you) can't come up with a rule like this and say it is because of fairness but then ignore that any new shooter we may attract gets kicked in soft bits if you allow grandfathering. You can't say they can go shoot another division (except you know in NY where they can't because NY is all sorts of inbred special now) because they could have done that before the rule too. If you (again board you) say that this rule is needed then you can't use the argument that they could have shot in a different division because then the rule wouldn't be needed. You could just say suck it up kids, shoot in the division you can shoot in. If the cop with 29 rounds want to play in open then he can play against other cops or whoever was grandfathered, whats the problem?
  24. Do you mean to say that people who legally own magazines, like say in Cali, shouldn't be able to use them based on this? The rule is geared at states, like New York, New Jersey and Hawaii, where there are no preban magazines allowed. The limit is 10, period, unless you are LE. Many states, Cali, Colorado, and I'm sure there are others, prohibit the purchase of new hi cap mags but any of them millions of mags owned prior ot the ban date are perfectly legal. This is not aimed at those states. I think once you venture down this path, and fairness is invoked you HAVE to cut down the number to what a new shooter can legally acquire. Otherwise whats the point of saying this rule makes things fair?
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