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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Thats what pockets are for, specially the cargo variety.
  2. Do the math, that is the only answer. What is the required down payment? What is the official residual value of the car at the end of term? Are you likely to driver over the millage allowance? Are you like to wear the interior hauling steel to the range? Do you qualify for the low advertised interest rates on a sale? How much money are you in for including the required down payment that 2-3 years of lease payments. Personally, for my specific concerns and circumstances, the only time I would lease a car would be if I really couldnt afford the monthly payments on a 5 or 6 year term. Personally I don't drive enough to go over the millage limit, but I do haul stuff around and I work on a collage campus so my doors get dinged and scratched. I do keep cars until they die so a 6 year term doesn't bother me if I had to go that way if the interest rates were low. On the other hand if I really needed a new car and I couldn't make the monthly payments on a car I wanted or if there was no car I really wanted or could afford, I would consider a real cheap car I could live with for a short lease. There is an advantage to a car you don't have to pay maintenance on and don't have to live with it for two long of a time if you don't love it. The other thing is look at what promotional rates are available. A few months ago I was halfheartedly shopping for a new vehicle and I've noticed that 3 offerings I was looking at actually cost the same. They were spaced by about $2-3k between each other but the interest rates were spaced by about 1% which if you did the math over 5 years the price of the 3 was the same. Also calculate fuel savings in the math. Lets say you now spend $200 a month on gas on your old car, but a new car would use $100 per month. Now your monthly payment is really $100 less then the calculator says. Does that work in your budget?
  3. Nothing that doesn't have a specific purpose should be on your belt. If you don't have a use in mind for an item, don't carry it around it is only going to get in the way. Think of it this way, your equipment is your race car. You don't hang fuzzy dice in your race car or leave a bag of sand in the trunk because you might think of a use for it later.
  4. We live in a really strange world where we consider Pilots and 4Runners "small"
  5. Safariland really has a LARGE does of WTF coming to them for the ELS/QLS incompatibility thing. You can CAN attach a QLS to a ELS belt but only with 2 screws. You can attach a ELS to a QLS compatible holster, but it is sideways at 45degrees. I use a ALS holster on a QLS mount on a ELS belt. The ALS reciever plate does attach to the ELS belt with 2 screws only just fine. Move the plate around, you'll find the two screw holes that align. The two screw thing seems to be rigid enough, it hasn't given me any issues. Before that I had the ALS mounted with a ELS. I took off its factory belt loop, took a ELS fork and spun it around until I found a way I could attach it with 2 screws to the holster. That works at a 45 degree forward cant. You can also mount the ELS receiver plate at the same angle on the belt. It works, but I was a bit worried about ELS being a bit fragile so went to to QLS
  6. Funny you should say that, I've seen one like it recently too.
  7. Then folks should be wear sweat pants with the word Juicy on the ass, flip flops, and a ill fitting top. Both men and women. Otherwise people would mis-represent the country. I have no horse in this race, but I'm amused by the notion that USPSA/IPSC shooters really represent their countries. I don't see the US government or Olympic committee paying anyone's travel expenses, I didn't see them paying for training ammo, etc. In reality everyone represents themselves, and most are the despite their countries who would rather civilians not have firearms anyway.
  8. Keep in mind that you really want quality steel. You are going to be fairly close to this thing and poor steel is a recipient for getting hurt. I'm as cheap price conscious as the next guy, but you shop for the cheapest heart surgery? I've seen enough crappy steel to know I don't want it. Edited to add: This isn't about swhiteh3's post, we were posting at the same time, it is a generic comment on looking for the cheapest steel target. His stuff looks nice
  9. 1) Stop, get a reloading manual. That second question is a bit scary. You need to understand powders and recommended charges 2) You will need to remove the crimp. You can do it with swagger or if you want to you can do it by hand with case neck reamer, the mostly work to the other end too, but slow an painful.
  10. Heck, I may like that as a righty.
  11. No idea about the Tanfoglios but on my old CZ I broke 2, they broke about every 15k rounds, when I called CZ and asked they said it was a 5k wear part. O.o
  12. Kurt, gotcha. This is the reason I fear losing more weight as well, I'd have less space on my belt.
  13. Im assuming you mean that in the Zen sense that your brain/attitude/etc is the most important equipment, yes?
  14. 5min away. It's like 2 miles through town, http://www.piccadillypublichouse.com/
  15. +1 to Picadilly, good place to eat and sample interesting beers.
  16. Larry, I like it. I think that is worth trying as a scoring method.
  17. MTM cases and Folgers plastic coffee cans. The coffee cans are air tight by design so woot, plus they are free.
  18. I say prime by a whisker over netflix because of the additional benefits. I found the Amazon is quickly catching up to the netflix content anyway.
  19. Says the man who replaced 3 rear ends on his Chevy ... You would be surprised how roomy some other smaller vehicles can be, not being on truck frames can make a difference. Go plant your butt in as many vehicles as possible, you might be surprised how much room the some midsize SUV/CUVs have.
  20. I'm running a 15" AP handguard on my new upper, and I'm not yet sure about it. Pro: Easy to install if you are building a rifle. It uses the standard barrel nut but it needs to come off to install it. No glue. It is very very light. it feels good in the hand. Con: I'm not sold on the 3 small screw attachment to the barrel nut clamp, it seems flimsy. I don't love/trust the rail bits, I mounted a sling mount on a rail bit and it uses wedge shaped metal backers that are supposed to fit in the cutouts and I fear they might slip through. Apparently the older ones had "lips" to hold them in
  21. Your left hand seems lazy. You should probably start moving it towards the gun at the same time as you move your right hand.
  22. Oh I agree that the Invictus are probably the most customizable and that is a plus, my only real complaint is the rotation issue, the little textured washers between the bar and the quads are just not enough to keep them from eventually moving.
  23. I don't think the right caddy exists yet. I kinda do wish that the Invictus ones came .. finished? But I guess that's the price you pay for modularity. I now own ammo carriers from 4 different manufacturers and they all are imperfect in some way. I don't know if the perfect caddy can exist.
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