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Everything posted by Justinsaneok

  1. My buddy has some on his Gen 4 G17 and I really like them. They are really pricey. I can't seem to find them in stock anywhere.
  2. If I get fixed thats the way I will go. I like a 25 yard zero!
  3. I missed this part. Ditch the oring. the machine is supposed to have some "slop" in it. I thought that was ridiculous myself but it's what dillon told me to do.
  4. Rainier bullets. I actually did run the press at my full speed 400 hr and Im not counting the first few and the last few in my measuring.
  5. What exactly do you mean? Did you put an o ring under the clip that holds the seating step in place? If so, did you have the big variances before you did this? Not knowing the answer to that, my thought is that when you're seating, the O ring is compressing just enough to give you the variances you are talking about. It seems like you're doing everything else correctly. I put the o ring in between the clip and stem it can't compress during seating. All it does is hold the stem in the die up all the way where it would be when seating the bullet . Tim at Dillon told me to do that. The variances where the same the before and after.
  6. What is this machine capable of? I'm getting some very different lengths. I load 9mm and .40 and both have the same problem. When I load 9mm I'm going for a COAL of 1.15 and am getting anything from 1.14 to 1.19 in .40 cal I'm gunning for 1.20 and getting anything from 1.17 to 1.22! How close should I be getting to my mark with this press. I was told this is okay by two people at Dillon. Am I being OCD with this? I was really excited about cranking ammo out on this bad boy but don't want to waste bullets loading ammo that isn't as accurate as it could be. Is there a certain person I need to talk to there? To rule out a few known possibilities Shell plate is tight, dies are all tight, seater is die is clean, I'm using the round nose stem for round nose, I set the dies with cases in the shell plate, I'm using all the same Winchester brass, I pull the handle the same( all the way down till it stops)every time, my sizing die is screwed down finger tight to the shell plate (I had tried it with the die just off the shell plate too with same results), I took out all the slop from the seating stem by putting a o ring under the clip to hold the stem up all the way, the press is mounted firmly on a sturdy bench thats mounted to the wall and screwed to the floor, I can't find any slop in the machine anywhere, ram head seems to be straight, I will not accept this as okay or even close to okay. I was told by two different people that I'm off 5 thousandths and thats really good. I told them the lengths over the phone as I measured and didn't catch the mis communication on the hundredths and thousandths. I called back and read the numbers again and he said that was great. I'm good at under 5 thousandths so I told him after the decimal point the first number was the tenth and the second number was the hundredths and the third was the thousandths he was talking about. I said it's 5 hundredths and it wasn't good at all.
  7. Not one person has sights worth talking about?
  8. I need some new adjustable sights. I like the Dawsons sights that my buddy has. I have trijicon night sights and the finish is worn of the front sight so it's really hard for me to pick up fast. I like to shoot long distances and would really like something thin in the front. I shoot little targets far away. I need a point of aim that splits the bullseye with the top of the front post. What would suit me best?
  9. Sounds like I need to break down and get some WST seems like everyone is using it. I need to load 231 and unique hotter than I wanted to get it to go strait.
  10. I know how you feel. I have only competed once, and blew my first stage. I would have won the match but instead got third place. I'm hooked. I't was a hokey little outlaw IDPA match. I stepped out of the shoot box. That penalty alone cost me the whole thing. I know how it feels.
  11. I have seen them work with a Serpa They are tall and I love them.
  12. Way ahead of you. I toke out the Fulcrum Trigger and replaced the stock one. I did leave in the new safety plunger with spring and the new lighter striker spring. I will call the Glock Store on Monday and take it from there. I will most likely just ship the gun to them and let them do the work. They do it for free as long as you buy the stuff from them. Ya I hope you get it all straitened out. By the way I have G35 envy
  13. Woow Jay Jay I bet that woke you up. I would call the Glock store before you do anything.
  14. I was very impressed by the most recent update to the basic pistol course. I was concerned when I took the instructor course that I'd be fighting the outdated material(based on the BP course I took a few years ago), but I was pleasantly surprised. It's up to date (teaches thumbs forward grip, etc) and even mentions action pistol competition and self defense training. Bravo to whoever made the update happen. It's now a course I'm proud to teach. Yes, the material is quite basic, but it's a very solid foundation to learn from. The instructor class I took had updated material for the students however the Training Counselor had requested the updated TC material and said he came up empty handed. So some of the stuff he was reading wasn't even in are material. I was kind of funny how people where getting lost every 5 minuets.
  15. That was funny. I havent been shooting in a few months. I plan on going to a local match next month if my new Glcok is ready by than. I will have someone video me and I will get to see it first hand. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4584332856867071363&hl=en# I watch this all the time as a reminder, enjoy!
  16. Wrong Im sorry. What part was I wrong? Anyone who gets 90% or better on the test can past. I know people who failed it. LOL I know 18 hours is 18 hours and could be split up in 18 days if an hour a day. It's scary to think maybe the test wasn't taken but reviewed. Just a thought. We did it in 2 days. I'm with you on the glad I won't need to take it again.
  17. I forgot to add I re shot the 1st COF and got a 4.79 It didn't count.
  18. The buzzer went off and I looked around the barricade, stepped OUT of the shooters box with my right foot and began to lay down HEAVY cover fire downrange at those cardboard commies for my fellow shooters behind the firing line. The popper didn't fall that ended the match so I shot it again. Afterwards I cleared and holstered my gun and tried to remember what had happened. Placed my spent shells in my shell holder and realized my hand was shaking like crazy. What a rush!!! Some joker said nice splits. Then I said "did I hit anything?" and he replied "the popper on the 2nd try!!" I had a procedural error and missed almost everything. This was my first course of fire in an IDPA match. This fear inducing panic cost me the match. It was my first time using a timer and the first time I ever competed. I am so hooked!!! These are the results, I am Justin. Look at the times. It only happened once! 1-Darrell Fretwell 5.78 6.79 9.45 TOTAL-22.02 2-Steve Bacon 6.55 6.25 11.71 TOTAL-24.51 3-Justin Sayre 12.60 5.53 7.94 TOTAL-26.07 4-Philip McClure 8.77 8.23 11.03 TOTAL-28.03 5-Jim Warren 9.93 8.86 9.66 TOTAL-28.45 6-Patrick McNeil 12.72 7.06 11.18 TOTAL-30.96 7-Robert Nygren 8.70 8.78 14.11 TOTAL-31.59 8-James Massman 10.34 12.19 11.27 TOTAL-33.80 9-Ed Palomares 15.32 15.84 8.0 TOTAL-39.16
  19. I'm confused. Are you saying they were unfamiliar with rifles and couldn't answer test questions, or that they didn't shoot rifles well, and there was a shooting portion of the test that they failed? I took the NRA RSO course several years ago, and it was a full day course, the exam was pretty simple. Someone told me recently that the NRA instructor course is 40 hours of class time. It sounds like whatever Justinsaneok did was much shorter. NRA basic pistol instructor class is 18 hours RO class is 9
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