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Posts posted by DaveP

  1. In these cases, the RO's said failure to do the first thing just-so was "one proceedural per shot fired" for the whole rest of the stage. And we're talking 20+ round field courses.
    Typically it's specified in the stage briefing

    But we are not talking "typically" :D

    In this instance, was this the RO's comments or was it part part of the written brief ?

    As if "said" then 10.1.3 would apply...

    A competitor disputing the aplication or number of penalties may appeal to the Chief Range Officer and/or Range Master. A competitor who continues to be aggrieved may then lodge an appeal for arbitration

    I'm sure the MD said "I don't want people blowing this off and taking only a 10 point hit, so I'll make it one-per"

    The MD may of been acting with the best of intentions, BUT, would 10.1.3 of upheld what he wanted " !

  2. If you can think of another solution, I'm all ears.

    I think thats a resounding no then ... but why another solution ?

    Any other action deemed by a Range Officer to be unsafe

    I would hope that any Range Officer being faced with an unsafe event would stop and DQ ( even if the event is not covered in the rules)

    As in the event of this happening, would not 11.1.3 already cover the prevention of abuse, with the Arbitration Committee being able to work under 11.1.9.

    "Where an incident is not specifically covered by the rules, the Arbitration Committee will use their best judgment in the spirit of the rules"

  3. Hmmmmmm... applying current rules ?

    I haven't answered any of this type of question for a while.... :D but I recon that this case has its merits.

    because we often don't get the full story on the first pass. Anyway, the words in the original post which are relevant to me are " .... i was ordered to clear but as i let go of the cord the shutter dropped on my Gun and all i heard was BOOM!!". There's also the follow-up comment in a later post "i have engaged all the paper and steel in the stage..about the trigger finger? it was out until that cover dropped on my gun. reflex(Stupidity) caused it".

    Until the IYAFUASC process is completed in all parts, then the competitor is still within his rights to engage targets, (and even more within his rights if the process hasn't even been started) and as far as I can see.... it hadn't.

    So I'm realy inclined to start wondering as to if 8.6.3 should apply.

    "In the event that inadvertent contact from the Range Officer or another external influence.................................. however, the provisions of section 10.3 may still apply"

    Thats a MAY

    So In light of the story as we / I have it...

    11.1.2 "Appeals arising from a disqualification for a safty infraction will only be accepted to determine whether exceptional circumstances warrent reconsideration of the match disqualification, However the commission of the infraction as described by the Range Officer is not subject to challenge or appeal"

    Did the AD happen.... yes, are there exceptional circumstances.... yes. should 10.3 apply... no

    DQ... nope !

    If in an arbitration of this, and with the facts being as in this thread....

    I would vote for reinstatement. (But I think that by now, the hour has passed)

    "Risk Assessment".. windows fall if you let go of the rope !.. As it was the end of the stage, the RO should take control of window and get shooter to back up before lowering the window and starting the IYAFUASC process ?

    Neck on choping block time...

    IMHO The design or briefing of this section of the stage was an event waiting to happen, and due to poor stage management........ it did !

  4. I spoke to AP this morning. He's still in shock!

    Shock !..

    Hmmmmm... I for one am totaly mentaly exhausted !

    I'm so glad to hear that I 'enjoyed' the weekend... its just that it is not 'enjoyed' as one would normaly use the word !!!!

    (But I still recon that my match worked, apart from 1 or 2 small minor details)

    And welcome from me Steve, remember if in doubt refer to 11.8.2

    (just keeping the thread on topic :D)

  5. Come on.....................

    The Poll has only had 6 votes.....

    The prize thats at stake, will change the life of the winner for ever. :rolleyes:

    So come on, please read the thread and then vote (its sorta realy important)

  6. as I have not quite got the hang of this site yet.

    Don't worry Graham...just follow the good examples as set by the others....

    please read the great replies by Neil and Mike to get the idea :rolleyes:

    O... and btw Welcome to the forum :D

  7. I'm pleased to see that this thread is now back on topic...... :rolleyes:

    Please hurry with your funny coments for the picture, as the time to have a poll to find the winner of the (almost) major prize is almost here. :D

  8. looks like you will need to write a rule

    Can't realy see that it needs yet another rule...

    If in the stage design or review it becomes apparent that any targets could be shot from the rear....

    then the stage briefing should be writen to make it clear that any scoring hits must be made upon the target front face.

  9. In my humble opinion....

    YES, if its covered in the stage briefing (will be tricky to get the words right, but can be done), then there can be no argument. (mikes and penaltys will apply).

    But even further on this subject.

    If a no-shoot target was hit from behind....... then 99.9999% of shooters would protest that it was not a valid hit and should not score, so why shouldn't a shoot target be treated exactly the same.

    I would apply this logic to any stage where I was the RO and the briefing didn't cover the event.

    If the shooter wanted to protest my decision, then I would advise them to go and tell some one who realy cares. :rolleyes:

  10. Re competition idea......

    I am willing to donate an unspecified prize, which although may have a low cash value.......

    it will give the winner great kudos for all time, :rolleyes: this prize will be sent to the person who makes the best suggestions for who is saying what ... in the picture.

    Once all posts are made (say within 14 days) then we can have a poll on who should be the winner ....and the prize sent.

    For example

    L to R: John Beazley, Kurt Miller, James Harris, Terry Barret

    John.....James, your suposed to eat the pizza not wear it.

    Kurt..... (spoken In the style of John Wayne).... Whaaaaat ther Hellllllllll

    James...You looking at me.... punk !

    Terry..... Quick guys...... put that donkey down, come and have a look at James waistcoat.

    James. please have another pint and put it on Neils bar bill. :D

  11. Even in the UK we would not count the said garment as "fashion". 

    I did ask James about said garment and the reason for wearing it, he replied

    "Because I can", which did seem to be a good enough reason at the time :blink:

    You will also note that John Beazley seems to be totaly admiring James style statement, whilst Kurt apears to be a little bemused....

    Perhaps this picture could be the subject of a 'what are they saying' competition ?

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