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Everything posted by YVK

  1. YVK

    Shadow 2 Optic?

    Out of curiosity, can you swap slides / frames between OR and regular Shadow 2?
  2. YVK

    Langdon Elite LTT

    If I understand your question correctly, then yes, the 92 has notably fatter grip than the SP01 and I don't know anyone who really wished the grip on the 92 to be bigger. I find it fairly comfortable and, at 183 cm tall, I have even looked for thinner grip options. As a reference, I shoot Shadow 2 and I use custom sized thick Lok grips to get me enough surface. The 92 grip is shorter but I've not found this to be a problem.
  3. 90 min later, after giving up on removing it manually by file, I had to whip out dreaded D-tool 20 min later, after careful trying in and out, everything is running as it is supposed to. Comparing to a standard disconnector, what I had there was massively thick. The thumb safety was indeed 2 minutes of very light and selective filing. I am glad the diagnoses were correct, as were the remedies.
  4. I tried to search but fell short. I've a a hunch that our local CZ gurus will know the answers before I found it myself in 2 days. I've just assembled a brand new Shadow 2 after a detailed strip. I have a competition hammer / short reset disconnector / hammer strut that were fit by CZC custom (their parts) to another gun. I attempted to drop those parts in, and I also changed a trigger to an 85C. I think I put everything together correctly. The OT screw is removed from the trigger. In dry fire double action mode trigger moves hammer back and drops it seemingly correctly. If I rack the slide and cock the hammer, I can't drop it, neither manually nor by pulling the trigger. Subsequently, I have just put together my second Shadow 2. The difference from the first one is that I have a drop-in short reset disconnector. The second gun functions normally in dry fire, both DA and SA. However, the thumb safety doesn't work normally. The only position where I can move it up is hammer half cock. Fully cocked, no go. So, gun # 1 doesn't drop hammer in single action. Gun # 2 safety doesn't engage other than in half cock position. Oh joys of figuring things out myself. Help!!!! P.S. After monkeying around with both guns, it appears that #1 doesn't reset in single action, and # 2 needs safety to be fit. So, file on the inside surface of disconnector for the first gun's problem, and on that little nub on safety or sear for the second?
  5. Thanks for the link, their site wasn't working on the cell phone for some reason. Specs say "weight empty", hopefully it means "with empty mag", as the photo next to specs implies.
  6. So we think it'll make the weight for CO with extended mag and optic? Unlike Shadow 2, I don't see much room to shave off any weight with aftermarket work, and I can't find specs with weight on SF.
  7. YVK


    Latest rumor I heard that 43 and 48 are only different in slide / barrel length.
  8. Does CGW poly rod extend all the way to a hole in the slide? CZC polymer rod is slightly shorter, doesn't see to have function issues but I wonder if it can induce a malfunction under some circumstances. I am waiting on custom fat lightweight lok grips to see where this leaves me. Also got that slide stop pin so I am nearly certain I'll make the weight. Question is if margins are big enough to account for possible scale to scale variability.
  9. Well, until they hit 2000 units, whatever the price is, they aren't of any practical interest to competitive shooters, are they?
  10. I checked my notes and apparently I can't keep things straight. It is the opposite. Henning extension with mecgar tube and Grams follower is lighter than the same setup with a CZC extension by 0.1 oz, 3.8 oz vs 3.9. Sorry for confusion.
  11. I figured that was the case. I ordered a couple of those pins on Friday, CZ USA had them in stock. Funny, they weren't in stock the day before. When weighing my own gun with a mecgar mag + CZC extension vs mecgar mag plus Henning extension, the former was lighter.
  12. I didn't know those existed, thanks to both of you. I am not a big fan of a palm swell design, I like a uniform thickness. But I wonder if I could talk them into making a light weight version of what I have now.
  13. I've hard time following all CO new rules. I presume it is CO legal because small parts change is OK now? To the point of the original discussion, it seems to me that the CZC extension is slightly lighter than Henning. I don't have a TTI one. My Shadow 2 rod + mag, with a DPP directly milled into it by Primary, with several slide lightening cuts, plastic guide rod, and fat Lok grips (0.6 oz) is currently at 45.3 oz. I am a bit reluctant to remove the shroud. Next step likely the scales, I need volume to my grips, flat Lok or Henning grips not enough. May have to have dust cover milled out.
  14. YVK

    shadow 2 crack?

    Many years ago Colt's Delta Elite frames cracked in a somewhat similar way, just above the slide stop hole in the frame. Nobody accused Colt for recycling Skodas, most thought that frame's flex and harmonics were in play. Colt's solution was exactly the same as CZ's, to machine the cracking part out. Further on the subject of this discussion, my Shadow 2 broke a slide stop and almost immediately after that cracked the frame, in exactly the same spot. Slightly south of 15,000 rounds. Given that Shadows broke slide stops at a rate no gun that I know of did, I think that this part of a gun, the slide stop and part of the frame that holds it, gets stressed out a whole lot on these guns. Shadows broke more slide stops, Shadow 2s broke more slide stop retaining blocks, maybe just a function of stronger slide stops on Shadow 2.
  15. Glock 19X slide, which is a pistol that I have, is interchangeable with a Gen 5 Glock 19 slide. I don't think they are literally the same but the differences are in slide treatment and color. Functionally and ergonomically they are the same. My original 19x slide is milled for Unity Tactical Atom adapter system, and I have a Gen5 Glock 19 slide that has been directly milled for a Deltapoint Pro. I use them both on the same G19X frame. With a disclaimer that I've not held and, hence, have not tested the G45 slide myself, I fully believe that it is interchangeable with both Glock 19x and Gen5 Glock 19 slides. I don't think it is exactly the same as it does have front serrations while those other two do not, although Gen5 G19 MOS slide does have the serrations and is also interchangeable with all of them. The problematic optic was the Deltapoint Pro. It started losing the dot at approximately 2200 rounds on the Unity mount system. Leupold replaced the circuitry and the same problem reoccurred 2000 rounds later with the optic now directly mounted on a G19 slide. Leupold replaced the guts again, I've not shot it yet. Don't think it will do any better this time around as well.
  16. pskys2, Glock 45 is a 9 mm pistol. When I decided to go this route, Glock 45 wasn't available, but I bought Glock 19x almost as soon as it was released, and set it up for optic almost immediately. I now have two different slides for it, both optic enabled in different ways. G45 is even better option due to already cut front serrations and its gigantic magwell, but otherwise they are identical, sans the color. I am about 50 rounds shy of 5000, plus a bunch of dry fire since summertime. However, due to work and life schedule, and repeated failure of the optic that I have on this gun, I only shot one match. FWIW, after two months of dry fire I shot a CO classifier with it at exact percentage that my current Production percentage is. Except my Production guns are Stock and Shadow 2s and it took a couple of years. There is a tungsten rod for it, Glockstore sells it, I think, and I fitted in a brass plug. Add brass Taylor Freelance mag extensions, and mine is 33 or 34 oz, I believe. I love how it shoots and how fast it comes back, and Gen5 triggers are superior to previous generations for my personal tastes. The only theoretic advantage that I can see with longer barrels is higher velocity and hence more margin for power factor. I myself just shoot hotter loads. A friend, who is a member here, has done quite a bit of shooting with his G45, and competed some. He feels that it is superior for faster stages within 15 yards but he somehow still likes G34 for precision oriented stages even if both are set for CO. I dunno if I will stay with Glock as my CO platform but if I did. I'd get a Gl45 to go with my G19x and have it milled.
  17. My discussion with them dates back to summertime so your info is more updated. However, a top window cut is not sufficient enough to make the weight. Getting a Shadow 2 with a directly milled slide and a Deltapoint is a tough task. Direct milling removes a lot less metal than CZC plate system does, and the DPP is probably the heaviest optic out there. Having gone that way, with now three shops doing different bits of work, trying different mag extensions, and with a plastic guide rod, I am still at 45.40 oz. I have relatively thick and heavy grips that weigh 2.1 oz so I will get there eventually, but I wouldn't recommend this path to others.
  18. I asked, they said they didn't do that.
  19. They do, and I have just received my slide from Primary Machine directly milled for a DPP. It looks good although I hoped for a deeper pocket; not sure if that was technically feasible. However, that by itself doesn't bring the weight down enough to be CO legal. It appears that CZC solution of plate + lightening is the most economic solution.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I have tried various static drills like BD, or variants of EL Prez, before I started this topic. The normal full extension worked better for me. I do think that this is specifically a field course technique and I am working on a couple of things to figure a couple of suspicions out. It'll take awhile but that's where the fun is, isn't it.
  21. I am a 70% production shooter who is experimenting with carry optics. As I am learning the new division, this question popped up. I don't know this to be a true statement but it visually appears to me that shooters, at least some, who shoot optic enabled pistols don't extend their arms as far out as shooters who shoot irons. This also applies to same shooters who are equally good with irons and optics - seemingly less extension with optic. I am not talking about locking vs not locking elbows, but just having more bend / keeping gun closer to the face with optic. I would like to get a clarification whether my observation is correct or not. If yes, what's the advantage of that and if it is something that's employed as a general technique or just for special situations like shooting through ports etc.
  22. Hey, threat, here is my exchange with Troy: Me: Hi Troy, The question is in regards to making a weight limit in carry optics division. Currently, to the best of my understanding, internal modifications to pistols are not inherently prohibited as long as they are not visible or prohibited otherwise. I also understand that adding weights to lighter pistols, for example using heavy guide rods or grip space brass inserts with Glocks, is not prohibited either. My question is if the rules allow or disallow to remove weight from pistol frames, internally and in a way not visible from the outside, for example, thinning of dustcover from the inside or removing metal from under the grips. Troy: As the Carry Optics rules state, there are a variety of ways to remove weight that are legal, including internal modifications.
  23. I might email Troy first but I don't see how internal mod is going to make it illegal. My S2 with thick LOK grips and Henning extension is 46.9. I presume it is due to gun to gun variation and thicker LOK grips but that's what I am going to use. Been shooting it long enough not care to change grip and index. I plan on using a DPP too, so give or take 2 oz. I intend to do a direct mill as opposed to CZ adapter plate so there will be less weight removal there. Might be tough to get under 45 without doing something to the frame.
  24. That's what I plan on having done if my S2 doesn't make weight after slide milling. I too find that S2 is too nose heavy for my tastes. Depending how I feel about it, I might have that done even if makes the weight.
  25. I am silly. I've a 19x that has a slide milled for Unity Atom, and I am getting another slide directly milled for a DPP. I've no desire to switch to 34.
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