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Everything posted by davsco

  1. So i took all the dies out and cleaned them and am switching from 9mm 124 to a run of rmr fjm 135s (.355). Redding sizing and bullet seating dies; dillon powder die/expander. The issue is I am getting bulging when seating. I dropped the powder funnel to further bell the case, but getting the belling further down also gets it pretty wide. So wide that it seems the case mouth is hitting the seating die. Would appreciate input on if I am belling too much or too little and/or what i need to do at powder and seating stages to get a smoother-looking case. I am trying for a COAL of 1.125. As you can see from 3rd pic the belling i have currently gives an OAL of 1.214, so at seating the bullet is still being forced in/down some. Of course any other input is welcome also. You prob also notice that the seating die is leaving a ring on the bullet, around the nose and down from the tip just a little. Probably just cosmetic but input welcome on that also. thanks!!
  2. yeah F_ck all that. Whether it's $2k or $6k, if one is using the builder's mags and ammo specs or factory ammo, the customer shouldn't have to waste time and ammo/money to diagnose or fix the problem.
  3. any tricks to finding win srp??? i bought 1k off of midway last week and that's all i've seen in over a year. not too hard to find fed, cci, etc.
  4. well apparently i picked up a 40 round that i thought was the 38 super round i ejected after one stage and that didn't go so well for me on the next stage... anyways, i'd guess that your 40 mags won't work with 9mm (otherwise they'd make 9/40 mags), but as it sounds like you have a few, no harm in testing them. also, consider just moving to .40 minor. i've shot atlanta arms 40 minor out of my sti edge and it is a soft shooter. obviously you'll give up a little mag capacity vs 9mm.
  5. bump. what'd be a good city/town in florida to stay in as a home base that would give me access to a decent amount of uspsa clubs? thanks!
  6. FS said no. as did Hammer and RHT. i knew it wouldn't be an easy proposition with all the offset needed.
  7. yes. on another forum some are getting burned by that. 100s of posts so looks like a solid member, but if their acct is hacked, that is irrelevant. i actually agreed to buy something there but when i asked if they'd wait for a check, they said they req'd venmo which i'm not set up on. guy after me did venmo and it was a hacked account so he lost $$.
  8. Next year I want to get out of the cold winter. I'd like to shoot USPSA and/or 2 gun every weekend, both days if possible. Golf during the week. What town in Florida do I want as my home base, an hour travel to matches is fine?
  9. that fits a sideways C-More. I use the Race Master Magnetic in USPSA. I think it will be secure enough with the RM, but it will be totally exposed to mud and dirt plus with all the holster adjustments it prob won't take well with me laying on it on my side or in weird positions. I searched and saw some mention of COM Center of Mass but seems they're gone. Any suggestions or tips & tricks? Don't want the comp to fill up with mud nor the holster adjustments to get out of whack with my weight on it. I like the holsters with hoods that i use with my iron-sighted STIs. thanks!
  10. davsco

    PCC in IDPA

    just referring to the general tone in this thread. and at matches where MD's went out of their way to handicap pcc shooters, and not just idpa but uspsa also.
  11. davsco

    PCC in IDPA

    damn, all the hate for PCC's and all the MD's that feel the need to add a bunch of super tight shots or other measures to "keep the man/pcc down." it's a separate division, yeah you (handgun shooter) may not get high overall, but it's fun and lets others who might not find it easy with handguns, to compete & have fun. i agree it's the 'cheatingest' division but it is fun and good practice for HD scenarios.
  12. in the 2 gun option, will all the 3 gun shotgun targets be shot with handgun?
  13. i got the Hammer Thunder 3 Gun holster in the other day. I gotta say i was pretty impressed with it when i opened the box, looks sturdy etc. Tried a few draws with my STI Tactical 4" & Vortex Viper (the holster is made for the 5" MPA i have on order) it worked pretty good though a little sensitive to draw angle (side to side cant) but i can loosen it up more as the hood is the primary retention, not friction. I fashioned my own drop and offset using a bladetech doh piece and some spacers i had laying around, but may go back and get Hammer's doh as it looks like it allows for more drop. def need to get the left-sided thumb actuator away from my body (and belt, holster mount, etc).
  14. both the timer RO and the scorekeeper RO have the right and the obligation to call DQs. def take Troy up on his generous offer, but you need folks that can and will enforce all of the rules, esp the safety ones. maybe if you say where your club is, some folks on here that are relatively nearby would come and help out restore order at your next match.
  15. I have a jp 13 with a 14.5+comp, but built (ok, assembled...) an ar9 sbr with an 8" barrel. just figured if i'm going to go short i wanted to be way under that 14.5+comp, way easier to wield around in tight stages.
  16. bil has a mpa ds9 and it fits his daa race master magnetic he uses with his staccato 2011s. not sure if the alpha x would be same thing or different.
  17. all for bending the equipment rules (not safety of course) for newbies and/or loaning gear as needed. any md hosting a match should have their rules posted somewhere just so all the shooters are on the same page. yeah one national rulebook would be preferred, but as long as the rules are posted in advance it's not a deal killer at least for me.
  18. you may drink. that sentence doesn't mean that you cannot eat. the language in section 5 doesn't preclude having mags off your body. that's why they clarified that in the appendix. and your first sentence above is incorrect. section 5 says you can have mags on your body. it doesn't say (and no one would infer) that you can have mags anywhere but your body.
  19. yep based on advice here i spray that in a gallon ziploc bag, put in 2-3 handfuls of cleaned brass and swish it all around, then dump the brass in my feeder. definitely cuts down on sticking during sizing and powder drop. i also do that but a little less spray for new brass. i'll put a handful of loaded rounds in a towel to remove any excess lube.
  20. OP, sorry about the bs gun control they are imposing on you. will possession be outright banned, will 11+ rounders be grandfathered, and/or will you be able to buy 11+ rounders out of state and bring back in state?
  21. they could have easily said "may only" but they didn't. we don't have a duty to infer or deduce, the words used in rules are made to be taken at face value. remember the rules don't have to say what we cannot do or where we cannot do it. note that the multigun language is distinctly different than for regular uspsa, where they say "shall be carried." and to further support my position/understanding, if the wording in section 5 was meant to preclude having mags other than on the body, they wouldn't have needed the language on that down in the indices.
  22. welcome to the GAMES! words have meanings and MAY does not equal MUST. if what we feel doesn't equal the actual words, then the words govern what is and isn't allowed. part of the fun is understanding the actual words and what you may or not be able to do though gaming, at least for me, generally doesn't change my placement much...
  23. I disagree with your understanding of that section. Just because wording says you May do one thing, that doesn't necessarily preclude you from doing something else. If it said "may only" then I'd agree with you. But as i noted above, i think the appendices limit mags to on your person and thus not staged.
  24. note that down in the Multigun Appendices, it says Magazines must be carried on the belt or in apparel pockets.
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