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Everything posted by BillChunn

  1. Match, yes. Do it all the time from Detroit suburbs to Brooklyn Michigan, which is south of Lansing for those of you not from the mitten state. The quality of the match is also very important. Practice, no... a 3 hour round trip is a bit much. Find a closer club with outdoor pistol bays, work with the board of directors and start a USPSA club. BC
  2. Mine just arrived last week so there is only one practice session and one match using it. Depending on who's grip tape you use or if you did it yourself following the YouTube video, IMHO the grip with the Gray Guns frame is much better than stock. One of the guys at the club has the carbide "sand" glued to his grip and it is very aggressive to a point where it was uncomfortable for me to shoot. The Gray Guns grip is very repeatable on the draw for hand placement with the thumb rest for the take-down lever. YMMV BC
  3. Been a while since this request was made. This is the load currently used: 2.9 grains of Vit N320 147 grain Blue Bullets Truncated Cone 1.115 Overall Length Winchester Small Rifle or Federal Small Pistol Magnum primers Makes 130-132 power factor and still shoots soft. The dot in Carry Optics stays within the target through recoil. Was fairly accurate out of the stock Sig barrel. Changed to the BarSto barrel with the 1:16 twist rate versus the 1:10 of the Sig and accuracy improved. BC
  4. ^^^^ This I was one of the "early adopters" of PCC division. It was painful. I found that the steel magazine release and plastic Glock magazines were not a good combination. Sure they ran just fine when new, but put a couple of years of matches on them and the magazine starts dropping out of the gun unexpectedly. The steel magazine release had worn down the plastic on the magazine catch and during recoil, would jar the magazine out of the gun. Middle of the stage and "CLICK". Not a good sound to hear.... My "go to" mag is the MBX Steel Glock magazine with the extension. When it is properly maintained it is very dependable. BC
  5. It's fairly obvious that some of you have not put in the time, effort or money to get a couple of PCC "big sticks" to run all the time. Wow.... Think about what you are asking when you state "I want a limit" or "I want all the magazines carried to have the same amount of rounds in them". Remember one of the basic fundamentals of this sport. You are presented with a shooting problem. You bring the solution and execute it. Your solution might be PCC where you are always scored minor (significant disadvantage) but you get to use a magazine with more rounds it in than Open division. Now, does that magazine run or barf in the middle of the stage? The idea of "I'll save time by not reloading" could crash and burn when that big stick fails and now time is spent clearing the malfunction and doing a reload. None of these "creative ideas" were ever established for this division. There are niche manufacturers for our sport that spent significant amounts of money to create products that fit the existing rules. Now you want to pull the rug out from under them and ban their products? Follow IDPA rules? Really? How about just shoot IDPA and leave my gear (and my investment) alone? You don't like PCC division or the associated rules? The solution is very, very simple. Don't shoot it. For some of us that have been at this game for a while, it's a division that can still be enjoyed after 20+ years of elbow tendon damage from race guns. BC
  6. Clubs in southeast Michigan from oldest to newest: MI05 - Livingston Gun Club - Brighton area - Will be holding an "Intro to USPSA 101" class on Saturday April 3, 2021. Outdoor ranges available to members, monthly USPSA match with registration on PractiScore. Electronic pass keycard to get through the gate but will be open on match day. Runs Steel Challenge practices on Monday evenings and a monthly Steel Challenge match. MI11 - Detroit Sportsmen's Congress - Utica area - Indoor and outdoor matches, practices on Tuesdays (4:30-8:00 PM) and Saturdays (2:30 - 4:30 PM). PractiScore used for match registration as the indoor matches fill quickly. IPSC66 - Raccoon Hunters - Romulus - Outdoor range, monthly matches on indoor range at T-Rex Arms in Belleville ending in March. PractiScore reservations and matches fill quickly. Has monthly Steel Challenge matches. MI29 - Oakland County Sportsman's Club - Clarkston area - New club just starting up. 5 outdoor bays. First match scheduled for April 2021. Plans are to get involved with Steel Challenge. If interested in the Intro to USPSA 101 class at Livingston, send me a private message (click on my username and select message) and contact details can be provided. BC
  7. Thanks @dafreshfish for reaching out to HQ and clearing up the rule change. Good to Go. BC
  8. Am headed to the range tomorrow and will run some reload timings. It may be that I'm coming from 20+ years of running an Open gun with mags in front followed by 3 years of PCC with the mags in the same place. BC
  9. Two places actually. The magazine placement in the front of the belt versus behind the hip and the time it takes to remove the mag from the holder. The immeasurable amount of time is present on the timer. With the AMG Commander (and other timers) you can back up and see the amount of time it took to do the reload. If you reloaded after 8 shots, the amount of time between shot 8 and 9 is your reload. Coming from behind the hip, the support hand must move much further than to the front of the belt. Pulling a magazine upward and out of a DAA mag pouch is slower than simply pulling it off the magnetic holder at any angle. Maybe it's just me but my PCC reloads were at least a second faster than my CO reloads with the "old" behind the hip rules. Tomorrow's range time will tell. BC
  10. Is it possible that you don't own any magnetic pouches? My reloads are a significant amount of time faster with the magnets. It's all up to the individual and what they have practiced with. Coming from Open and PCC to CO, for me it will be faster. BC
  11. With the Timney Alpha competition trigger for the Glock and The Sig Armorer trigger job with the Gray Guns Competition Trigger kit, we are almost there now. BC
  12. Good to go. Moved the PCC magnetic mag holders to the CO rig. BC
  13. If the same gear for USPSA is supposed to be allowed in Steel Challenge, will these rule changes be carried over to that rulebook? REALLY don't want two rigs for two sports that are supposed to allow the same gear. BC
  14. Easy decision... along with his barrel. BC
  15. Falls into the category of "stupid human tricks" and has nothing to do with shooting ability. But shooters love those stages.... BC
  16. $1,059.99 Three seventeen round magazines BC
  17. In December of last year, Bruce Gray posted this (link) Straight from me: Do not use any other trigger with our P320 Competition Trigger Kit components. Reducing pretravel via an adjustment on the trigger defeats the sear safety cam, messes with trigger mass balance & tolerance for impact, and degrades striker lock integrity. I invented the sear safety cam feature around 2015 to enhance drop safety in our original P320 Competition kits. We made our system available to my friends in NH for incorporation into the Voluntary Upgrade. Our modern P320 AST & AHT triggers effectively and safely reduce some gross pretravel and slop via optimal fit and finish, while supporting the Voluntary Upgrade fire control system to which I contributed. Our complete P320 Competition Trigger Kits provide the best possible pull characteristics to be obtained, consistent with the margin of tolerance for impact and rough handling we demand for your safety. And anyhoo, there is literally nothing to be gained by sacrificing mechanical safety for that tiny reduction in travel which, unlike the purely mechanical qualities of overtravel, pull weight, and break texture, is best accommodated through proper technique and training. If you don't believe me, ask Mason Lane, Isaac Lockwood, Yong Lee or James Delambert. Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas! BC
  18. Just received e-mail answer to "when is my order going to be shipped?" We are fulfilling our inventory, we should be ready to ship in 2-3 weeks. BC
  19. ^^^^ This and also recommend the clear body style so you can see two things: 1. How many rounds are in it as it is being loaded. 2. Where it needs to be cleaned after the match. In SC if you need more than 10 rounds, that run is going to be your throw-away. For some people that use "big sticks" in the carbines, during the heat of competition they will lose track of how many rounds are left in the magazine. When you hear click during the middle of your run, it's too late to swap magazines..... With the 10 rounders, you just develop a habit of changing them out at the end of each string.... BC
  20. A while ago, the basement range impact area cleanout was an annual event. The shredded rubber of the impact area was spread out on the range floor. A second team used leaf blowers to move the rubber off the lead. A third team then shoveled the lead into small coffee cans. These were handed off to a 4th group that walked them up the stairs to the 55 gallon drum on the back of a truck. Everyone wore full "bunny" suits and industrial level respirators.... in the middle of the summer. If you did it once, you never volunteered to do it again. Soon, nobody volunteered and it was contracted out to a professional company. They used specialized equipment to blow the rubber away from the spent bullets. They took all the lead away and paid the club a portion of the recycle proceeds. Best decision ever made. BC
  21. Welcome Jeremy... am just down the road from you in Farmington Hills. BC
  22. The air make-up systems are critical to an indoor range. It's one of those things that can drastically impact your life. Fine particles of melted lead float in the air, unseen, end up in your nasal passages and eventually your blood stream. The first evidence (as already mentioned) is black snot. If you are already seeing this, run, don't walk, RUN and stay away from that range until they improve the filtration of their make-up air system. Lead is stored in your bones so it is very difficult to extract once it gets in you. For those whose blood lead levels are confirmed around 45 μg/dL(micrograms per deciliter) or higher, doctors might recommend chelation therapy as a means to remove some of the lead that has built up in the body. This type of therapy involves administering a drug that will bind to (or chelate) lead, breaking particles down to make them less toxic and more easily removed from the body through waste elimination. The side effects are not fun. - Fever - Nausea - Headaches - Red and/or watery eyes - Runny nose - Rashes - Reduced white blood cell count - Blood in the urine - Damage to the liver or kidneys Getting the make-up air system to work correctly is almost an art form. The heating system along with balancing the incoming and outgoing air volumes must be done as near perfect as possible. Along with spent lead removal, the air systems and their associated filters are some of the highest expenses for indoor ranges. BC
  23. What was the size of the range (as in how many "lanes") and how many stages did they run? BC
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