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P.E. Kelley

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Posts posted by P.E. Kelley

  1. Tom as some of you know suffers from crohn's disease and has a hip that has degenerated to the point of need replacement (he is only 40) NOW he hits Black Ice on the way home from Shot Show and rolls his truck!

    This will all but put him out of business...he is OK considering. but he is in need of funds to get back on his feet.

    So please toss a few bucks in the ring... here https://www.gofundme.com/a2h3efvg

    Thank you



  2. On a scope 5x or greater on the top I feel that the FFP offers so much more flexibility to the shooter.

    That said...I love the 1x5 Burris XTRII because I have not found I needed any more power for the events I shoot.

    But for the $1000 price tag the Burris 1x8 does everything the 1x5 does and lets you use the BDC feature at any power!

  3. I would not shoot them at a match. Inertia guns need recoil to operate.

    It is important to know what payload is being pushed to 1165fps?

    1 1/4 ounce will run the gun.

    1 1/8 ounce is at the bottom of the operating window

    Yea, yea....lots of guys will be on posting in a minute that their gun runs with them...that's great.

    But inertia guns have other factors to consider. But my explaining all of them will only be overshadowed

    by the "it works in my gun" posts.

    So that's my opinion. Good luck.

    Here is a video that shows how these guns operate.

    and another

  4. Is there a limit of the amount of primers, powder, or loaded rounds a private reloader can have on hand?

    First rule never ever ask Government if there's a regulation ,Law for anything fun or pertaining to 2nd Amendment, u bet there will be, 70,000 pages just in taxes regulations No keep your mouth shut,use your head,store primers powders properly, never move, way to much work,IMOP

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

    First this^^^ And then...between us, we can joke about evacuating the block and such but the fact is it just another burnable.

    Got a Jerry can of gasoline or two in the garage? That is more "exciting" during a whole house fire, than 100# of smokeless.

  5. 24" is my favorite!

    Moa just got back to me. They do not have any in stock. Suggested for me to get one and send it in.

    1st question. Which one should I send in. And 2nd. What work is needed on a M3k, besides the tube? Thanks

    I guess getting a M3k at a reasonable price is not an option. My local store price is 579 but they can not get any for now. GB starting bid is 650-699. Plus shipping ,transfer fees get well in to 750-800. Get the moa. Work done well in to 1100+area. So I guess I will wait for the price to drop and continue putting cash aside maybe I will end up with M2

    Can you get an M3000?

  6. Buy new trigger, cut trigger part off, drill and tap hole for straight threaded rod, install rod with a drop of red loc-tite. Now you have a straight trigger. Beware these are hardened parts and may not be as easy as above, but you get the idea!

    Pat, it is a loosing battle! All you got to do is a bit of surfing to see all sorts of "pro,s" posting on how to set up the perfect any gun with all the latest cool stuff to know we lost that war around 2010.

    I hate to say it Kurt, but I am starting to loose interest in trying to help. It is all about the gadgets.

  7. Before...any of you Cats go down this road...go pick up your shotgun and see you want more trigger reach!

    But hell, make them Tom...I bet the newbies will buy the hell out of them. <<<That was said tongue in cheek as I am the first guy to TRY (mostly in vain)

    to get guys to NOT by gadgets.

  8. Bear in mind that you don't HAVE to send an M1/M2 off to one of the excellent Gunsmiths mentioned previously to shoot 3 gun with it. A stock M1/M2 with a tube, a longer fiber front sight and perhaps a little mild smoothing of the loading port will go a long way. My basically stock M1 has helped me finish well at a few majors, it also completed the Ft. Benning match last month without a single malfunction (but, so did my rifle and pistol). I would look around, ask locals to let you try their shotguns (most, even those with really nice TTI, Accurate Iron or Triangle guns will be happy for you to try out their guns). Decide which one feels the best to you and then make a decision. I am not opposed to buying high end gear, I own some myself, but it is not to be construed as a necessity. If you are just getting into the sport, you would most likely be far better served spending the money that you are thinking of spending at the custom shop on ammo, just my opinion.

    If you have the money and want a super cool customized shotgun, go for it, just don't think that you have to do that to get into the game.



  9. Nope! Don't buy a Stoeger....you can only get to 2nd at the USPSA Nationals with one...you can only nab a 3rd at SMM3G with one!

    As suzhansen said..."less expensive" is what the M3000 is! You want to put 500 to 1000 dollars toward ammo and other shooting expenses

    AND buy a shotgun??? Stoeger, is the answer.

    hmmm....im still far from that level but i guess that shows something LOL....i guess if imma get it taranized, might as well go all out...i hate being a broke college student...

    Yep, it shows you don't need a Benelli.. you just want one. So make it happen.

  10. Nope! Don't buy a Stoeger....you can only get to 2nd at the USPSA Nationals with one...you can only nab a 3rd at SMM3G with one!

    As suzhansen said..."less expensive" is what the M3000 is! You want to put 500 to 1000 dollars toward ammo and other shooting expenses

    AND buy a shotgun??? Stoeger, is the answer.

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