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Everything posted by texasag93

  1. May cover: best ever. I have a thing for red heads. As for the other three pics on page 17. THE MIDDLE ONE! Every time my ex girlfriend would check the mail and get my BP, I would hear, "your whores with guns came in". TXAG
  2. I own and shoot a Para 16 Limited. So, here is what I would suggest. 1. New adjustable rear sight(Bomar) and Dawson fiber-optic front.(assuming that it isn't a Limited that it has a fixed rear sight). 2. Trigger job, you don't have to put alot of money into parts for it. I still have stock parts and a clean 3lb. trigger pull. 3. Magwell, I have a Dawson. The one they sold for the Para jsut prior to the "ICE" magwell. These are my main three. You shoot it much you will break the extractor. I got about 15,000 rounds out of my factory extractor. Accuracy will be fare with the factory barrel. Around 3" @ 25 yds. If yours shoots better then don't sweat a new barrel. I went with a Kart bushing barrel in mine after having consistant 4" groups @ 25 yds. It now hangs around 2" with lead and jacketed loads. My .02. TXAG
  3. I use 4.6 TG with a 180gr Berry's plated TC(OAL 1.165) for major. Start around 4.4 and work your way up. Good luck. TXAG
  4. Hell, I can buy a nice complete gun for $850 and neither would improve my shooting. TXAG
  5. First I purposefully lubed mine up and shot almost 1000 rounds through it to see how well it really worked. I ran a nylon brush through the barrel and cleaned up the feed ramp. Gun felt as slick as when I first cleaned it. OK, my way may not be the best but here goes. Clean as usual. Apply SG to the rails of the slide front to back. I keep it minimal, a little goes a long way. Cover the pin and little swingy thing under the barrel. Lube up the guide rod, little on the recoil spring and barrel bushing(metal O-ring that goes in front of barrel). The interior of the slide just infront of the ejection port where the barrel lugs seat. Put a thin coat all along the exterior of the barrel. Assemble as usual and enjoy. It will ooze out when you reassemble and cycle the action. Wipe off excess. It will continue to ozze as you fire your pistol. SG will also turn a grayish-black with time. Don't worry, it is still working. Hope this helps. TXAG
  6. It is "Are you ready" and it is more a statement than a question. I won't say "are you ready" until the shooter appears ready. I do not need a positive reply for "standby", just not a negative reply. But... it is nice to be able to hear the range commands without a bunch of racket in the background from other shooters. TXAG
  7. Ok, I have tried to find answers by search but found nothing helpful. 1. My C-more will not shut off all the way. It is an older one. Even with it all the way to off I can still see the dot very dimmly. Any ideas on this? 2. I have a standard 4 top port comp. The lens gets very dirty. I clean it between stages. Blast shield? I think I read here that if it isn't a hybrid that you really don't need a shield. 3. Cleaning a C-more? I have cleaned it with Windex. That got alot off but it still has a haze on it around the top half of the lens. It doesn't bother me until I have the sun somewhere in front of me and then all I see is a grey haze that makes the dot hard to see. I read that Hoppes #9 for the lens. Sounds kinda harsh for a high quality coated lens? Any help with any or all of these ?'s will be greatly appreciated. TXAG
  8. Don't think I have the atheletc ability to be a GM, but then classifiers have little movement. Still, not anytime soon to GM. They really do shoot themselves. Just stear them in the right direction. I noticed that on my first stage I was waiting for the dot to settle back on the target. It cost me time. My next few stages if the dot was anywhere near close I broke the shot. Times picked up and points were still high. The bullet goes where the dot is. I LOVE THAT. TXAG PS Winner was an Ag also , we haven't had a T-sip at a match in months.
  9. I shot my first match with the open blaster today! I think I might sell my Limited gun. I finished second out of 24 shooters. I missed no steel (24 pieces) and only had one "mike". It was a 25yd shot on paper. I let an A class open shooter sneak up and beat me. I shot 93% of his score. Oh well, it was fun. Think I am gonna stick with open for awhile. TXAG
  10. texasag93


    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! TXAG
  11. I phase everything out, but I know that it bothers some so as an RO I will usually give the "noisy bunch" a look. That will last for awhile and then I have to do it again. Common courtisy is to shut up but it is rarely quiet behind the line. It doesnt bother me what so ever. I literally hear nothing when I get to the line. TXAG
  12. I hate the fact that I can't afford a 2011, SVI, STI, whatever the hell you call them because they are all way out of my budget. TXAG
  13. OH...wait. "the plastic non-Glock, non-XD 1911ish thingy" = S_I. Did I miss anything? TXAG
  14. How about "plastic non-Glock 1911ish thingy" when refering to the "S_I"? That cool? TXAG
  15. Aren't the frames the same? Same people helped develop the 2011 frame and then split to the two separate entities? Am I way off on this? It seems to me that the SV is the GMC and STI is the Chevy of the two. Meaning, GMC's are usually a little more expensive and have a couple of nicer cosmetic differences. It is the brain behind the machine that really matters anyway IMHO. TXAG
  16. Then he is evolving and using the big stores to his advantage. Good for him. TXAG
  17. I second the Lighting Rod from Brazos Custom. Have it on a L10 gun. Brighter than my Hi-Viz on my P16. They make them for the P16 also. TXAG
  18. Who is insulting the Pope in that case? I printed this and am taking it to work tomorrow. Lots of Catholics at work! TXAG
  19. Cameron, I shoot the same limited gun and the open one looks strangely like my open gun. You my separted twin at birth mom never told me about? Nice blasters. TXAG
  20. Oh, the hate forum. Feel free to move this or delete all together, didn't mean to get in on someone else's rant. TXAG
  21. OK...how long before all you guys driving a Chrysler/Dodge/Dimeler(sp?) anything figure out that they make crap. Why do you think you can get there 4-door truck for 5-6 thousand less(or more in some cases) than a GM/Chevy truck. Think it is because Dodge has figured out a cheaper way to produce vehicles? No, they use cheap crap. They may make an engine that will run forever, but the vehicle will fall apart around it. All the little gadgets will fall off or quick working. Yes, I drive a Chevy. Why, cause I have had nothing but good luck with them. They are more expensive, but worth every penny to me. Something about you get what you pay for comes to mind. Cheaper isn't better. My brother drives a Dodge diesel. He loves it. It has been long out of warranty and cost him plenty to keep on the road. The engine(block) is still OK, but that is about it. Rear end, wiper motor, power window motors, door hinges sagging, paint... and on and on and on. And don't get me started on the Jeep line. Trail rated? WTH is that all about? I am not a Ford fan. Had to work on ex-girl friend's old truck to much. Ford is still way ahead of D/C in quality of product. When I look at a new truck it will be a Chevy or a Toyota. NO DODGE ANYTHING EVER. (getting off of soap box now.) Happy driving....TXAG
  22. We have a Lowe's and Home Depot here(College Station, TX.). Very big college town. They hire college kids part-time. These kids don't know squat about anything. If you don't know what you are looking for and where it is, expect to be there for awhile. I go only when I know exactly what I want and where it is. When Home Depot opened here I thought it would be better. Wishful thinking on my part. I had to wonder around to find an employee for help. I miss the small town hardware store I grew up with. Allen Jackson sang a pretty good song about how big business is killing the "little man". Those days are gone. TXAG
  23. German, Cherokee, and alot of other stuff I can't remember. TXAG
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