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Posts posted by Rush

  1. My S_I guns all have extended ejectors... so no problem with kicking the shells out. One thing i noticed with extended ejectors, they kick shells out much farther than than the normal ones....

    With a shorter travel and 8lb (open) and 12.5 lb (ltd) springs. the guns are snappier and easier to track when shooting fast... not had a jam since i ran this configuration so i'm happy :)

    Safe shooting all...


  2. PM if you still want the .40 Lee FCD. I used mine only for a couple of rounds. Didn't like how "jerky" it made the press. The EGW sizing die is all I need.

    Thanks... saw this quite late but I ended up ordering from Geo at EGW their 38 and 40 dies... got tired of looking for the Lee die...

    Thanks again


  3. Its not so evident in slower shots, but when you're doing .2 splits or less, the extractor will let go of the shell early causing the jams

    huh? Keep in mind, you cannot shoot faster than the gun. What you are describing is impossible.

    don't think so. my fastest splits are in the .11 and .10 of a second on my open...

    ... others are even faster... Steve Anderson comes to mind...

    my normal splits.. A-A are .16 to .18 of a second...


  4. stop grinding just short of the carbide resizing ring and be sure to polish it up when done with the grinding

    Thanks... was looking at the Lee website.. it seems the 40 FCD sizing die is by special order and not available. Tried midways also.. none. Seems you need to order the 3 FCD die set if you want one quickly.

    38Soopers available... that's cool...

    Anyone wanna buy a Dillon 40 die set :) and a Dillon 38Sooper sizing die?...

    I just may grind down that 40 die :blink: yet

    Thanks lots...

  5. hmmm... I'll keep it in mind. Gun works perfectly with 1 and 2 buffs... so i'll keep it as is.

    Originally, I was using the recoil masters.. but after a DNF due to the RM fusing the cap and the spring together in a level 3 match.. got rid of that quickly :( and went back to the old SS Guide Rod and buffs...

    Tried the springco.. but it was a little to springy and would cause the dot to rear up :huh: at the rearmost portion of the cycle... too much trouble to sort out...

    Thanks again.... & Rgds,

  6. I once read here (except i can't recall the thread anymore) that you could fix the Dillon sizing dies by grinding so that it could fully size up to the base of the shell.... which is what the Dillon Sizing dies do not do very well :: :huh:

    But they forgot to mention by just how much to grind away to get proper sizing on the two .... Does anyone have an idea?

    As I'm using Dillon dies (38Sooper and 40).. I am now thinking of doing this. by experimentation... :)

    if i F*&^ it up.. i now have justification to get the Lee Dies... but i would like to save the 50 or so dollars on the Lee dies ... hopefully...

    Regards & Thanks

  7. Originally, I used it more before to avoid the frame from getting bashed to hard. When I was using SP2/3N38, the gun seemed to be working at higher pressures and I could feel the slide coming into my hand/frame... I thought to soften this up with shock buffs.

    I now am back to 3n37, which doesn't seem to work the gun so hard... but when I took the buff out... the gun seemed to move more. More dot travel.. I ended up adding two buffs and the dot, for me, is more consistent.

    Its probably a personal thing... On my limited gun, I ended up with 3. The gun feels flatter and faster with it than without... I like the timing on both guns when they have a shorter slide stroke.

    On the shock buffs, I use the ones from EGW. Got them from shooters connection.


  8. Seniors :huh::) are they all like that? On my S_I guns.. they work.. can't open the slide anymore... but that doesn't really matter to me... so I'll keep the two buffs...

    Mcoliver, my guide rod is single piece SS that was drilled through to lighten it... nothing really special about it... :)

    Thanks again... Rgds

  9. Just wondering...

    I've just had two (senior) shooters tell me that open guns shouldn't have shock buffs? I currently run 2 shockbuffs with a 8 lb ISM spring and a hollowed out guide rod in my open...

    Is there a technical explanation as to why you shouldn't use shockbuffs in open guns? I use 3 in my limited gun with a 12.5 lb ISMI Spring... :)

    Regards and Thanks in advance...

  10. Flex makes a good point. You need to choose a shell type. I've found that supercomp brass, used with a gun tuned for 38Super brass, the supercomp shells will cause jams. Its not so evident in slower shots, but when you're doing .2 splits or less, the extractor will let go of the shell early causing the jams.

    I tried using supercomp/rimless brass before due to the +1 it gave. But i switched back to super brass.. I didn't want to change out the aftec :)

    Do the jams occur only with supercomp? or for normal super as well?


  11. Thanks... all very helpful... For my peace of mind at least and to keep the sport and safety in perspective... But, i sure sucked to walk away from that DQ... :(

    the RO who made the call was positioned to my left, my 8 o clock, about 3 yds back. I was arguing with him a little on it cause his angle was such that I dont think he could clearly see my hands... now if he had been on my right... that would have been more credible as he could clearly see my hands... the RO with the timer couldn't see my hands as he was behind me (5'oclock) so he didn't make the call... that's where the discussion on "possibility and probability" came up..

    I guess nobody's happy with a DQ call that's not 100% conclusive... Its my first match DQ in since i began this sport in 2003... it'll be something i'll always be thinking about now.. and making damn sure the guns pointed far away next time :) besides.. walking away really sucked! .. besides, i was in the top 5 of the stage results :)

    The RO is a professional guy.. known him for two years and he's strict but a fair guy.... at the end of the day.. this game is too much fun to have any bad blood between its participants :)

    At least now i know enough to give the next RO and earful :)

    Again, thanks lots for the insights... Safe Shooting all...

  12. Just wanted to ask...

    The stage design was such that the shooter started with a gun in his weak hand... , condition 2.... on beep.. run and place bag on top of a low table (about knee level) and engage as visible...

    So beep, draw gun, gun in front about waist level, place bag on low table and "STOP!"... give RO evil look :P .. but unloaded and showed clear... Got called for sweeping my left hand while placing the bag on the low table

    There was video footage... but it was behind me (my 5 o'clock) so it could only see my arm positions but not the muzzle and the weak hand holding the bag... kinda inconclusive...

    Now note that this is my PURELY MY point of view.. and not the RO's... I don't think I swept myself placing the bag on the table.. I could have.. and i couldnt have.. its debatable... and since i didn't feel it important enough... i let it stand... as the video was to debatable.

    but later, while reviewing the video with the RO concerned and the Range Master (unofficially)... I asked how do you arbitrate when the only two people to witness the "sweep" was the RO and the shooter? The answer I got was that if upon review of the evidence/witnesses that the possibility exists.. then the DQ stands..

    Is that a correct position for a match DQ? the mere possibility? vs. a 100% certainty? For future reference on my part really as this is all past now...

    Now a DQ for an AD, 180, dropped gun... that's 100%. But against a mere possibility that i could have swept myself? RO call with no witnesses... how do you manage those?

    Comments very appreciated...

  13. Good Day to everyone...

    I just wanted to confirm from the IPSC experts on a "purported" rule change again.

    I shoot in IPSC land and heard that IPSC where going to ban "ported/lightened slides" in Standard Division... as I've got a standard gun with a swiss cheese slide... is this true?

    Thanks in advance...


  14. 12.5 lb ISMI spring, 17 lb main spring and 3 shock buffs... I shoot 200 gr bullets loaded at 3.9grs on N320... Hope this helps...

    I'm wondering what kind of setup Blake Miguez is using. His gun moves so flat and i'm thinking is that he's shooting minor? Is this correct?

    Regards to all...

  15. Thanks... finally solved it. Here's the dumb part... I didnt remove the rubber band that's hooked on the power bar.. i was stopping the powder measure from full opening. I though i might help it in the return... doh :wacko:

    Thanks again... :) bell at 0.39, oal at 1.26.. SP2 powder :)

  16. so far, not been able to achive the 0.39 bell with full powder measure travel..

    With the die adjusted just enough for full powder bar travel at full handle extension, the bell diameters i've gotten are 0.4045, .4065 and .4170 on winchester cases, nickel.

    i need to experiment more...

    Thanks & regards to all..

  17. Thanks lots. Pins, funnel and dies are all for 38 sooper... all out of their dillon boxes. The powder measure works ok with a shell in Station2 and manually.

    I set the powder die quite high so that the case isn't belled to much. If it's lower, the case gets belled to much (IMO). But with the high die setting, the powder measure is not fully activated by the shell when the handle is fully down

    Let me experiment with what dillon just recommended. Much thanks for the tips/advice.

    Regards to all,

  18. Thanks lots. Glad to know its common. I came from 3N37 and the SD of that powder vs SP2 is less than 10 for sure.

    I've been using SP2 for about 4 months now and this is just the latest chrono test data. From Match chrono's i get the same spread as well. I just wanted to nail down the problem if it was the powder or the "loader" (right.. blame the equipment :))

    I may try 3n38. Its relatively at the same burn rate as SP2 but if it chrono's more consistently, and feels well, then i may change to that. THe thing with SP2 is that , in order to play safe, I end up loading to 170 pf just to play safe with the chrono stage. My last series of Match PF's were 170, 171, 167, 165 if I recall. I normally shoot 164 max PF.

    Regards to all...

  19. Hi to all...

    What's been the experience with SP2 and its FPS?

    I had a batch of rounds loaded with SP2,

    OAL : 1.258

    SP2 : 9.2 grs.

    Head: LSWC 123, 0.356 diam. ( I use 122 grs. to compute for PF)

    My chrono data is:

    1348, 1284, 1328, 1326, 1305, 1324, 1336, 1332

    I'm trying to find out if the variation in speeds is really a SP2 characteristic. Haven't been able to get this to within a +/- 10 fps deviation at all.

    Let me know your experiences with the powder. Or should I just switch to 3N38?

    Kind Regards,

  20. Hi All... dumb question i guess but here goes...

    On station 2, What do you need to do in order for the powder die to bell the case just a little and at the same time, allow the powder bar slide to travel fully open?

    What I'm getting is a little bell, just right for the bullet head, but the powder bar will not slide fully open. The powder die is set pretty high up on the tool head. If i set it lower, the case is belled very wide and i've just split around 50 case tips just trying to figure a way for a small bell while retaining full powder bar travel.

    Thanks in advance :)


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