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Everything posted by blkbrd

  1. Washington does allow full auto but you had to be grandfathered in, a democrat guv. at work.
  2. blkbrd

    Penguin Bashing

    With some looking I have found 5 versions of this game each has a greater distance. I still like the original.
  3. True to his word Josh repaired it. It runs great and passes all fit and function tests, 750 rounds jam free.
  4. Just watched the show and boy was I amazed. John Stossel actually told the truth about gun control, Its the criminals stupid!!
  5. By liability I mean this. Clubs are able to get insurance from the NRA and very few other sources due to the fact most insurance companies freek at the idea of a group of shooters in one place not to mention actually shooting on the move. I can just see the lawsuit from the wife of the blind guy trying to blame the club for setting up an enviroment where the speed of competition didn't allow her poor husband time to properly clear his gun after it went pop instead of bang. Any miniscule increase in accidents will raise club rates and what next, just the start of a slippery slope. Paranoid, Yes. True lets hope not. I just don't think to much automation is good for the hobby reloader, it makes it to easy to screw up.
  6. I hate to be the voice of descent but here goes. First, I think Dillon will not approve and kill the lifetime warrenty on the 650. The 650 is a great machine but this truly puts it into the industrial arena. Second, I see no provision for a powder check station as far as I can see the new tool head is not even treaded. Can you use a second crimp die? Third, I can see more squib loads not getting caught as your not looking at the case mouth anymore creating liability problems for clubs. This is a great idea for the 1050 user, but I am afraid it will hurt more 650 users than it will ever help. Just my 2C.
  7. First of most of these guys are not "goons" they make better money than the TSA crowd and work a whole lot harder in worse conditions, not to mention they had better background checks. To understand what a bag goes through first throw it down a flight of stairs 10 times, then toss in the back of a pickup and drive through a snowstorm, throw it across the driveway a few times and add being opened up by someone that just doesn't give a dam and you have a good idea of a bags daily life.
  8. Good job, you were right, TSA cannot mark your bag in any way. The airline must ask you to show unloaded and place a tag inside the locked case, verify its locked and only you have the key. There is a post about how you can mark your bag that may help, as there is a flaw in the system at current time due to the fact TSA may not know to call you if they want to open your bag in the luggage area of some airports not knowing it has already been inspected. Remember the TSA persons you had to deal with are generaly not the cream of the crop and it would be a mess having them opening a bag in route containing your competition gun for show and tell. Unlike the armed Air Marshals who are a sharp of bunch of individuals falling under a completly different set of criteria, most of these guys even the supervisors don't seem to have a clue. The airline customer service agent and most bag handlers had a more demanding time qualifying for there job.
  9. Dont bother to port a .270 unless its an ultramag, just practice and get used to it. A .270 even in a very light weight rifle does not kick much at all, practice your offhand shooting and shooting from improvised rests like you would use in the field and not off the bench where the recoil is magnified, also check to make sure yu have your scope mounted as low as possible. Porting a rifle will increase muzzle blast and has no place on hunting rifles till you get into the very fast and large calibers, it can make a flinch worse in a hunting situation not to mention destroy your ears. While shooting at game you will not even notice the recoil of a light caliber like a .270.
  10. Brownells.com for one stop shopping on lots of great stuff. Jack Noris with Practical Shooting Supplies for pure IPSC gear and great prices.
  11. blkbrd

    Warm Winters

    I hate it when I have to wear pants to a match instead of shorts in December, looks like Saturdays match will be back to shorts. Florida is great in the winter, summer can be a bit warm though, not brutal like Arizona or Texas though.
  12. It is still being FIXED??? It was sent back Nov 4th, 03 with a broken barrel link and its now Jan 1
  13. Faster powders will also make your pistol feel softer due to the fast rise and end of your pressure curve. While the bullet is in the barrel your slide and barrel stay locked together as the case is held to the chamber by pressure and the lugs being locked together, when the bullet leaves the barrel the slide begins to open, if all the powder is burnt at this point you will have less jet effect and less muzzle blast, your slide energy will also be lower, all of this will make the the pistol feel softer and you will have less muzzle blast helping see and control the shot. A lighter bullet will feel snappier and a heavy one softer, some prefer the smooth roll of 200's most seem to like the quicker 180's using a fast/soft powder like VV320. A Para has a fairly heavy frame anyway, tungsten guide rods and buffers will make it feel softer and track a little better.
  14. Skywalker; I stand corrected, she was Italian. I should have remembered this as my family is of Italian decent. She did have an Open gun on her hip, and I am sorry but I do not remember seeing ANYONE standing beside her, go figure! Are you planning on attending the Florida Open again this year? I loved the international flavor of last years match, I was just a spectator last year but be shooting limited or L10 this year.
  15. I just want to know who was the Spanish woman in the tight black spandex catsuit with the long red hair shooting the Florida Open last year? Made my day.
  16. What cal. are the top open shooters using? What did open shooters use at the last big nationals? Is 9X21 and 9X23 being replaced by 9X19 or is the case just to small? Found most of what I needed in the Jan/Feb Front sight. What does the future hold?
  17. Shoot a Browning Gold Turkey Stalker before you buy a Remington or Benelli, I tried many and found the Gold to be the best shooting of the bunch, add a Briley extension and spring kit and don't look back. The Benelli does kick a lot more and although it cycles fast the jolt it gave me slowed me down. The Remington is the Old standby for soft shooting, but the Gold is softer and faster IMHO.
  18. Small rifle primers are also just a bit safer using a primer feed and for tumbling loaded rounds.
  19. Vegetarian; An old indian word for lousy hunter
  20. Langdon Custom for Sigs and Berrettas. He sells parts and does the work also. Brownells also has spring kits.
  21. I would bet almost all Open gun shooters do, but few Limited/L10/Production/IDPA shooters do. Just an observation: With the same load my 45 it will shoot a 2" 40 yard group with sorted brass, but a 5"+ group with unsorted. I still don't sort.
  22. Me and my little red wagon will be there, already taken the days off work, not sure about if I will be shooting limited or L10 though?
  23. September in Guayaquil Ecuador? sounds like fun. Is as cheap as some of the surrounding countries?
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