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jeremy kemlo

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Everything posted by jeremy kemlo

  1. Shooting the WRC this weekend with my 14 year old daughter. My daughter wants to shoot the 929 and I do not have any load data for it. I have a couple options. I could bring Factory 115 grain federal ammunition. not sure what power factor that would result in. Or I could load something up with my 145 Gr Bayou Bullets within 320. I used 145 grain Bayou Bullets with 3.2 g of N320 in my Cz Shadow 2. That gets me 131 power factor but not sure what that will do in the 929. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I I should be good for weight. I can use factory base pads if others are too big. just need some new mag pouches and holster.
  3. Will this work in any of the categories ?
  4. My shadow 2 is set up for carry optics in USPSA. Slide was cut by cz custom for their optics plate and I run an sro. The slide was also cut by cz custom when you needed to make weight for USPSA. Single slot cut on top of the slide behind the front sight. Lok Light weight palm swell grips. Can’t use my USPSA mags but can I use stock mags with slightly bigger base pads. Adds know rounds.
  5. Does anyone make a mounting plate so I can put my holosun 510C on my Smith & Wesson 627?
  6. Sorry, option for where to get it done. This is an internal relief cut to prevent the frame from cracking with high round count. New fames all have this relief cut.
  7. Are there any options for getting the relief cuts in the frame of the shadow two like the newer ones have to prevent cracking down the road?. I have an older frame and since I live in California it is not easy to get a new one if it cracks.
  8. That would be great. I run 147 grain Bayou Bullets with 3.2 grains in my pistol. All I would have to do is switch out to the 115 bullets for pcc. what power factor are you getting?
  9. Well…. If someone doesn’t have any load data for this…. If I use n320 and a different grain bullet would anyone have load data for the Ruger pc carbine?
  10. Need to work up a load for my my dad and occasionally my daughter for the ruger pc carbine. It is stock so no comp. I would like to use what I have on hand which is 115 grain,round nose, Bayou bullets and n320. This would be for USPSA.
  11. Tape on the front of the lens so the dot is still visible. Doing drills from close target to a far target will often get you to switch from dot to target focused. Having the tape on reveals when you are switching from target focus back to the dot. A lot of times you will think you are target focused and not even realized you have switched that to dot focused. Also going from a long target to reload and back to a longer target will exacerbate the problem. That’s why those drills are good in dry fire. Once you can do that consistently then try it with live fire. Do your first lifefire session with tape still covering the front of the optic. Make sure you can do it consistently before removing it. Once you can do it consistently it’s still good to dry fire with tape over the optic to ensure that you were staying target focused.
  12. You don"t need a lot of strenght to be a good shooter. I have seen junior shooters with a small fraction of my stength that shoot very well. Several problems come up as we get older. 1. weight is higher so the strength to weight ratio is not good. I am all for strength training but for a lot of people weight loss will be faster and more beneficial in total performance. Both is obviously best. 2. This is the biggest one. Flexability, mobility, and strength at the extreme end range of movement. Check out ''Knees Over Toes Guy'' on youtube. He will explain it much better. I have gone from the doc telling me i would kneed surgery to no pain and a huge increase in mobility. Not just for old guys. My daughter has seen huge gains in performance and injury pervention as a collage volelyball player.
  13. Sounds like you are not target focused when using the dot. Put black tape over the front of the optic and shoot the gun. If you are target focused with both eyes open you won’t notice the tape. If you are seeing the tape then you are not target focused. Try going from close to near targets and from target to reload and back to target in dry fire. Do this with the optic taped. Then do it live fire optic taped and then no tape and see if the fixes the problem.
  14. Can I convert from 38 super to 9 mm or 40 for shooting USPSA? If so average cost, reliability, best gunsmith,?
  15. I use the 8.5 pound hammer spring with extended firing pin and light firing pin spring. Sets off federal’s reliably.
  16. Now what bullet, powder, oal, etc to get that group?
  17. Those 2 articles are great. Based on that I need less crimp and a little shorter oal.
  18. Oal works at 1.143. Doesn’t sprin free until It gets to 1.149. Pulled several bullets and there is no scraping of the coating but there is a small impression/ring around the bullet. Would it be better to go with less crimp? I will load some with 3.2 Of n320 as well for the test run.
  19. Working up a new load. Will try it out on saterday. Amy one shooting this combo that could give me feed back as to what worked for then or it I should adjust anything before heading to the range. Shadow 2 147 bayou Bullets flat point. 3.35 of n320 brass belled to .383 with ssi alpha powder dropper. 1.143 oal crimp .375
  20. The double alpha powder funnel flares the case at top and expands it a little more down lower. It also makes it much easier to set the bullet on top as it drops down in slightly. Would never reload again without one.
  21. Make sure that you don’t have the flat point bullet seater. I had that problem with 147 coated Bullets. Double alpha bullet feeder powder drop fix that.
  22. I am guessing bayou coated Bullets will be a little faster than copper plated. So maybe 3.2 will get me around 130
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