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Posts posted by uscbigdawg

  1. So I'm heading to my afternoon class and in the sea of mall clothes are four individuals in ACU's. Not that I'm a uniform nazi, and while I don't expect soldiers to be Audie Murphy, I do expect soldiers and more specifically NCO's to wear the uniform correctly. Of these four individuals, not a one was wearing head gear. So, after debating on whether or not to discuss with them, I walked up, confirmed that they were active duty (vs. the normal ARNG and USAR folks that can't wear their uniforms correctly in/around Sacramento), saw that the two males are E-6's, one female is an E-5 and the other female is an E-2.

    I asked if I could talk to the two E-6's privately so as to not compromise their authority or have their feelings hurt in front of the E-5 and E-2. I asked them why they weren't wearing any head gear, being that they're in uniform, out doors and not under cover. The response, in a very cavalier tone was that they left them in their GOV and that since they share the GOV with other recruiters, the car's not there and so they don't have their head gear. Definitely NOT an acceptable answer. I asked then if the two E-6's have read AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of the Military Uniform and when they are authorized to be outdoors and not have head gear on. Further, I asked that if they're going to be in uniform, in public, at a college and have a young soldier in their company that they as NCO's set the standard by wearing their uniform and presenting themselves properly?

    They agreed, but of course gave the textbook answer, "Roger, you're right". I'm freakin' pissed as like I said. I don't ask anyone to be the best of the best soldiers. Do your job, stay out of trouble and never compromise your integrity or put the military in a bad light. The easiest thing you have to do in the military IS WEAR THE UNIFORM CORRECTLY! If you can't do that, then get out as you lack pride and sense of duty and frankly, behavior like that, especially in a NCO is inexcusable.


  2. The RO doesn't have the authority to tell you to go to a safe area and bag your pistol. However too...after you holster your pistol, if he calls the range clear, you're not handling that pistol without his okey doke, or in a safe area. I'm pretty sure I'll win that battle if you holster it and I call the range clear, 'cause I just won't call it clear 'til it's HOLSTERED.

    Now someone tell you that you can't leave the bay is more than a little stupid. Nature does call once in a while. ;)


  3. Doug,

    can you post a picture of the R&R cat tail?

    I'd really like to see their latest cat tail design.

    R&R should also update their website. The pictures were not too appealing, especially if you were comparing them to other cat tail's out on the market. (Unless you like "gordito donut" rings). :)


    In Christ: Raymond

    Probably have to wait 'til SHOT Show. ;)


  4. 1. Do you take your regular range bag? I have a Shooters Connection big bag, do I pack it in a siut case, use it as a carry on or what? Maybe just the inner bag?

    Use the regular, full size Shooters Connection bag. Go with what you know and I check mine (pic added below)

    2. Do you just buy a cooler out there and leave it out there?

    Go to Wal-Mart, buy a styrofoam cooler and 1-2 cases of water and a bag of ice. Get back to the hotel, fill up the cooler with water and ice and leave it in the trunk of the car over night. By morning, replace with more ice. When the match is over, find a trash can for the cooler and donate the water to the club or the hotel cleaning crew.

    3. Do you pack your holster, or discretly carry on in a paper sack, or back pack?

    It's inside the same checked bag as my range bag (see pic added)

    4. After I win HOA, what do I do with the trophy, pack it or carry on? JUST KIDDING FOLKS !!!!!

    You have your clothing bag for any "trophies" or trinkits from the match. ;)


    Usual load out for the match is that inside the SC bag will be my pistol and if they're not looking closely 300 rounds of ammo, belts, tools, mags, etc.


    Inside the "big" bag is the SC bag, spikes and anything else that I may need for the match. Good place to throw a towel (hint).


    Here it is all closed up. Well under weight and size limits and has wheels and a pull handle. $40 at Target. I generally throw a nothing pad lock on the zipper tabs and then a brightly colored zip-tie as well. I emphasize the brightly colored ones as white and black are pretty common.

    ZERO hassles or issues flying to matches for the last 12 years.


    (Since it'll come up, if they "find" (I'm not hiding it, I'm just not declaring it) my ammo, I take it out of here and then throw it in with my clothes. No big whoop.)

  5. Thanks Nik. I agree. I think it comes down to being pro-active and taking the opportunity to "get ahead" (the professor has given us the entire course outline and by her tone sticks to it rigidly) so there's no reason that it can't be done. I'm of the mindset that if you have an opportunity to get ahead, do so and stay ahead as it's much easier to do that than play catch-up.


  6. If you have a $3k race gun that will fall out of a holster, optics don't function when they're wet, you lack a t-shirt/towel to dry it, and it doesn't run when dirty and/or a slide racker that's your option to have on the gun, then you should either:

    - Get a gun that runs

    - Get a gun cover from say Shooter's Connection or SSI

    - Carry a towel

    - Protect the gun from dirt and dust

    - be thinner so the slide racker doesn't poke you

    - Remove the racker

    All of these do not involve the RO and neither should taking care of YOUR firearm in any condition. There's a safe area. Use it.


  7. Thanks guys. The straight memorization is the only that I'm concerned with. The A&P is broken in to 2 semesters and so basically, here's what I've got:


    General Chem 1

    A&P 1



    General Chem 2

    A&P 2

    Psychology and/or Regular Bio


    Organic Chem 1 & 2

    Thanks again for the info and I'll call the prof on Monday. Maybe I can switch the General Bio with Micro this semester.


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