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Posts posted by TGO

  1. Its the moonclips isn't it? Its all because of the moonclips. Other divisions buy 3000 dollar guns, with 3000 dollars of accessories, then scurry around for the gold plated brass they fling all over the range and talk about how expensive it all is. Revolver shooters get ALL their brass back. Revolver will always be the red headed step child, that is tolerated just to keep the old and the ADA at bay. 5shot, 6shot, 7shot, 8shot,.. its the moon clips that those racist open/limited shooters hate. :D

    Yes, Yes it is. As much as I hated picking up brass before, after shooting the wheel for the last couple months, I now just try to leave the auto brass on the ground and sneak off the range..... Next to cleaning guns or picking up the house after myself, I hate brass pickup more than anything!!!

    Another thing, when I step on one I cry. If it were a magazine I wouldn't even miss a step to avoid one. Now I look down before I even move after I shoot to make sure I don't bend one of those fragile little wonders.

  2. All very interesting. The thing I think Carmoney is trying to say is when you take an excellent revolver driver and put him up against production shooters several classes below him, they beat him. This is about the same thing I have found around here. I can't beat those in my class at a local match in any division except revolver with my revolver. 6 or 8 shot. Have tried really hard for the last couple months. I can't overcome the ease of shooting and reloading a semi-auto regardless of how well I manage the revolver.

    Now there are undoubtably better wheelgunners than me, but I can't even come close to my production or SS scores with the revolver. So I no longer compare it that way. Although I try to beat everyone, anytime I'm shooting, I just try to score best I can with the wheel.

    That's OK though, you won't beat an open gun shooter of the same ability with a limited gun either. Maybe on the occasional stage here and there, but not regularly.

    I hope soon, when shooters wanna use 8 shooters, they will be in REVOLVER DIVISION!!

  3. This news saddens me greatly. Even though we had the chance to visit one last time before he passed, it's hard to see these people in your life leave. Guy was a great guy and helped me more than many know. I am preparing for a trip out of town but will be back to tell stories of Guy. I spent a great amount of time with him and at his shop in the early days as he was the first to build Custom guns for not just Me and Big Daddy, but many in the Phoenix area. I also in the very early days before meeting Brian, drove with Guy to the local matches. I look forward to spreading some of the old stories with interested readers. I owe guy a great debt as he took care of me when I could barely make ends meet. He along with my Mom and Dad, Brian and Mike Dillon's help in the early days, made my career possible. More to come....

  4. Wait a little longer and we will see. Maybe there is no one, but maybe some of the ICORE guys will crossover. In our club alone we have 30-40 folks who are shooting ICORE. Most of those folks do not have 6 shooters so when the they come to a USPSA event they shoot in L10, because of the Prod holster rules. Since they can't be competitive, they do it infrequently. If they want, with the inclusion of 8 minor they can now shoot USPSA in revo division. Only time will show whether they do or not. What's the harm in trying? If no more come out, we have lost nothing. It would be hard to have less attendance!

  5. Hey Ya'll. I apologize for my part in this mess. I will step out from this thread so you guys can proceed as planned. I am fiercely loyal to supporting the shooting industry, especially Springfield Armory and their products. That I became so harsh about it is a flaw that I will work on. Have a nice evening, I'm gonna go load some more 125.0 PF ammo for my Bianchi Cup XDm and 170 PF ammo for my 625.

  6. Bothof the 625's I use are new 5" barrels with Ti cylinders. The 1911 is brand new and has a Kart barrel in it, maybe 400 rounds through it? I had it built to take advantage of only sending one load to Barry for the Nationals. Due to the extreme velocity difference between the revo and auto, I'd load separately for each now anyway so will probably just shoot the .40 so I can't mix anything up!

    Besides, that gun deserves another chance to actually finish the match!!!

  7. As an interesting note, I have found both of my 5" 625's to be approximately 80 FPS FASTER than the 5" 1911 I'm working with. This is loaded with Tight Group powder, Federal primers and is applicable to both lead and jacketed 230 grain RN bullets. I was going to shoot .45 for both to save the need for different loads for each type of gun. Looks like I will have to load separate for each anyway. I wouldn't mind having the auto be too hot but want the revo to be close as I hate the recoil at 165 pf, never mind 185 PF!

    I don't understand this and have tested it many times assuming I had made a mistake, but so far those results seem correct.

    I'm almost ready to just shoot minor 6 to reduce the beating I take. I hope they do the damn 8 minor thing. Hell, I'd probably even take 7 minor over 6 major if it were a real choice.

  8. I think I'd advise to try something other than "to focus" on any one thing or precept. Trying to Focus on something to exclude awareness of all other things is very difficult and sometimes undesirable. It's much easier to simply be aware of items of interest and prioritize. Let it come to you without excessive effort rather than try so hard that the pressure to focus hinders your ability to see what is obvious.

  9. I get it - the serpent swallows its tail.

    Yup. It's an endless cycle. Like a reciprocating 4 stroke motor, you need all the steps to be completed in order for the thing to move you forward. That's as analogous as I'm gonna get here. Work hard, get better, execute, enjoy, repeat..... Daddyo!!!!
  10. I'm saddened to hear you'd stop. In truth though, there are many more 8 shot models available from S&W than 625 models that would be suitable for competition. Not sure on the price differences. Add a cylinder and a hand to that conversion of your 625 4" and it could be an 8 shot I think?

    You guys that like shooting major are a tough breed!! That is my least favorite combination. I'm not sure I'd score worse with minor 6 than major 6. Haven't shot enough to test everything yet, but know I actually like shooting the 8 shot minor, and it's not because of the 8 shot part. That's just referring to which one I more enjoy when they go off in my hands.

    BTW, isn't it interesting that they don't even make the 625 model anymore that everyone wants, but they keep producing/introducing more and new 8 shooters? I definitely have more cash into my 625 that I replaced the barrel and cylinder on than I have in my 8 shooters, which appear to hold up much better than the 625's do? someone could start a business repairing 625 cylinder notches and stay pretty busy!!

  11. I'll trade you a 4" 625 barrel for a 5", so you can try IDPA? Your findings are the same as ours. The reason I think it's good is because we have 3-4 times as many come out to shoot the 8 shooters. I'm sorry that it makes you feel as though you would quit, but this division is on the brink of extinction. If things aren't tried to build participation, at best it will dwindle on as is or at worst fade away completely.

    You'd still shoot, just in a different division?

    Gotta tell you, I've now spoken to quite a few shooters at local, regional and National level matches and the majority are open to trying this as a provisional test. Very few who actually have been at the matches do not want to at least give it test.

    What do you suggest to help the division?, and make it something that can work and fit into the existing matches.

  12. I probably have as much experience here as anyone so... The factory barrel and the Custom shop barrel are similar. Having the factory barrel refit will result in very good groups. As good as the Custom Shop barrel. The real advantage of which is the fact that it is oversize and is merely fit by removing material. The refitting of the stock barrel, while resulting in a similar accuracy improvement requires the addition of material to surfaces and then the fitting be performed. That will negate your factory warranty if not done by Springfield and if done incorrectly will cause an inaccurate, unsafe, unreliable gun.

    Having said that, with the correct loads and the barrel, either factory refit or new custom installed will deliver in my experience (8 guns, 4 9mm 5.25 XDm's and 4 9mm 5"XD's} 10 shot groups shot from prone around the 4" mark at 50 yards. I have shot many, many groups better than this, but talk about the norm, not the exception. As you might expect, I've shot hundreds of groups and assume the gun is capable of better, but I'm limited by my eyesight. I have shot some screamers, and with many different loads and bullet weights.

    Routinely a stock 5.25 9mm will shoot good enough out of the box to clean the bianchi cup COF. The refit guns stay more accurate longer.

  13. Be easier to just figure out how much time I'm not thinking bout shooting.

    One of those people that can't leave work at the office? Maybe you should take up some kind of hobby. :goof:

    OK, That's really funny, and completely true. Its Easter Sunday, I'm about to have dinner and I'm on the interweb talking about shooting....I guess this could wait until tomorrow, between the hours of 09:00-17:00.
  14. I'm lucky in that I love to shoot and love competing more. I've never really felt i was being paid to do a job, more like I was a trust fund recipient and now got to shoot whenever i wanted, and I just had to wear a certain shirt or hat. I was going shooting regardless. Never looked at it as though I all of a sudden had to do something I didn't want to. Quite the opposite, I felt/feel like I was freed of the burden of everyday life to just do what I want. Which is to go shooting. Never felt otherwise.

    I know lots of folks feel an increase in pressure to perform when they get paid, but my Peter Pan syndrome protects me from those thoughts and feelings. Someday when It all comes to an end I will look back on it and see it differently maybe, but the only part of this piece of my life I dislike is traveling. The rest is awesome, if you truly love to compete and perform, I'm living the dream. If getting rich and famous is your goal, find another sport.

    I've never felt about it the way Brian did. As far as the part he talks about being good for the sport, I never saw it that way. My job isn't interlaced with whether it was good for the sport or not. Shooters buying the products I am paid to use is how I measure whether I am effective or not. Even that doesn't really effect my performance. No one is forced to pay my salary by paying taxes so I really don't see it as anything like the Military teams. They are being paid by the government to beat you. I get paid by a manufacturer to try and show you how good what they make is. If I beat you in the process then that's just proof of the products effectiveness. I'm working for a sponsor and I ultimately get paid only if you buy our products. I never use a product I don't believe in so it is easy for me maintain a clear conscience about my job.

    If someone who is given the opportunity to be a paid shooter doesn't accept the offer, it's because he doesn't want to be a paid shooter. If you are motivated by the almighty dollar and can't make much shooting or realize that you may not reach the level you'd like, then pass on it. Enjoy shooting for what it is; a hobby. It is certainly not for everyone and damn few ever get the opportunity anyway. That "I love shooting too much to be payed to do it" part is hard for me to understand. That probably comes from someone who wants the money more than the shooting, which is ok. From my viewpoint and experience, I'd say he doesn't want to for reasons such as he really does not wanna spend the time and effort required, or have the complete skill set required to make it work. Harsh maybe but true. I really see that as just an excuse. If someone were rich and were offered the opportunity change their life and just shoot, at the expense of being rich, I imagine few would take it. If they really didn't have the talent, it's just theoretical anyway.

    If I didn't think I had the skills I wouldn't consider it? It's not an easy job, but if you love guns and shooting, it is extremely rewarding, if you are successful. You gotta want to do it for the right reasons. Also, loving to shoot has little to do with being a paid shooter.

    Prizes and classification systems are the real downfall of any amateur sport. The better shooters are always going to find a way to win and they aren't always the pro's, whatever that is.

    BTW, now that I think about it, it would be a lot easier to have a normal job with less pressure and self induced performance anxiety. To know you will get paid regardless of whether you were the best or not. Holy cow, now I'm scaring myself!!! Better get a real Job.... Wait a minute, that's crazy talk, I love shooting too much to have a real job!

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