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Everything posted by shred

  1. The basic Swenson patent doesn't expire until 2006 or 2007, I believe. But, I also believe it is possible for a clever person with a good lawyer handy to get around it. SVI may have found a way.
  2. In the US? They're asking to get sued.. which would be fun, them being foreign and all.
  3. Uh, can you explain the physics and math on that? Recoil is based on gun weight and barrel length and projectile weight and powder gas volume and pressure, but I don't think it neatly boils down to one number like 50%. 50% felt difference, no problem. 50% by the numbers? that's what I'd like to see.
  4. It happened.. it was because the stage mandated no mag pouches for some reason.. hence the gamer way to carry mags instead of fishing in jeans pockets.
  5. Cowboy fast-draw guys can do draws in the .200's (100ths of a second are too coarse a measurement for them). Yet they don't win any other matches. Wonder why?
  6. Swenson owns a patent on 1911 thumb safeties with integral side-shields, so nobody else makes them.
  7. I blame gunwriters (hi Duane).. there's so much written about how you can use 38 Specials in .357 or .44 Spl in .44 mags, mostly without disclaimers that you shouldn't do that otherwise (which would seem to be obvious, but then I'm reminded of gun magazine readership..) Either that or the guy's been in the wrong forums on the internet. I'm sure somebody would suggest that.
  8. I cannot understand this! What do you mean??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 9x23 and it's co-horts (9 Super Comp) are lengthened 9mm-based cases and different than the modified 38 Super-based cases-- most of the difference is the 9-related cases are tapered and Supers are not. That taper is a few thousanths of an inch more at the back of the case, which can lead to all kinds of problems. Avoid mixing 9-mm based cases and super-based cases even if the gun runs like that-- most don't.
  9. it is an IC socket the LED module (it's not a laser, just an LED with a tiny tiny hole exposing it) You'll need to leave that where it is. If you could get a good match on the light curve and resistance. That might get tricky.
  10. I honestly think most of the benefit of minor loads is in practice-- cheaper, softer, quieter. 300 rounds of minor Super is a lot less fatiguing than 300 rounds of major loads to me. If I was running some uberlight aluminum-comped thing, my opinion might differ.
  11. Lately? 1,100 for the World Shoot on a 1050. Under 2 hours. Like Ron says I just get bored easily, so mostly I load ~300 a few days before the match. Some guys seem to prefer loading once a year-- they crank out 10-20K over the winter and shoot all year long.
  12. MCM is correct. Don't forget .38 TJ too, though that stuff is high $ now new.
  13. Thanks. I'm going to close this one before it turns into a debate on the SS-1911 division.
  14. I was up at Dawsons today and they're running extra shifts on the machines to get basepads out.. No idea exactly what style they were doing, but it might be worth calling them directly again. My guess is this is still leftover from moving the entire shop earlier this year.
  15. Dang.. already got Continental tix out of Houston for almost twice that...
  16. You'd need to maybe disable the shellplate moving over, and maybe the primer feed advancing. (All I ever changed was the primer feed-- I just moved cases around without locator pins until I got it set how I wanted.) The primer feed can be taken care of by removing the black angled piece on the upper part of the front of the frame-- one allen bolt and it's out. No adjustment needed to replace.
  17. Austin. http://www.sss.org/lonestar. Btw, Canyon Lake is probably closer to the north San Antonio range than the Austin range.. PM me for details.
  18. I love it .. Thanks George. Y'all rock.
  19. SCSA is slow about their web site (we're not on it after a year and a half).. and not the only word in steel. The Tyler folks used to do steel as well, and I'd think somebody up there could or should be convinced to (Double-Tap? Breckenridge?) ... shoot, how far is Shreveport? Shoot against Jerry-- he almost won the whole thing a year ago. Oh yeah, we plan to be there.
  20. Never underestimate the value of good socks.
  21. Brassing for other people stopped when .40 brass got cheap. Soon as those folks decided they couldn't be bothered to pick it up, it justified them (in their minds) from not picking any up for anybody else.. Our range has a mandatory pick-up-all-the-brass rule and you should hear the whining. Ten years ago, long before the rule, you'd automatically get almost all your brass back as soon as scoring was complete..
  22. My favorites were 180gr Golden Saber JHPs (probably still available from Midway in bulk) to be the best bullet at grabbing pins in .40 cal. I played around with the 200's and 220's, but they're almost all FMJ with smallish points. Fat, lighter JHP's worked better.
  23. Squad 22(? whatever the Austin squad is) M-Open
  24. It's probably a long haul, but Austin and San Antonio both put on club-level steel matches every month. Usually 5 stages, ~150 rounds. Maybe there's something closer.
  25. A whole lot of custom parts aren't made by the guy with his name on the package. It's just the way it is. They figure out what they want, and order 'em from a manufacturer and put their name on it. Doug Koenig isn't filing out hammers and sears in his garage.. Caspian probably doesn't cast Caspian frames. Nothing wrong there. If somebody else can do it to specs and more efficiently than you can, that's where you go.
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