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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. BE,

    At least I can THINK like TGO :-)

    NO WAY do I want your site linked to USPSA's.  Twasn't my suggestion... my first gut feeling was EEEWWWWWWW, I don't want those weenies and their bad attitudes here :-)  And that's STILL my feeling, even after trying to think rationally about the extra traffic for you (more traffice = more sales?)

  2. Approval of July 28, 2001 meeting minutes

    Approval of September 4, 2001 meeting minutes

    Approval of actions taken by the board on behalf of USPSA in 2001

    Approval of Fourth Quarter Financial Report (unaudited)

    USPSA goal planning

    Marketing presentation by Michael Bane

    Membership dues

    BOD review of President, Vice President, Executive Manager salaries

    Approval of 2002 budget

    Point Series Championship report

    USPSA Team selection criteria

    By-law review committee report

    Marketing directions for 2002

    Match scoring (3 Gun and Multi-Gun stages)

    2001 Area 3 Nationals slot distribution

    Split Area 8 matches

    9mm major for Open Division

    National and Area match scheduling


    Of the list above (this is the agenda for BOD Meeting in Feb), I'd say that the only thing that should really be on here is goal planning, marketing direction and by-law review.  Everything else on this agenda should be an Operations discussion and really shouldn't be something the board cares about.

    In order for USPSA to succeed, the Board of Director's needs to seriously consider LETTING GO of these types of issues.  While the members may be screaming about slots and match dates, this kind of stuff really should be handled by the E.M. and the office, while the Board looks at the bigger picture and direction of the entire organization.

  3. A few really easy to implement suggestions to increase growth and retention.

    1.  Require membership to participate in a match.  If you're not a member, not a problem, we'll sign you up right now.

    GSSF and IDPA both require that you are a member of their org to participate in their matches.  I shot at my local club for almost 2 years before I joined USPSA.  

    2.  Take the "Unofficial IPSC List" link off of the web site.

    It's SO intimidating to brand new members to see them all arguing.  I personally know of 4 brand new shooters that got all hyped after their first match, went to the site, joined the IPSC list and then disappeared.  Because these were people I knew, I asked them - all 4 said too much infighting .  I made them clarify, as I knew they'd only been to 1 match and didn't see it there - it was the list!  Let word of mouth carry the list address around.

    3.  Put a welcome page on the website and do a little re-organizing to get the really pertinent information up front.

    So there ya have it.  Kathy's easy to implement "do it now" suggestions :-)

  4. You guys are scaring me now.

    First, Grassy - don't grab the shooter if he LOOKS LIKE he's going to break the 180, kay?  Wait until it's actually past the 180 to put your hand up and stop the gun (please use the shooters elbow for this manuever so as not to make him ad)

    Second, the "score keeper" isn't!  She's an ASSISTANT R.O. Able to make the same calls as the RO and just as responsible for bad things happening.

    Eric & 2A - the RO is there to ensure safety.  He can not control the situation with a hard gun case in one hand, and the timer in the other, period!  Like Erik said, bad things happen fast.  (That is also why your taught to use your weak hand for the timer!  Better reaction times with your strong hand)

    David and I both have those cloth boot looking covers, fits in MY back pocket while i'm shooting - when I'm done and looking at scores, I recover my gun.

    I'm not commenting on the smoking part - I get enough of that shit in person at home!

  5. JJ,

    I DO think the classifiers are valid.  Just because your clubs sets up the "weenie" ones, doesn't mean that there are other choices available.

    For Kicks one day, I printed all of them - there's actually a really nice selection of field courses in there!

    Also, they're geared to be set up anywhere!  Most of those easterners have to shoot indoors for 3/4 of the year :-)

    And I also believe that they shouldn't really mirror matches, that's what the matches are for!

  6. TDean,

    THE fastest time was with a limited gun in the high 9's.  The other top dawgs were in the 10's and 11's. Also, you could see the targets from the box, no movement whatsoever was required, but as I said earlier, some of the Limited shooters moved forward a bit.

    David did circles, bottom to top, Nolan did some sort of "figure 8".  They were both at 10 1/2.  

    I like Brian's order - damn, wish you were at that match with me :-)  I was concerned about the "double" transitions, but like Nik, knew that I'd get better hits going in a straight line, as I'd be less likely to "drive through" a target.

    Did I mention I won my class because I shot this one so well :-)  The other C Class shooters ALL had misses.

  7. From the match administration point of view, it takes too much time to bag everyone at the end of their run.   When you're done, go to the safe area if you wanna bag your gun.  Or even better - buy a holster that does instill confidence!

  8. I use the CRTC Training mags for draw practice and indexing/dry firing because it FEELS like a loaded magazine.

    I also use it for reload practice, but it only DROPS from the gun - I put a real mag IN when practicing.  The mag is filled with live rounds except the top 5 which are dummies.  This should prevent any truly serious accidents and has the added benefit of not wasting perfectly good bullets as dummy rounds.  

  9. Drats - the picture WAS there!!!!  I'll email to Brian to see if he can fix it :-)

    Flex, the distance was about 15 feet from the front of the box and about 7 feet from the tape.  

    You did not have to stay in the box.  In fact, most of the limited shooters went to the fault line (shooting on the move - and then did some shifting while up there)

    (Edited by Shooter Grrl at 7:31 am on Jan. 21, 2002)

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