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Shooter Grrl

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Posts posted by Shooter Grrl

  1. David Benzick brought his 20 ga (um 1100 I think) for me to try out after the match Sunday.

    He showed me the safety and how to load it and after one little boo boo with the loading (i'm really good at not pushing the shells all the way in and getting one stuck UNDER the follower  I was ready to fire it.

    And damn, I HIT EVERYTHING I pointed that bad boy at!  WOOHOOO - what a blast :-)

    I actually had to stop and explain to David that I really wasn't that good with a shotgun, as his was only the third time I'd ever fired one!

    It's a really good feeling to know finally that my skills have improved to this point - which is why you guys get all my posts about it.  I'm not a natural shooter, I've had to work really damn hard to learn these skills - so it's just really really cool to be able to pick up any gun and be able to use it!

    (Edited by Shooter Grrl at 5:44 am on Feb. 12, 2002)

  2. David,

    I agree wholeheartedly that letting a new MD learn the "hard way" is an excellent choice - but ONLY for issues like putting the 2 longest stages on one bay... and how to get the crowd moving quicker, and the right mix of stages to help a match flow...

    Safety issues and "usability" of a course reflects on the club however, and should be addressed by the club officials when brought to their attention.

    And of course, inquiring minds wanna know - do you think that newbie MD learned his lesson at this match?

  3. A course this weekend required you to shoot 3 targets that were stacked sideways - from around a barricade or through soft cover.  Sounds okay on the outset, but the soft cover was a pallet (um - that's not soft!) with orange snow netting stapled to it - you could NOT see the targets outlines through it.

    Only real option was around the barricade/pallet that had a barrel in front of it - it was a good 3 feet around this thing to see the targets.  David, at 6'5" had to hang onto the barricade to shoot this...  Me, at 5'2" almost, could do nothing but throw lead down range.

    I hated this - why would someone make it impossible to engage targets?  And 3 of them no less... talk about a bad stage!

    The same course designer also made a stage with a barricade that my bullets lowered for him ;-0  My fault on that one, I could have moved out of the box, but didn't want to since I had to go prone next and if I moved up to the barricade I would have had to back up quite a bit to flop to the ground.  On this same stage, he put in a "bonus target" that if you hit, lowered your time by 3 secs...  weird shit, man!

  4. Yup - twas a foo foo gun, and a wide open target and ALL the other targets had A's (I was down 1 C)

    On the impossible to shot stage - I threw lead down range and took my lumps - what else was i to do?

    EDIT HERE - I should mention that in my attempt to throw lead downrange - I did actually hit the targets - the middle one only had all 6 hits :-)  So I could get my arm around enough, but I couldn't move it and I couldn't see the targets - another good point for indexing practice!

    (Edited by Shooter Grrl at 9:01 am on Feb. 12, 2002)

  5. Mark Perez posted this - good info, but I thought it might be confusing in the USPSA rules discussion


    The inner / outer belts are restricted according to the following from the web site:

    NON-INCLUSIVE list of holsters and ammunition carriers that are EXCLUDED from IDPA competition.

    Bianchi H2045, H2046, H2050, Ernie Hill FAS-TRAC, L/E Original, 1FSM, 3FTM, Galco Gunsite, Hellweg - Tactical C Series, Safariland 011, 009, 010, 002, 003, 007, 077, 771, CD2 & CD6 (these are the spring clips), 333, Sparks 1AT. Velcro inner/over belts are specifically excluded unless they are part of a police/military duty rig.

    So ,your best bet is to just get a belt through the loops on the pants.

  6. So we had an ammo problem this weekend - driving us nuts trying to figure it out.  We're using established loads and our guns are fairly new still...  no REAL reason that we can think of for it to be happening.  Tested the theory that it wasn't the gun at the range... nope, barrels still good - fed someone else's ammo just fine.

    We get home, I turn on the 'puter first thing and search the forums - "tumble" brings up just the thread I need.  Pat S and BE say "It's the powder or the crimp" - Ah HA!  Powder worked before must be the crimp!

    Oh but wait, what SHOULD it be - new search on crimp = there it is!  Pull a bullet - yup - crimps changed - VOILA!  (CROSSED FINGERS :)

    Oh wait, but what about... another search and there's the answer to that one too!  Two more Oh Wait's later and...

    What could have taken WEEKS to figure out was answered in about an hour (Search is SLOW - or it woulda been even faster).

  7. We hard gorgeous weather this weekend and spent both days at the range!  

    As Erik's post says, LOTS of new shooters both days.  It was GREAT to see that many people out, but woulda been better if there had been an EQUAL number of experienced shooters.  Too much work and not enough time to focus on your shooting when your mentoring that many newbies :-)  It's also a drain when there's a squad of 11 and only 4 can RO.  Damn was I tired at the end of that!

    Saturday's match left a bad taste in my mouth.  I shot the best classifier of my life - smooth, good hits, great time (for me , I called my shots - was just "in the groove".  I follow the RO down, even though I know what the hits are - gotta keep him honest, right? :-)

    There's a target with NO hits on it - WRONG!  I knew they were there, knew what they were!  RO says, there's no one with tape in front of us - he looks at one guy, did you tape this - he says no, I get 2 misses :-(

    I took the lumps and was even nice to the guy after that, but damn, what a sucky situation!!!!!!  I have no clue how to combat that....

    So Sunday we get up and head off to the range again... I shoulda stayed in bed!  Ran into another situation that I have no clue how to compensate for, but this one TICKED me off!  I don't know why some people think that hard is good, but this designer actually designed a course wherein it was physically impossible for me to engage the targets.  ARGH!  (For more on my feelings see previous Hate rant about dourse designing

    I'm glad this Hate forum is here - it helps to be able to share these kind of situations.  Hopefully if you end up as MD someday, you'll remember this and try to prevent stuff like this from happening!

  8. Don't let them scare you SS - we got one in October and have had ZERO problems with it.  Absolutely love it.

    The volume is loud, but DUH - you're normally using it with hearing protection, outdoors, at a shooting range :-)  You can modify it with either Eric's or my solution :-)

    As to the rest of their problems, it looked to me like they weren't problems with the unit, they were problems with the operators ;-0

  9. I NEVER said that I believe that, just that that was what I was told.

    Hell yes it's a competition!  And I want to win!  My other coach says "Whatever it takes" :-)

    And Ron, that was NOT directed at you, my apologies if looked that way.

    IMHO, Granbagging and Sandbagging both DO have a part in our game.  The people that do this present a challenge for the rest of us to overcome!

  10. Honestly y'all, if you spent as much time PRACTICING as ya did worrying about your Class, you'd all move up quite quickly and this whole mess would just go away :-)

    Now that my tongue in cheek rant is over - may I remind you what my coach has drummed into my head since the day I picked up a gun...

    IN THIS GAME, YOU ARE ONLY COMPETING AGAINST YOURSELF.   So if you grandbag or sandbag, you're only cheating yourself.

  11. Oh - I understand what he's saying, but I still don't understand WHY he thinks that way then.  We have 5 SEPARATE DIVISIONS in USPSA and they do not, will not, should not and all the other NOTS compete against each other!  If he wants to see how he stacks up against an Open gun, then PLAY with an Open gun by  the Open Division Rules.  Production only counts against Production, Limited against Limited, etc...

    I'm sorry, I just don't get it :-(

  12. Actually Bruce, I think he's trying to say that Production should all be scored as Major instead of all as Minor so that those in that division don't PERCEIVE that they're being penalized for their "stock" guns.

    As far as I can tell, it's ONLY Production that he wants changed - did I get it right JZ?

    I don't agree - but I understand what he is saying.  JZ my response is that Production shoots against Production, period.  Everyone in that division is scored the same, so I'm unclear where this "penalty" perception would come from.

  13. Wish I'd found this thread BEFORE i had to shoot a match :-)  Only one thing isn't clear to me... I automatically put the shell holders on the left side of my body and reloaded with my weak hand, just like I grab magazines...  It worked, but was awkward.  I started thinking that I needed to put holders on right side and use strong hand... is that what y'all are advocating here?

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