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Posts posted by johnnywitt

  1. Ok, so I have a J Frame as a training handgun for my 9 & 11 year old Kids, It's a 63-5 3" with the OEM  Hi-Viz Front that is .125 wide and my Factory Rear Sight notch is .123. I want to change to a Dawson Pinned Front that is .100, but the OAL of the Hi-Viz is .801 & the Dawson is .560, so now I have a lot of real estate on the SS Sight Ramp- ramp is just a bit longer than the OEM Front Sight.

    Is having a short OAL F/O Front Sight in relation to the Ramp Length a bad thing? Will this be ok, as you are looking at the sight and not the ramp. I have not had my Gunsmith install this sight yet. I can still send it back. Thanks!

  2. To give you a specific example why FFP vs. SFP, let's say you want to be in that intermediate magnification range for the FOV advantage but the targets in question are still at a distance where you want to use the reticle subtensions to engage them. With an FFP no worries, the reticle will always subtend the same measurement regardless of magnification. With a SFP scope the reticle is only accurate at one magnification. If you need to use it at any other magnification you need to correct for the difference in subtension.

    Well, I guess you do need a variable vs a 1x OR 4x then. I believe that you can get the SS with Capped Turrets now. SS is a goofy name. They aren't doing themselves any favors there with that name.

    Not necessarily NEED just trying to explain why there isn't more 1 OR 4 scopes out there. This thread got me looking and both the IOR Pitbull and Elcan weigh 23oz where most 1-4's are running 16-18 oz.

    And yes I can see where some make fun of the name but SWFA has done some really nice stuff with this line of scopes and has quite a solid reputation with them so I can see their reluctance to change the name.

    Yeah Shawn, I'm totally OK with the name, but some aren't apparently. I just care about the quality and usability of the scope. I'm planning on buying this optic 1st and then later getting the Razor as funds permit. I just wanted some of the "Big Guns" opinions first. I firmly believe that if something works it will be a 3 gunner that will probably figure it out first. 3 Gun seems to be a proving ground for equipment and new ideas. The LEO and Military SPEC OPS communities seem to get trickle down from what you Guys are doing. Although stuff trickles the other way as well- just not as often.

    I haven't gotten into 3 gun yet. I'm busy building my skills and just having fun on my "Home Range". I have a 110 yard shot up my meadow and a good 25yd pistol range into the hill beside my house. Looking to try and get some good poppers and gravity reset targets for all calibers and get my 2 CF carbines (I have my .22LR carbine already set up with a TS upper with 12" SWS Rail and PEPR w/ Weaver 1X3). This sport gets pretty spendy fast. Kinda have to ease your way in stealth mode to keep from running afoul of the spousal unit.

  3. Can't tell you anything about the Vortex, but I bought the 1-4 SS. I got the circle/caps model with SWFA's quick mount. I can tell you that it's a great piece. Everything I've read about others experiences have proven accurate, so I won't go into a full review. The one thing I did, that the other reviews didn't mention is I removed and reinstalled the scope to check that it held zero, and it did. I repeated the test 4 times (at 100Y) and each time I put it back on, it was exactly on target.

    Thanks for that. I just can't get over how much I like the circle/mil rad reticle in theory as I have never even looked through one. I'm thinking just put a cat tail on it and spin from 1X to 4X. Why have any other power. Somebody needs to make a scope beside that crappy IOR Bulldog that just goes 1X and 4X. Why would yould you want to be on, say 1.5X, or 2.5X.

  4. So, the SWFA offering looks pretty good. How does it stack up to the Razor? They say you get what you pay for, but the SWFA doesn't have any Middle Man markups. I like the Circle reticle on the SWFA a lot. They should have just made it a 1Xand4X to save weight and time to switch power.

    Anyone have experience with both optics???


  5. So, the SWFA offering looks pretty good. How does it stack up to the Razor? They say you get what you pay for, but the SWFA doesn't have any Middle Man markups. I like the Circle reticle on the SWFA a lot. They should have just made it a 1Xand4X to save weight and time to switch power.

    Anyone have experience with both optics???

  6. Competition is a healthy thing. I'm glad that there are numerous MFG of triggers/FCG out there. Ultimately, a lot of this is a Ford vs Chevy, or Toyota type of subjective argument. There's no accounting for personal perception and feel. I wish more MFG would dance with who brung them though. MFG like JP are to be commended for supporting the shooting sports. Small MFG like JP & large MFG like Glock know that by putting something back into the community, they build customer loyalty and maybe get a lifelong customer out of the deal.

  7. Smokshwn, maybe I will try out a JP. I just got into the AR thing beginning last summer, so my learning curve is still pretty steep. I'm lucky enough to have a 100y range behind my house and a 25y pistol range beside my house. So, I'm still experimenting trying to see what works for me and what doesn't. When I feel like I'm getting good enough, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna want to start competing at the local level. I really appreciate what you experienced Dudes have to say and hope to learn a lot more from you Guys. Sorry for the thread drift.

  8. Todd,

    I have tried the AR Gold and while I loved the break on longer shots I just couldn't get it to work for me at speed. I could not feel the reset. Back in went the JP.

    How does that particular aspect compare with the DMR?

    Hey Craig....I'll be honest here. Giesselle sent us the SSA triggers first. We weren't too crazy about them and told him what we were looking for and he sent the DMR Match triggers that are fully adjustable and explained some of the adjustment parameters. We got the DMR's and installed them. I adjusted them multiple different ways to find what I liked best. Reset is not JP short but it is Glock positive. I am a Glock shooter and really like the feedback from the Glock trigger. I did not think I would like a 2 stage and was not sure I wanted to run the Giesselle trigger. After having it in my gun and putting a few thousand dry fire evolutions on it....I have a different opinion of it. I shot a match with it and felt every shot and had great feedback from it. Best feedback I have ever gotten from a rifle trigger. My splits maybe slowed down a hundredth. I pull some fast .13 splits with ease. My splits were never slower than .15 and my hits were phenomenal. I really dig the DMR. I will say it was a huge paradigm shift for me. When sponsors give me product....I won't use it unless I am pleased with it. If I am pleased with it....I will endorse it completely and I will be honest about my perception of performance. I liked the AR Gold. It was a great trigger but like you experienced....you can easily lose feedback when shooting fast. Sometimes leading to slapping and opening up your shot group. JP has a bit more feedback than the AR Gold but I still experienced the same thing as with the AR Gold on occasion. Not a big problem, but it did occasionally affect hits. Last match I shot with the Giesselle....I felt every shot and called every shot perfectly. I was extremely impressed. And I did sell my AR Gold trigger.

    Thanks 00Bullet, this is what I was looking for. I think I'm going to try out a DMR and see if I like it and compare apples to apples. Smokshwn, no I've never tried a JP Trigger because I heard they didn't play well with .22 dedicated uppers like my Tac Sol. By all accounts JP makes a great trigger. However, both the Geissele's and the AR Gold play nice with my TS Upper. The AR Gold did require a different bolt (which btw, TS gave for free and completely took care of me). The bolt that came with the unit wouldn't always fully cock the hammer all the way back to get a second stage. The Geissele ran like a top with the un-modded bolt right out of the box.

  9. I kinda found out by accident that the my Ray Brandes Bully Barrel will cycle and STABALIZE the Aguila SSS 60gr ammo. The Bully Barrel has a faster twist rate than athe standard 1:16 .22 LR. I believe it has a 1:8.

    I have been shooting Aguila SSS 60gr at Steel and it hits with extreme authority for a .22. It will whack a steel target with an off center shot almost as hard, or harder, than a regular 40gr with an direct hit.

    I shoot my Bully Barrel all the time suppressed while my little kids are sleeping and it completely stabilizes the 60gr bullets. Any of my other barrels WILL NOT stabilize this round. I shoot this round now exclusively with my Bully Barrel. It gives target grade accuracy for me and is fun as heck to shoot. I mostly shoot steel with my Bully. I had it shortened by Mr. Brandes to about as short as a 41 barrel can be because I shoot with suppressor and with optics (Aimpoint Micro- copied KAZ) with the Bully Barrel and I wanted as short an OAL unit as possible. I use a Buffer on the frame and my best guess as far as the SSS round is that they take a .22 Short case and fill it with a .22 short HV powder charge with a 60gr bullet. I've shot old refridgerators and various other aplliances and this round gives way more penetration than a regular .22 HV round out of any comparable bbl length. For Steel Shooters, this Bully Barrel Mod. 41 combo is the ticket.

  10. Todd,

    I have tried the AR Gold and while I loved the break on longer shots I just couldn't get it to work for me at speed. I could not feel the reset. Back in went the JP.

    How does that particular aspect compare with the DMR?

    The American Gold Co./PACT is going to release a new AR Gold Trigger that is non adj. like the Geissele SSA soon. I talked to the AR Gold Folks and they said this trigger will break at 4lb. I am pretty new to AR's myself, so I don't have the extensive muscle memory of more experienced AR shooters (I probably have maybe 7k downrange with AR platform). I betcha that the more experienced AR shooters are going to be slow to get on board with the AR Gold because they are used to the relatively long reset on any standard design AR trigger. The AR Gold Trigger feels similiar to a 1911 trigger. This is a complete redesign of the AR Trigger.

  11. The SSA and DMR are different because the SSA isn't adjustable while the other is. I've been using a DMR or Match (I can't remember) for around 5 years and never had any issues with it. Everyone that has tried my trigger is impressed by it but not too many people want to drop $280 for a trigger.

    The AR Gold is in the exact same price range as a DMR. To be clear I'm NOT bashing the DMR. I've never tried one. I actually like the break on the non adj. SSA second stage. Its just the reset when shooting a string is unmanagable for me.With the AR Gold I don't even have to think about managing my trigger and I can focus on the target. I bet if I tried a Geissele DMR, that was properly adjusted, that I would like it. For me, right now (that could change in a week) the AR Gold is so superior to any AR trigger that I've tried, its like comparing a 1950's Chevy to a Lexus. They completely redisgned the trigger system in the AR with this trigger and a lot of the improvement can be attributed to the safety side of the Gold trigger. You can drop your weapon off a roof and its not going to go off if the safety is engaged. The more that I shoot this trigger, the more I like it. The only thing that I wonder about is with the durability of this trigger and triggers like the DMR that have set screws that are lock-tited.

  12. I've got about 4-5k downrange on the Geissele SSA (not the DMR). The re-set of this trigger is really long and the first stage really heavy. I just can't shoot a split with this trigger because I start to just blow through both stages in rapid fire and it screws with my concentration too much trying to ride the reset on this little bugger. I gotta say that I friggen hate this trigger. I would rather use a good trigger from a CMT parts kit with some judiscious stoning. I tried the AR Gold Trigger and what a GREAT trigger! Btw, the AR Gold IS technically a 2 stage trigger.

    I'm just wondering, though, did I miss the boat with the SSA vs. the DMR? Maybe the DMR is a totally different breed of cat. I have some Colt receivers that I would like to keep and they can't take a AR Gold because of the damn Colt sear block. The AR Gold looks to me like it will maybe hold up better than a lock-tighted DMR and its also safer.Anyone have any opinions on the durability of both the DMR vs AR Gold. Sorry if I offended anyone with my strong opinion of the SSA. I know its sort of an apples and oranges comparison, but if the reset on the DMR is anything like the SSA, it wouldn't work for me at all.

  13. Well after playing more at the range today. I have abandoned the idea of the 340 yard zero and trying to hold at different points. I kept missing the 400 yard target because I was not holding properly. So I found a way to make it easier to dial my scope in a hurry. Took some paint and marked my 400 and 500 yard come ups.



    They can tout the Short Dot all they want, but my moneys on the Swaro. How are you liking that optic now that you've had it awhile. Would you do it again? LEO pricing avail on that unit?

  14. So, anybody tried this trigger? I plan to just keep my Geissele SSA for now since it works so well (pretty near flawless in regards to reliability)and try out new Gold trigger when I build another lower. The JP might be a good trigger, but it sounds like it might have some issues in .22 Uppers. I just would like to know so I don't waste my money on one if they are a no bueno item with the dedicated uppers which are my bread and butter longarm these days.

  15. Is there anything spesial about a M.S.T.N. 17" topend or can any long gas system rifle be taken down to 17” without trouble.

    I would like one, but they are not sold over here!

    If you want a barrel close to that you could order a 18" Noveske SPR and have it reprofiled (lightened) and cut and re-threaded to 17". Thats essentially all that was done to that barrel.

    All the Noveske 18" SPR barrels that are listed now have an "intermediate" gas system. Has anyone shot one of these and how does it compare to a rifle length gas system. Seems like the rifle length would shoot and feel softer. Did Noveske do this for reliability reasons?

  16. Since the purpose of my dedicated upper is to practice for three gun, what are most of the top 3 gunners using for a trigger? I don't think any of them are using 2 stage triggers, are they? I would like to get the JP 3-4lb trigger and if I have some FTF occasionally in .22LR I can live with that, although having FTF in 5.56 would be pretty unacceptable. How are you fellas setting up your .22 uppers. I have a DD carbine rail on mine right now, but I think that I might put a VTAC, or something else that would more closely mimic a 3 gun carbine.

  17. Hey Folks, I'm new on here and have a question about JP Triggers. After talking to some 3 Gun Folks, I've decided to go back to a single stage trigger.The 2-stage doesn't seem too controllable when you get on it for doubles and triples, at least for me. I practice a lot (I have 2 ranges on my place) with a Tac Sol .22 upper that runs 99.9% with a Geissele SSA 2 stage trigger in my lower.

    Would I be happy with the JP for moving back and forth between .22LR and 5.56? Does the JP have the "notched hammer"? I plan on getting JP to do the install their trigger and get their "Speed Hammer". I just don't want to have any reliabilty issues with the Tac Sol upper, or if I'm shooting some military primers in 5.56, yet I still want a 3-4lb trigger. Is the JP for me, or is their another single stage that will work better for the .22 upper. Too bad Geissele doesn't make a single stage because the quality of their triggers and their CS is very high.

  18. Thanks G-man for the help. I might have to take another look at the .40. I'll probably just start off in IDPA, though. USPSA seems a little more stringent in the rule dept. Need to get some plates going for my house range. I've got the usual spinners and such, but I need to get some good plates for pistol and smg, along with some gravity reset targets for 5.56.

    Yeah, .40 is pretty hard to ignore if you're trying to limit what you load for....it just does a lot of stuff well. I just thought about it and I load for at least 7 pistol cartridges alone....yikes!

    It kinda depends. IDPA is far more restrictive on the rules about actually shooting...retention reloads, engaging targets in certain orders, use of cover and failure to do right etc. USPSA has a bit more variety in divisions and that causes more rules in some ways, but they're generally there to keep the playing field reasonably equal.

    Take a look at Law Enforcement Targets for steel. I bought some 8" round plates from them a few months back and they had great prices compared with all the other places I've checked. I haven't shot them a bunch yet, but my 38SC load (115gr JHP at over 1500fps) puts almost no mark on them...maybe just a dimple, so I think they're going to be pretty durable.

    Looks like thats the place for buying steel targets. Are you just shooting the standard plates with your hot 38SC load. Or, do you buy the 500 plate for double duty handgun/carbine?

  19. The more I look at the M&P Pro's, the more I like it. I shoot SMG a lot (I shoot at my home), mostly with a .22 conversion kit and I'm going to gear up for reloading 9mm en masse. I'll Probably be the idiot that starts off with a 1050. I've pretty much settled on 9mm and .223/5.56 as my go to calibers. Getting ready to sell a couple of DS Arms Tactical FAL's that I bought a couple years ago and never even fired.

    Can't you get an M&P Pro in .40 and buy a 9mm conversion for it, just like the SIGS?

    They haven't released an M&P Pro in .40 yet....if they had, I'd already have one on order! I bought the Pro in 9 and it's a really nice shooting piece, but I sure hope they come out with it in .4 eventually. For anybody that shoots USPSA and reloads, .40 is the closest thing to a universal cartridge....it's a bit more expensive than 9 to reload because of the price of bullets, but that's about it. If you have any friends that are LE you can likely get free brass as well. It works great in Prod, Lim, L-10 and Single Stack...not quite as well in Open, but it's not a bad choice there if you're not super competitive. It's not my "favorite" cartridge but it sure does cover a lot of ground.

    Hey, nothing wrong with starting out with a 1050...if you're comfortable learning to set one up and use it, that'll save you a lot of time. R,

    Thanks G-man for the help. I might have to take another look at the .40. I'll probably just start off in IDPA, though. USPSA seems a little more stringent in the rule dept. Need to get some plates going for my house range. I've got the usual spinners and such, but I need to get some good plates for pistol and smg, along with some gravity reset targets for 5.56.

  20. The more I look at the M&P Pro's, the more I like it. I shoot SMG a lot (I shoot at my home), mostly with a .22 conversion kit and I'm going to gear up for reloading 9mm en masse. I'll Probably be the idiot that starts off with a 1050. I've pretty much settled on 9mm and .223/5.56 as my go to calibers. Getting ready to sell a couple of DS Arms Tactical FAL's that I bought a couple years ago and never even fired.

    Can't you get an M&P Pro in .40 and buy a 9mm conversion for it, just like the SIGS?

  21. I would be choosing between a Glock 34, and a Smith M&P in your shoes. Especially if you don't load your own ammo.

    M&Ps are currently running $399 if you qualify for their LEO or active-Mil discount. ;)

    Those M&P's are a DA Pistol, right? I have a hard time between the transition from DA to SA (I sold all 3 of my German SIG 228's because of this recently). Unless like the CZ's you can carry cocked and locked.

    I shoot a 41 at my house, usually with an Aimpoint Micro for an optic on a Bully Barrel, or just the 7" iron sight barrel. I also shoot a Ruger MKII 22/45 a lot. I think I'm probably gonna sell the 945 and just get a 1911. I'm used to that grip angle and a SA trigger. It's gonna be spendy but I think I'll get a 9mm single stack to start with since I'm going to be reloading pretty soon. I want to get my calibers down to 9mm,5.56/.223 and maybe .45ACP to shoot Major. It's hard to beat a "11 style pistol.

    Anyhow, I sure appreciate all the advice that I've gotten for an "FNG". :cheers:

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