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Everything posted by redmist10

  1. Consider distribution of these sports versus IDPA or USPSA? I don't even think there is an ICORE or PPC club in Ohio....and I've been to most ranges south of I-70 and many north of it. I think the general design of IDPA stages is more suitable for a wide distribution of clubs. One such club in southeast Ohio has only four shooting bays and they are barely 30' wide by 45' deep. They still put on fun stages....but you couldn't shoot a USPSA match to save your life. I believe more people have exposure to IDPA than USPSA for this and other reasons. After this you factor in the forementioned items and you might be getting warmer...I dunno.
  2. IDPA might encourage more simply due to the lower round count and smaller target arrays. IDPA is A LOT less intimidating than "IPSC" or USPSA, IMHO, as someone that was scared to death to try USPSA and very nervous when starting IDPA. First, IPSC/USPSA has a huge stigma attached to it as "impractical" and equipment biased. IDPA has done a wonderful job marketing itself as the more tactical, realistic, and new-shooter friendly sport - regardless if it is true or not....perception = reality. I've listened for years (and still get an earfull) of how evil and misguided USPSA is compared to the "martial art" of IDPA...they're just different, not ying and yang Most of what I used to hear (and sometimes it can be true in either sport) was that IDPA is more like buddies shooting and USPSA is gamers and a-holes. Couple these ideas with some of the true and imagined challenges of shooting "an antique" and the fact that some people just don't want to put the time into getting good - autos are not necessarily easier but they are more forgiving to the weekend warrior. An average Expert in IDPA can be relegated to perpetual C-class in USPSA if they don't put in the time to move up (if that's their desire). A Master class in IDPA might never make it to A-class in USPSA. No one likes to feel limited in their sport and I think it keeps some people away from USPSA. You know that when you show up at an IDPA match with a revolver some people will scoff or laugh but then if you can beat a few of them; they change their tune and warm up to the idea (especially if you do it consistently). In USPSA you are considered a little more "off your nut" if you shoot revolver...but the payoff is bigger there if you begin to beat a large percentage of the shooters ...and in case some people don't believe USPSA makes you a faster IDPA shooter they should talk to some of the older IDPA revolver Masters...they typically started in USPSA in the 70's or 80's when there wasn't any other game in town. By cross-competing in the two sports I have opened up a whole new world of opportunities and experiences. It is up the the individual to take the first step and to do so you often have to leave your comfort zone and trust yourself to make up your own mind. I certainly am glad I quit listening to others and began experiencing for myself. USPSA with a revolver is the most challenging thing I've tried with a handgun.
  3. WELCOME TO THE REVOLUTION! Glad to see someone else taking up the challenge of revolver shooting. Where are you from Jerry? SigLady, if you come to the Ohio Sectional I'll lend you a 625...I'll even give you one with a straight sight!
  4. I've soaked the inside of my 625's with oil before a match (warm and cold) and haven't experienced misfires. It could be the cause but I'd keep checking other stuff... First thing I would assume is that you've had a trigger job and you should be using Federal primers (despite what some people say, they seem to work better with lighter spring hammer strikes). Mine won't fire conistent with any but Federal primers. You could switch back to heavy springs and test the same ammo. Another problem that has just come to light (for some of us) is that the new MIM cylinder stop wears down and caused the cylinder to skip during rapid firing. Ron Holland PistolPacking.com will square these off for a nominal fee. Order them from brownells and send them to him if you prefer. Check your reloader if your handloading and make sure the primers are getting seated all the way. High primers will cause misfires also. This is pretty likely if you cycle the cylinder again and it goes off the second time through. You may be short-stroking your trigger. This can happen occasionally if you are not familiar with the gun/trigger or you just get excited and don't follow through with the trigger pull. Glad to hear you enjoyed it and finished so well.
  5. Don't go out of your way....I'll still screw it up so you might as well save the effort! 32 rounds on one stage, that's like 1/3 of an entire IDPA match! Wheeee
  6. I scheduled this week for vacation back in January and have a room waiting for me. Now I'm just trying to beg, borrow, or steal a slot. I'll probably have to hit the waiting list. Flex won't let me in any other way. We're trying to boost the Ohio Section revolver number to 20 participants so that we can get slots that way... I'm trying to convince Marmot452 to come with me but he's got a real job so he might not be able to take the time off. I bet he comes along though. Ever since I called him from John Shaw's place in Mississippi and he heard the shooting in the background we haven't missed an IDPA Nationals.
  7. Planning, hoping, praying....I get a slot to the Nationals. I would love to see how some real revolver shooters do it. I'd like to make it down there to take a class with JM. I might get a chance to take the class up here in Ohio if he can make it and the "local" club can arrange it this summer. I keep trying to get Steve A. and Flex interested in taking the revolver class but they seem partial to those slide gizmos.
  8. If I don't get a slot to the Nationals we can start the bidding for my reserved room at The Icehouse Inn...
  9. Make'em earn the points HOP, don't give'em free ones before you get there! No pressure, but I have a side bet with someone that you place in the top two...
  10. Would it be safe to assume that if you were shooting this with revolver you would have to reload twice before engaging T1-T4 the through the barrel?
  11. Shot it with Revolver today. 48 points 9.07 sec 5.2921 HF I'm going to crap if I actually shot this above 70%...I can't be figuring this right.
  12. It would appear that the changes made to the fee structure and pay out have increased interest so far this year.
  13. I really have to get caught up on my magazine subscriptions! I'm casaually flipping through Combat Hanguns September 2002 (! ) that was in a stack of old magazines to be thrown out and there he is...."Mr. Chain Blue Lighting, himself." So now that he's made GM is he still aspiring? He's yawning in picture #2.... I think this should be followed up by a Part II where he builds a revolver! Pretty cool seeing guys you know in the gun rags. I was stunned one day to look at a Walt Rauch article about the 2003 IDPA Nationals and danged if my brother-in-law isn't there in all his glory shooting a wheelgun. Marmot452 didn't even know he was famous until I called him on the phone. Pretty cool I suspect it is just a matter of time before Rhino is featured.
  14. All good suggestions, these guys will take care of you - stop in often. Welcome to the Revolution! We'll issue you the wheelgunners club straight-jacket shortly
  15. OK, you've come to the right place (Benos Universe - read as much as possible, use search function for revolver topics). Dry Fire Shoot more matches...get rid of any butterflies by getting more experience. The more matches you shoot the more comfortable you will become "on the line." Slow down and get good hits, worry about speeding up later, it will come. This is probably the biggest thing you can do to move up. I'm guessing you drop too many points (IDPA) or don't earn enough (USPSA). Most of us have been there one time or another...and even visit once in a while after moving up. Love the name
  16. Me Three... S-W-E-E-T photo Sensei
  17. You should have sounded frantic and mumbled more about "I didn't know there would be so much blood..."
  18. SDM Fabricating The 686 he has on display is the one he made for me. It has since received a Weigand rear sight and a pair of JM grips - not sure it qualifies as "gangsta" as Flex put it but I like it a lot. DAO 686 Pretty much standard on all my stainless revolvers: DAO trigger job JM grips Weigand or Millet rear sight SDM optical (red now) front sight Round and polish trigger - overtravel stop Crane ball lock Bead blast to dull finish - polish screws and hammer back Chamfer and number cylinder holes The .45 Mountain Gun below it belongs to my navigator/co-pilot. Scott does real good work but he's really busy. About 5-6 month turn around time. Remind him to use FEDEX instead of UPS when he ships it back....
  19. So how many out there were thinking nah, don't go dude save me a slot ? <evil laugh> Seriously though - congrats! I'm hoping to make it someday. You should definitly go, and tell your wife we think she's cool
  20. You're not dreaming - they're not linked anymore. Sponsor change?
  21. Has anyone stayed in Hannibal, Missouri for this match? I seem to recall a lot of talk about hotels to avoid in Quincy from last year's posts but nothing about Hannibal. This is all predicated on the remote possibility of actually getting a slot to attend this year
  22. They are discussing the possibility of this match being included in the Point Series. It might not hurt some of us to put in a good word with the MD if we have time. Might be a good match for revolver shooters since they have a considerable ICORE following in that neck of the woods, so I hear.
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