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Posts posted by OUshooter

  1. The HP are sometimes preferred because at a given OAL you can use less powder to get the same PF as say a RN or FP profile. The HP will be longer and in turn lowers the internal volume. The accuracy is likely of no consequence for our distances and target sizes. For Bulleye thats a different animal.

    Mostly it comes down to personal preference and what your particular gun likes.

    I had an XD that hated FP but ate any OAL of RN that would fit in the mag.

    Lastly, here's your grain of salt.

  2. "Pick your battles".


    A battle? You think that's a battle?


    Shooters seemed to be awefully thin skinned lately.

    If you think this guy isn't going to give you a fair shake, the simplest option is just avoid him entirely ... Go to a different squad.

    I don't believe it to be shooter's only, but just people in general have far to great a sense of entitlement and are easily offended these days.

  3. I'm not seeing where being "short beeped" is a simple request for a new RO. That's flat out horse crap. Volunteer or not if they can't be impartial then they have no business with a timer in their hand.

    If it's just a matter of personal bias then jump squads with RM/MD approval and tell them why.

    I've not personally been in this situation, now had shooter's I'd rather not RO that is a different story.

  4. I run all my brass, even the ones I've shot, through a Small Base RCBS sizing die. I find the ammo to be much more reliable, than if I used a regular FL sizer.

    I typically load to the spec OAL for the powder/bullet combo called for by the manual and don't worry about it. I've not had issues with the loads being to long for the mag.

    My LR-308 gave me issues early on, but I tweaked my sizer and bought a case gauge. Haven't had a problem since.

  5. I use an undersize die and once you get the bullet loaded the rounds have a lovely coke bottle bottle shape.

    Once in awhile a case will get a slight ridge just above the head. Usually you can feel it on the down stroke of the press. I just pull those out and toss in the recycle bin.

    I've not used the grx die but I thought once the cases went through they didn't need sized again.

  6. I like the after match chrono idea. We get 50 shooters on a really crappy sub 30deg day, and average probably 70 shooters annually. I've been there for the >100shooters for a monthly match.

    I'd be willing to donate my equipment if only to see the looks on the WST loaders faces when they are 3PF short of major.

  7. I didn't want to start a new thread, but I'm wondering whats the call here on plates? It seems pretty clear cut in the rules, but I don't remember that last local club match I shot where we used plates of the Appendix B5 size, stars and racks excluded.

    Is it pretty typical for ranges to use free standing plates smaller than the specs in B5?

  8. I guess I don't get it, which may explain why I'm still B, but the tail would just get in the way of my really high grip. I've tried Glocks with a tail, and it just bugges the hell outta me. Maybe that's one of the reasons I don't like 1911's.

  9. I had a shootin buddy dq another shootin buddy today. He said "ok no biggie", then kept score the rest of match

    Its too bad more of the sheepole that i deal with everyday dont have his ethics.

  10. Ive got a EGW udie in .40 with ~7000 rds and I cant imagine how anyone loads range pickup brass without it. Out of a 1000 I will get 10 or so that wont pass gauge. I only case gauge for majors and even the ones that I reject run fine in practice.

    Of the one's that don't pass they are almost always "glocked".

    If the EGW die doesn't size it right the brass needs tossed.

    I would give up my case feeder before I gave up my U-die.

  11. I flip and catch. If by some miracle I miss it I don't worry about it. Let it lie and double check for an empty chamber. Then proceed to follow the range commands. I've never had an RO say anything about it one way or the other.

    I've wondered about the live rounds being hit by a lawnmower. I believe I'd have to see that to ever believe it. Some pretty nutty things would have to happen all at once.

    1. The round has to be sitting right on top of the grass.

    2. You would have to have the mower set very very low to pick up the round.

    3. The blade would have to strike across a very small area.

    I think #2 alone would keep it from happening. The mass to surface area ratio seems like it would preclude the mower from having sufficient vacuum to pick up the round. I'm not calling anyone out, I'm just saying it sounds like an urban myth. Maybe I should send this into Mythbusters.

  12. Download the PDF and use the search feature. It makes taking the exam a breeze.


    You could do that but it sounds like you might be better off pulling out the book itself.

    I use exam time to brush up on the book.

    And unless you carry a laptop in your shooting bag, you need to be able to search out those rules in the middle of a match.


    (p.s. In my truck at major matches you will find a laptop with the rules book on the hard drive.)

    I have it downloaded to my razr maxx and a widget on the home screen, so it's at my fingertips.

  13. mine's 2.5 lbs

    weight is less important than pull length and reset....Springer will minimize those for you

    Weight is all that matters. Pull length is irrelevant. Reset is irrelevant.

    Get the 2.5. If you can bribe him to do a 2 or a 1.5, do it.

    Interesting opinion. That runs counter to everything I've heard/read here and elsewhere about what makes a great trigger.

  14. Ours is a rescued from the humane society and she has been the best. A total mutt, but totally loyal and loves the kids despite being a "ferocious and dangerous " pit mix.

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