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Posts posted by Jeff9mmM&P

  1. Here's how this is being done this year.

    When your app reaches the Match Director, he takes your checks to the bank, then mails the apps to me (the Stats Guy).

    When I get a large packet of apps in my mailbox, I enter them into Ez-Win-Score.

    When I do that & upload them to the self-squadding page for the Ohio match, you get an email with a PIN # so you can squad yourself on whatever squad you so choose.

    If you see your name on the self-squadding page then I have your app in hand.

    If you don't see your name on the self-squadding page, then I DO NOT have your app in my hand. Chances are the MD still has your app, but until I get it in the mail I can not add it to the website.

    But when I took the job as official stats guru I swore an oath to uphold the office of stats guru & enter all apps the same day I get them. I recently heard the MD was mailing me another large packet of apps tomorrow, so it shouldn't be much longer now.

    A thank-less job. Thanks for all the work Chris!

  2. FYI After the holidays I am still thinking of working on setting up a facebook page for the local SW Ohio clubs. I think I have a lead on a volunteer to help get it up and running. I was thinking of Miami Valley Practical Shooters as a catchy name (MVPS)

    Hi Chris,

    Good idea. Why not "Ohio USPSA" for your FB page? There are a few NE Ohio USPSA clubs up my way here in the North East. I think we would like included as well. Just a thought.

  3. The answer to this question is yes, the match is charged $1.50 for each competitor in the match for the classifier, whether or not a given competitor actually shot the stage.

    I created a test match (included here) and defined a stage and also added a classifier. I registered two competitors. One competitor shot both stages, the other one did not fire the classifier (DNF). Calculate results and look at the activity report, the USPSA Activity Fee total is $6.00.

    Here's the match file for you to play around with yourselves. Does not matter if you clean up lose ends and mark the guy as DNF or just don't enter anything for him. (I prefer cleaning up lose ends.) The results are the same.

    attachicon.gif20130928 test match.zip

    Ahh, okay. Good job, you took my idea.

    I was going to put together a bogus match like that also to test and see what the total cost came out to be. It would be interesting to get headquarters reasoning why a club gets charged a classifier fee even if a shooter DOES NOT shoot the classifier stage. The answer may just be tied to better profitability for the organization and the fact it is not USPSA's fault the shooter did not shoot the classifier.

    Maybe Kevin will get a more complete answer around Monday. Yes, please let us know when you get the answer back Kevin.


  4. Kevin,

    Good question. In EZ WinScore on your end, did you check the USPSA Activity Report that was generated for the matches you are talking about? If you have access to that, check that.

    The Activity Report breaks out the number of shooters that shot the standard activity fee in that division ($1.50) AND those that shot the classifier in that division ($1.50) and the applicable fees that apply for each. It adds both (standard fee + classifier fee) to come up with Total Fees Owed to USPSA.

    If my thinking is right, EZ WinScore should not charge the extra $1.50 for shooters that DNF (Did Not Fire) the classifier. When you do your scoring entry in EZ WinScore you mark competitors "DNF" if they did not shoot that COF so you shouldn't be charged for it. I have not directed and scored a match yet where a shooter did not shoot the classifier so I am not certain. Check the Activity Report and it should tell you a story.

    Also, you know clubs are charged $3.00 person for a match with classifier and $1.50 only per person for matches without a classifier. If you do the math and know your total # of competitors and only add $1.50 for each person that didn't shoot the classifier and $3 for those that shot the classifier, that should give you the answer also.

    My bet is that those that didn't shoot the classifier are not going for record in the classifier program so the club shouldn't be charged extra $1.50 each for individuals that did not shoot the classifier.

    Hope this helped, or not :-).


  5. As for stage 1

    Are you allowed to keeps mags in your hand after retrieving them from the ammo can or do they have to be stowed in mag pouches etc.

    And does this matter if you are shooting production or limited .......

    Sorry if this question has already been asked, thank's for any help.


    Good question. Reference USPSA Rule 5.2.4 Unless I am wrong, after the start signal you retrieve your mags from the can, they have to be placed in mag holders according to the rules that apply to that division. Something good for the CRO and the ROs working this stage to maintain consistency, watch for and explain during this match.

    Course designer for stage 1 & 3,

    Jeff LaFlame

  6. Mike and Andy,

    Thanks for your input. I will be setting up this 2 gun match next month. I was looking at the USPSA Multigun rules but for this "trial run" I will keep the USPSA pistol rules intact.

    If people like this two gun match, in the more distant future i will probably introduce the USPSA Multigun rules as they relate to pistol and rifle within the 5 divisions of Open, Tactical, Limited, Heavy Metal Tactical, and Heavy Metal Ltd.


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