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Everything posted by BBoyle

  1. a bolen only needs a key or a pen. anything to help push the pin down to slide the base pad off.
  2. Contact the club representative through uspsa or the clubs websight and make sure there is a match and also see if they will want to give you a new shooter briefing and a safety check and also ask what the approximate round count is and bring about 25 to 30% more rounds. Make sure to show up a little early and also let them know you are a first time uspsa shooter. If you join the uspsa at the match you can usually shoot for free. Brian
  3. Cool, I am sure we will run into each other at Old Bridge. I will be there in June and July for the outdoor matches. I am easy to find, any one working registration knows me, just have them point me out and ask to squad with me. It is always fun meeting forum members. Brian
  4. I do not think that he is concerned by the amount of money spent but just in the journey to get it there and get a platform that he likes to work reliably. I also like the fact that you can go back and forth from an open M&P to a Production M&P and have it handle, feel, and index the same.
  5. How about fit in an IPSC standard box? I agree that there are some advantages to a 6 inch but we generally do not see the distances to truly take advantage of them. If you like what you have just get another one or have one built with similar specs. Outside of reliability, the gun does not make a difference. I currently have a brazos hp edge and would get another one in a heartbeat if I had the permission slip signed! Brian
  6. I would just dryfire a couple of times a week and be honest with what you are seeing and doing as you dryfire. Push it in some sessions and focus on basics and techniques in others.I am not sure what Seeklander's drills are so I can not comment on them but if you feel that they are helping you then use them. Dryfire alone, with regular matches, earned me my master card in open with hardly any live fire practice. If I could do it almost anyone can if they put in the work. Brian
  7. I would still shoot it at 10 to 15 yards if I got it.
  8. Has anyone ever tried the Blast Back rack? I saw it in the Cabelas catalog and thought that it would be a great substitute for a plate rack, or half a rack, if it worked. If you have ever tried it please let me know, good or bad. If it workes it seems like it might be the best buy for a cheap practice rack. Cabelas link I also found a .38 to .44 version on amazon that seems extremely cheap.
  9. BBoyle


    Well I got my first real match in Production with the Glock with the sights and trigger done. Overall I was not happy with how I shot. I made rookie mistakes, a la the stage 3 video reloading to take out a single US Popper, where I would shoot the gun dry and have to do static reloads. Some of the stages it was necessary to do the static reloads but I could have planned them a little better. I will have to wait for the results but I believe I only had 1 miss, 1 extra shot penalty and 1 extra hit penalty (both on the classifier). I was pretty busy most of the match ROing or doing the palm pilot thing. When I took extra shots on steel, I know I was not focusing and was only putting the green dot on the steel without actually seeing the rear sight alignment with the front sight. Reloads weren't all terrible but could have been better and definately more consistant. I do know that I need another mag holder, I got caught on a 30 round stage (4) having to reload from the back pocket. The classifier I fired an extra shot and got an extra hit. I saw the sight pull to the right at the first shot and was not sure if it would be on paper. Knowing it was Virginia count I should not have tried to make it up, as soon as I finished the left side I started to speed up on the right since I was already at least 10 points down from the extra shot. The first stage I shot was stage 7, there is no video because I was rushed as the first shooter and I did not have a solid plan on a memory stage and the last thing I was going to do was ask someone to tape me instead of looking the stage over. This is where I had a miss on a tight target and I was just uneasy in the 3rd shooting position as I looked at a target I knew I had to engage and saw hits in it already, I then had to angle to see if there was a target that did not have such holes. I did have a lot of fun shooting production and look forward to shooting it more in the future. I will have to get out and actually practice some time and just work on solid fundamentals and accuracy at distance on small plates. Feel free to let me know about anything that I should work on. I am sure some of you will see some thing that I do not. You Tube Page edited to add: results are up and I was 4th in production out of 24 and shot 78%. I am not really happy with my overall performance. My impatience on distant targets cost me a lot of points as well as a lot of time. I sort of like how production brings you back down to earth a little bit and really emphasizes accuracy over speed. I better start trying to get more real practice in if I want to make any real strides Brian
  10. BBoyle


    Got some more dry firing done this week and I was surprised that reloads can be almost as fast with the Glock as with my Limited or Open guns. This was all with the G35. I figured I will give production a serious try. The trigger kit is just under three pounds in pull. I have a Lyman Digital and it reads anywhere from 2 lbs 13 oz to just over 3. I am more than happy with it as well as the sights which where drifted in last Friday. It set off all of my loads as I sighted in the gun last week but I have some concerns with reliable ignition with the lightened striker spring. I will either get some federal spp or get a lightened and extended striker to install. As long as the world doesn't come to an end I will shoot the match on Sunday and I should get some video up as well. Workouts have been non existant the last 2 weeks due to being busy at work and at home with projects befor summer gets here.
  11. I always seem to be able to do just as well, if not better, when trying some one elses gun and they almost always feel good in the hand or questionably better. To get a true perspective you will have to do a side by side comparison while warm and compare splits, transitions, feel of the recoil, etc.
  12. I can not feel a difference between 165 or 180 grain bullets loaded to the same power factor. I will use the 165s from now on.
  13. I think it is different for everyone. Taking matches seriously and trying to improve by pushing yourself will give you better results than just going to practice by yourself, or with others, and not pushing at all. If you always do the same drills at the same distances without much effort you will not get any benefit. I find that if you want to improve and will put in the work with both dry fire and live fire, matches or practice, you will see improvement. You can also turn a match into practice. Want to work on accuracy.....shoot for head shots the whole match. Need weak or strong hand? Shoot a few stages at close to medium distances with either. Etc There are some pros that do all of their practices with drills alone and others that just set up stages to practice on. IMHO. If you do practice, do not try to do everything in the session. Pick two or three areas that you feel you can use the most improvement on and work on those. Brian
  14. What are the times, splits? Are the splits faster when the rounds drop than when they are all As? Sounds like at speed you are going to the front sight alone while it is deep in the notch or it may be a trigger control issue as you try to time gun. Would have to see a vid from the side as well as the hits for people to give the best advise. What recoil spring are you running? What gun? If you are really seeing the sights with every shot all the impacts will be within 2 inches of where you called them.
  15. Just got my first real production gun this past September. As of 2 days ago: Glock 35 Jager captured steel guide rod ISMI 13 pound spring Skateboard tape on grip Sevigny Competition Sights (green FO) Glocktrigger.com challenger kit. Load is 1.135 oal Precision Delta 180 FMJs with 3.8 grains of tight group and CCI spp factors to 135. Brian
  16. Here is my you tube channel. There aren't a whole lot of videos right now but I will add more as time goes on. You tube page Brian
  17. I still use the old school commands a lot. I use them when I am the first person to RO a squad, if I hear the new commands first I will follow them. I get to hear about it every month from Jim or one of the other certified ROs at the club. It is a hard habit to break with calling it out the old way. I guess I should just break down and become an RO already. Brian
  18. Damn......I can not say that I am not surprised though. I have seen some ROs that seem to be more concerned with talking to the other squad members and they just go through the motions with the shooter before and after a run. Definitely a scary situation. Brian
  19. BBoyle


    Hey Vlad! It would be my production gun. I have the new Edge for Limited. Since I am not shooting any major matches this year I can bounce back and forth and just have fun. I did do a few drill comparing both guns and I was faster with the edge, even with major loads compared to the glock's minor loads, by about .09 seconds on wide transitions and faster with splits. The new trigger and sights might help to shrink that gap so we may see. I will be at the outdoor this month. I do not know what I will shoot yet but I am looking forward to it.
  20. BBoyle


    Just got some new toys in from Shooters Connection for the Glock 35 and they are already installed. Glocktrigger.com Challenger kit and a Warren Sevigney Competion Set (Fiber optic front). The sights are so much cleaner and more precise than the Trijicon night sights that came with the gun. I will give the front post at least 24 hours to dry before I go to the range and then drift the rear sight in at 25 yards and lock tight that screw down as well. I installed the green fiber. I will see if I like it over the red that I have been use to in my Edge. The trigger......putting it in there was a tremendous improvement over the hack .25cent trigger job that I did. I will have to play with the overtravel to see what I can get away with without sacrificing anything but I am extremely pleased with how the trigger feels and I am confident it will help for the tighter shots that I may have to take (along with the sights). My only concern is that I may not get reliable ignition on my CCI small pistol primers with the reduced power striker spring. I will find out soon enough. Brian
  21. They use paras there. Just have to use the ten round mags. I know because I got my start at mppl when I was in the service and I had a p14 built. Always great shooting weather! Brian
  22. BBoyle


    So my goals are not going that great this year. There is stuff going on that that I can not really control. Nothing serious just time consuming. I have not been able to shoot as much as I had planned on this year. I will try to at least improve upon that for the rest of the year but I know I will not be shooting any majors this year. I have not really been dry firing at all. I even started messing around with my production gun. I figured it would help me focus on accuracy but it seems I always let people pump me up to go for it instead of just focusing on what I know I can do and what I need to do. I will be ordering sights and a Glock Trigger kit for the Glock 35. There are a few videos from me shooting production a few weeks ago and also some from an indoor I shot this past night in which I used my Edge and shot limited 10. The camera used for both of them was a gen 2 Flip Ultra HD that I got at Best Buy for $70 because it was an open box return. Let me know how you think the vid quality is. I am pretty happy with it and think it was worth the 70 bucks. Exercising has been hit and miss depending on my back but I at least hit the treadmill for a fast walk or the eliptical at a nice pace to get in my target heart rate for at least 20 minutes 2-3 times a week. If only I could improve my diet and quit the Pepsi! My Youtube Page If you see anything that I can improve upon, or that I may need to work on, please let me know. Thank You Brian
  23. I know, but I always love how fast people are to correct it. Joe, how are you handicapping yourself with magazines? My old 1st gen Para frame accepted SVI magazines without any modification to the mag release. Brian
  24. I have shot quite a few caspian framed open class and owned a para open class pistol. I miss that gun but I always loved the way that the caspians felt in the hand.
  25. M&P Pro if you like S&W. I have handled a few lately and really like the way they feel. Get an M&P in .40 for a nice production or Lim/Lim 10 pistol. I have a Glock 35 that I am really pleased with and what I love about it is that I can compete equally in all 3 divisions with it but I do shoot my Edge slightly faster than the 35. Brian
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