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Everything posted by BBoyle

  1. Central Jersey in Jackson NJ is about 1 1/2 hours away from Philly and Old Bridge is about 2 hours. CJ is on the 2nd sunday each month and OB is the 4th.
  2. I am sure that it is not good but I have always clacked my teeth! I walk through and go "clack, clack" at about the same tempo that I shoot. That might be a reason why I have had 4 root canals and crowns in the past few years.
  3. I don't really think that most people can tell the difference with transitions between the two. Most open class pistols put a lot more weight out front and that, to me, is barely noticable in practice (between SV open and my para lim) and I doubt I would notice it at all in a match. The para is a much heavier frame though and that may be why I do not really feel it. (edited because I can not spell)
  4. If you want you can drive that car to the jersey shore and forget that you left it at my house!!!!!!!! Nice Z06!!!! I will someday treat myself to a nice Vette. (I hope anyway)
  5. Do you get the same shake in dryfire practice? If you are not getting the shake in dryfire it is flinch related. How hard are you gripping the gun? You may be squeezing too hard. Try to loosen the grip up a little and see if the shake is still there. There could also be a medical reason if you ever had a hand/back/neck injury.
  6. My advice would be that if you are going to shoot in Jersey just take all the mags apart before you enter the state and put them together on range property and take them apart before you leave. I believe the AG stated that a temporarily blocked magazine is still illegal so just putting in dowel rods are not the answer. You are allowed to buy and use hollow points....you just can not use them in the commision of a crime. (disclaimer: I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV and no I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night)
  7. I always break a sweat while dryfiring. I think it is from the concentration and focus that I try and have. As far as everything else it sounds like you are to tense and bringing your head down to the gun. Stay relaxed while you dryfire and go through the motions slowly at first. You do not have to go through the whole draw at one time.. You can work on elements by themselves i.e. Get solid grip first and then work on sight picture. It is a different platform and I am sure it will work out. Brian
  8. That data is with a 6" test barrel (sp? it doesn't look right either way) so it will be quite a bit faster than with a 5". I use 5.0 grains with my 200gr lead swc and it is right at 170 powerfactor.
  9. Hey gene how is everything going? It has been a long time! Brian
  10. You are not supposed to have a magazine that holds more than 15 rounds.
  11. I didn't know that there were clubs in Jersey! (ducks and runs)
  12. I am on the fence with the lock n load but the 1,000 bullet offer makes it especially tempting. I want to get a new press but I do not want to put that total investment in a 650. Especially when I hear/read about some of the issues people are having with them. Is the primer system really that much better for the lnl??? That is what I would most likely be concerned about. My sdb is pretty darn reliable and I wouldn't want to upgrade my press to just get pissed off with it.
  13. I still have and shoot my old P-14. I have been shooting it for 12 years and it still runs great. I shot it alot in the first 3-4 of those years. I still have most of the original mag springs in use too! I will get a .40 in the near future but I do not know yet if it will be a para or S_I. Time (and money) will tell. But I know for a fact that I am getting the itch.
  14. .10s would be 600 rounds a minute! just a little slower than what a standard m-16 does and slightly faster than an M60!
  15. Limited 10 also lets the singlestacks be competitive along with the widebodies, but the s_i's and paras do have a slight advantage on the reloads! Lim 10 also lets other platforms compete as well such as the XD, berettas, taurus', hi-power, etc. Just about any 40-45 that will hold 10 rounds can shoot and with the right person behind the trigger, Win!
  16. Welcome aboard Devil! It is a great sport and you are probably already hooked!
  17. This is where we have the problem at matches and always will. As Pete said, he warned a few shooters that their finger was in the trigger guard. But you have another RO that just might think someone had the finger there so they decide to call it. If I was the shooter and I had the gun up and I was aiming I would have arbitrated it. If I knew I wasn't readily aiming and wasn't sure about it I would not have. I know I would not have called it if the shooter was in motion in a free fire zone, I would have just let the shooter know what I thought I saw after he was finished with the stage.
  18. I do the same as kevin. If they are small transitions, say within 20-30 degrees I just use my waist/hips. For larger transitions I will work my knees into it but try not to move my feet unless I have to.
  19. I think this is the problem with the mags. I use to have a para 38 super and I never had a problem with rounds in the magazine (not in SC anyway).
  20. I think he was still 4th overall when he did that in 2000. He probably could have won if he used a dot of any kind.
  21. You can use a simple baracade for just about everything you would want to practice. Do not try and set up stages to practice with. Just go over fundamental drills for live fire and try not to work on everything at once. Pick a few things to work on and stay focused during practice.
  22. Thanks H! I am emailing him a link to this topic as well as a link to EGW. I can take the measurements for him but he lives about 20 minutes from EGW anyway. We also work next to two stores that both have gunsmiths on staff if he wants to take it there.
  23. A friend from work has his dads old 1911. It was shooting 6-8 inch groups offhand but when braced it against a bag it was at 4 inches. The barrel was dirty as anything I have seen so we took it apart and I started to clean it. I did notice that the bushing was pretty loose over the barrel. When it was reassembled it did not shoot that much better. I told him to take it to a gunsmith and have at least a new bushing fit if not a whole barrel. The gun as a whole is in pretty decent shape. He does not want to put the money into it and I said he could probably get a drop in. What is the verdict on drop in bushings? Will the help the accuracy enough for someone to enjoy a a plinker? I am sure there would be some fitting involved, whatr would most likely have to be done? (I tried to search but didn't see it)
  24. I have my recent problems with Dillon as well! I have had a few of the 100rd .45 cases for over 10 years now. Do you believe that I noticed that several of the dividing walls have broken? For the 2.00 a piece that I bought them for I figured they would last longer than 1 decade! I just might call them up and give them a piece of my mind(wallet) and order some more!
  25. BBoyle


    Pics would be good so we could "technically" review and admire them. George does great work!
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