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Posts posted by BBoyle

  1. I like the idea of back to back as it lets me shoot both divisions that I shoot (open and limited) but I also see how it is not fair for people on the 2nd go around if they didn't shoot the first match and the stages are almost the same.

    I might prefer the idea of just 1 Nationals but have 24-30 stages shot over 5 days. Then have the vendor demos, shootoffs, and awards dinners (ceremonies) like they use to have. It is the Nationals after all. It should be the 2nd biggest match next to the World Shoot and the biggest match the other 2 years.

    IMO Vegas is great and it is not. I think there are too many distrations for me there which could interfere, but if I was having a bad match there is plenty else to do to take my mind off of the match.


  2. Is it possible to make an adjustable weight slide?

    I would think have slots cut (like front sight cut slots) along the top front of the slide to the lugs in the slide. Shooting a steel match just hammer the weights out or possibly undo a set screw. Major add weights to tune to how you prefer the gun to feel.



    ......-------.....----------.............................................-----------...... -----------

    Steel loads (ignore the dots. they are there to demo the slots properly) major loads

    Slots would be in the left and right sides of the slide with the top of slide open for the weights to be added. Weights could be adjustable with different weights and materials to allow whatever tuning someone may need.

    I was just thinking about it at work today. It may be a stupid idea but it may work. I have shot some open guns that I thought that the slides where too light on. (at least for me) I think it might give some options for gunsmiths so that the gun can change as the shooters skill and ability to shoot it changes. Then again it may be a reason for someone to not feel that they need a better blaster to be built.


  3. Just starting this to see if it will help to be an additional motivator. I have a few goals for the 2011 season and I will be starting to work for them on January 1st. OK the 2nd!!!, I am sure I will have to generate the batteries.

    I currently weigh 220 pounds and at 5'10" am slightly out of shape. I lost over 25 pounds last year but seem to have found 15 of it. I will start working out again and will explore different routines as I start feeling bored with them. As far as actual shooting, I will not do that many monthly matches but will participate in indoor matches at least once a month.

    My goals: To lose 30 to 35 pounds and get back to my old military fighting weight. To actually practice this year. It will be about 3 times a week dryfire and 1-2 times a month for live fire. I plan to attend 2 Area matches this year and at least 1 sectional and will practice once a week for the 3 weeks preceding the Area matches.

    I should be posting at least once a month and posting weight to help motivate myself. I will also inform about any and all shots fired (real or imaginary). Time will be a factor due to Family and Work and I know there will be times where I may have to make the money instead of practice or entertain my little one (which is more fun than anything else).

    I am currently a Master (Open) and A Class (Everything else) shooter and have been forever! I will try and make Master in Limited but I am not really to concerned with it. I am fine with the basic skills and shot calling but just have to better control myself and not get all amped up like I sometimes can.

    Lets see what I can do!!!!! and I hope to see you all at the range.


    PS. Feel free to comment to any posts I make on the thread.

  4. 34 inches here. I really hate winter now. I lost a sick day and 16 hours of overtime and was stuck on my street for 2 days becauser they didn't plow us out.

  5. Pocket Pro 2 here. It is bigger than a 7000 but you just put it on a pocket or a belt and you instantly see your times, no tilting necessary. Runs on 9 volts that last a while and you can get them anywhere. Comes with it's own belt clip already attached. I use to have an old CE timer that I used since the 90's and it still works just as good today as the day I got it! (I gave it to a friend that didn't have a timer).

  6. I enjoy the challenge of reloading in production and the stage breakdown is more critical, which I believe will make someone a better overall shooter faster. In my area Production always has a high turnout, sometimes even more shooters than Open or Limited.

    How would I even begin to think that I can compete, in a local match, with my sub compact carry gun? I know it is not competitive with the small capacity and short sight radius, but putting a 15 round limit would kill me on stages. I like to break it out once or twice a year just to see how I do with a stock real world gun against shooters that I know place well in Area matches and the nationals. I remember stage wins with that little gun better than match wins!!!!

    Again for keeping it how it is.


  7. I only have a casefed 650 and a Square Deal. I do about 800 an hour on the 650 just taking my time. I never tried to see what I could do with it in an hour. I use to average 400 an hour on the SDB and I did hit 500 in an hour with the tubes all loaded.

  8. You look like you are rushing your shots from the draw. That is fine for a close target but you will get in the bad habit real quick of not actually seeing the sight for the shot. You look like you are also leaning your whole upper body to the right while you are drawing and presenting to the target. (last video)

    Practice in front of a mirror a little and watch what you are actually doing to work on correction.

    Outside of the lean that was pointed out already I would say your reloads look pretty good (rushing the shot again?) but you need to be a little more consistant. The speed itself is already there, just don't always get caught up with making a certain par time all of the time. The best GMs do not go for it and count on a 1 second reload or less in a match and expect it to work 100%. Thay do what they are confident they can do.

  9. If my gun was good to me.... I am good to it. After a match I will slowly take it apart.......gently wipe it down...... spread a few drops of good old #9 and rub them in......gently work the slide back and forth and*******

    Just kidding. every 2 local matches, every 2 practice sessions, and right before a major I will clean it (about every 500 rounds). They just get a quick wipe with an oily rag before they get put away.

    If I shoot corrosive in a surplus it will get doused and wiped with windex in the chamber/barrel and get cleaned right away when I get home.


  10. None of the top shooters are shooting stock factory pistols (in the 1911 world). They are all purpose built for that shooter and custom in every respect. That being said I do think that there is a bit of snobbery from fans of 2011s towards Para. I still have my P14 that was made into a limited gun and it has certainly kicked the but of many stock and custom S_Is. I did Recently change teams and got an Edge but I still love the Para.

    A Para P18 would be a very good way to go for half the price of a new STI. If you do like the Spartan as a 9mm why would you want a Edge/Eagle in 9mm? Capacity is the only reason I can think and there are plenty of others that would get you there and a high cap 9mm is not going to be competitive in USPSA (except open).

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