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Jack Mahogoff

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  • Real Name
    Russell Carter

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Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. Wow, sory i havn't replied, my laptop decided to die on me, had to ship it back to hp for a new motherboard I should clarify that i'm still in the police academy ..got a month to go. We qualified for POST yesterday. I shot a 117 avg (out of 120) .. i always had one round out of center mass from the 25yrd line. Interesting story..while shooting the post, i made a mistake. We shoth the 25yard line (6 ss baricade, 6 ss kneeling baricade, 6 offside baricade) and then reload mags while moving to the 7 yard line. Welp, i removed the mag from my gun (while it was still in the holster) while talking to a couple of classmates, and accidentally put it in my cargo pocket instead of back in the gun. The next coarse of fire was 6 rounds from kneeling position from the 7 yard line in 10 seconds. The targets turn and i draw down, fire, and the slide locks back. I go into "tap/rack/maim" mode, only to realize there is no mag in the gun lol... I execute the reload and get the remaining 5 rounds off all A zone before time expires. Not that big a deal, but was nice to get a little stress check in there I'm really enjoying the replies, and learning lots. I talked to my firearms instructors, and they've told me basically to come out and shoot as much ammo as i'd like, on open range days. Thats cool, but its still only once a month. Shredding the credit cards seems like the best idea, as this ammo shortage is really got the prices up. Bart was nice enough to send me a holster/mag pouches to get me started. I plan on joining my local gun club for range time, and am saving for a dillon to help with ammo cost. It'll be about a month before i can head to a match (weekends are full up with training) but i'll be headed up to Odies club in sept. Thnx again! p.s. ....yes, the hog is very cute ... Donnie Baker FTW
  2. Knew i came to the right place! I stopped by Clarks yesterday. Spoke to Renee(sp) She is a national champion, though i'm not sure in what. She was patient and answered all my questions, even offered to setup a dillon 550 for me if i got one. Seems to be a great sport with a great participant base.
  3. Thnx The static only is a free range about 30 mins from here. My PD has an "open range day" about once a month. There, we can run and gun, shoot steel, things of that nature. They allow us 78 rnds per range day. Why 78? Our post coarse (in Louisiana) consists of 60 rounds, 18 of which are fired from the 25 yard line. So they allow you enough for a full post coarse, plus 18 more rounds to shoot the 25 a second time. I am good friends with both range masters, so i could prob get a couple hundred rounds to practice with. IDPA 'eh. k...gotta look them up.
  4. Hello everyone I'm the new guy, figured i'd introduce myself and ask for a bit of advice. First off, about me. I'm 27 and an (new) LEO. Firearms training has really sparked my intrest in shooting. I've been lucky to have firearms instructors who care as much (if not more) about survival training than just passing the POST coarse. Now, don't get me wrong..i'm not new to firearms. I was introduce to them at a very young age, shooting my grandpa's 22lr out behind his house. Hunting was a big part of my life growing up, and i got my conceal/carry permit about 4 years ago. But, that being said, i never had any formal instruction until now, and TBH i've never had so much fun in my life Our instructor had us shoot 2+2+2 on a 3 piece steel coarse (2 shots, reload, 2 shots..etc)...now that was a blast. soooooo i've decided to take up shooting as a hobby. I've been researching the past few days and am getting kinda lost in all the info. Ive read about reloading, watched a ton of match footage. But after reading these forums, i figured one of the best coarses of action would be to just ask what you'd do in my situation. Now, the good news is i live about 5 mins from Clarks Shootout range (lf to seeing some of u at the 3 gun nationals in oct) ... the bad news being my limited resources as my wife and i have a beutiful 4mth old daughter. My PD range is open about once a month, and i have a free range available to me on weekends, but, it only alows for static shooting from the 7 yard line (no movement/drawing) .. My skills are fairly good, i shoot a Glock 19 (my conceal weapon) and a glock 22 (my duty weapon). I'm a bit confused about dryfire practice, as i can only pull the trigger once on my glocks before racking the slide to reset the trigger. So, what would you do first? Join a club? setup for reloading? buy books? All of it? I know its kind of a wide subject, but i'm hoping to get some advice on where/how to start shooting on limited resources. thanks in advance
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