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Everything posted by RUSHARP2

  1. I bet Sheldon with have clear rules and all of his RO's will follow those rules. He doesn't seem like the type to go half a@#, having participated in a few of his local matches.
  2. The Magnificent Seven. Any of the John Wayne movies(McClintock, Cowboys, Hondo, Chisum, The Shootist)some are the same movie just with different names. All still good in my book. I liked Open Range, with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall. Also there were a couple movies (made for TV) based off some Louis L'Amour books that Tom Selleck did in the late '90s that were pretty good.
  3. I enjoyed the show, and so did my wife. She talked like her, JJ and Blake were all old friends by the last few episodes, basically because I knew them from USPSA. I liked the varied weapons, from different eras. No problem with the fact that they may not have known what weapon might be used. Kelly proved a good shooter with quality fundamentals can pick it up and do well. That is proof a someone that should be able to win Top Shot. Some "challenges" didnt make sense to me(knife/sling shot), but whatever. My vote, like others, would be have challenges with points awarded based on finish.(ever see worlds strongest man?). After 10 challenges, either narrow it down to 2-4 and have a couple more challenges or name a champ based on the 10 challenges. That is the best way to pick a top shot. I am sure that Mike would have fared much better than the firearms historian/expert over the long haul. my .02
  4. I like that it seems Jeff Bridges is not trying to act like John Wayne doing Rooster. He is creating his own stamp, which is what I think my issues is with remakes. I cant wait to see it. Matt
  5. She is enjoying the IPAD I bought her! Home cooked meals are her preferred as well. So when I can I make her favorites. Lucky is an understatement. Matt
  6. Feel free... it would make me feel like I never left. Merry Christmas to you and Helen. Matt
  7. She did talk me into reloading 223. Back in GA, I only shot the AR occasionally in matches and nothing really long, so 1000 rounds of 55gr. would last a long time. Now that we are in TX, there is a monthly match, so 1k rounds might only last a couple of months (4 or so) and the local matches reach out to 500yds regularly. So I was thinking about buying 55gr for 150 and closer then 69gr for long stuff. She just said why not make both and gave me the nod to order it up. Plus I already run SR primers in my limited gun, so I wont need to order different primers. I will be ordering the dies and conversion soon. Already stocked up on brass from range days and a buddy that doesn't reload. Time to pick a powder. Now if she would only be this cool about either the Challenger or the loaded F150! I guess I will take what I can get.
  8. I have been married for just about 1 1/2 years. We started with "OH, you own a gun. and you do what with it.". We then got to it was no big deal to own a gun, but the reloading was a little funny to her. Then she got to the point where she would refill my primer tubes for me. She attended the final day of a major match I worked this summer ( and did not care for the 38sc open guns). She then decided she would like to learn to shout . Lately, she has progressed to kicking me out of the house on the weekends so I can go shoot, as she knows I really enjoy it and it relieves a lot of stress (or she is tired of me, either way I win). The reason for the post is last night, she happen to see a spreadsheet of my breaking down reloading cost. I don't reload 223 and was trying to figure out if it was worth the cost and hassle. I analysis everything ten times before getting into it. So she started asking questions about if I would need a whole new press or just dies (thinking back I should have said yes to the new press). I tried to explain it to her, but wanted to show her. To my surprise she followed me to my press and listened to the explanation of how the press works, and the parts. She watched me make a round of 40, and kept asking questions. She was actually trying to understand what I was doing and how it worked. At the end, she didn't see the a problem with spending a little more to just buy the loaded ammo. But she also asked why I reload anything then if there only is a few cents per round savings, and when I said I match the ammo to the gun set up, she countered with then why wouldn't you do that with your AR. So this is just a long post about how much I love and appreciate my wife. I am a better off having her in my life. And to all those fools that like to tell you your life is over when you get married, feel free to re-read the post. Matt
  9. I have a background in college administration( I am only an accountant in the education sector, but I have been in plenty of meetings on the topic), and you will be hard pressed to find a place that will accept more than 90 credits from another university. The issue is that a university does not want to bestow on a degree to a student that completed the majority of their work somewhere else. This is usually in their accreditation standards as well. So if you find a place that will take 90 you are about as good as you are going to be. Think of it this way say you go to local community college and pick up 175 credits. Then transfer to Harvard for your last 5 credits. You would be issued a degree from Harvard with only 5 credits. They can't really guarantee that those previous 175 credits had the true learning outcomes that the similar class would have had at Harvard. Make sure you talk to some one in the registrars office of the program that you are interested in and have then review your official transcripts. Only the registrar will be able to tell what will transfer in. You will need copies of all you transcripts, and possibly a course catalog that describes the course. Admissions folks will say a lot, so check with the right folks. How many places have you attended? If only one, try contacting them about distance learning for you final courses. Worth a shot. Good luck. Let me know if you have other questions. Matt
  10. I might have some insights for you on gun selection, but Henning will not steer you wrong. I started with a Match in 40, and it is a great gun. Only issue I had was needing to load a little longer than factory for reliable feeding after 10 rounds. Once I hit the magic OAL, the gun runs like a dream. I love the gun. Fast forward about 2 years... I wanted a magwell and a little more weight, as I wanted to be a little better shooter. A buddy had a good deal on his, so I added the Limited to my collection. I love it a little more than the Match, and the Match is now a backup gun. They are both great shooters, and you couldn't go wrong with either. For me it was a situation about how much money I had when I bought the Match and what was available when I was ready to upgrade. my .02 Matt
  11. I was let down as well. First thing is that it was made by a different developer than MW2. Online is still fun, but the campaign was just ok. They couldnt do period only guns. Too many kids play the game and wouldnt buy it if it was only iron site guns, or not fully auto. I will still keep playing it.
  12. I dont think they are sent insured, I think the signature is recording that someone came and picked up the package. I have not had any shipped to my new place in TX(I made the movers lug the 3 1/2 cases to the new place). But at my old place in GA, the mail person never left the truck. one time, I did have a special mail run, where a nice guy showed up at the house with part of my order. He brought the box of 1k and told me that the other full cases would be at the PO and I could get them after 5 when the regular truck made it back. Seems the big boxes made it to the truck but the little one didnt. My issue isnt that I have to go get them at the PO, it is that when I get there I have to wait for 30min to get to the front, then stand aside while they go find someone without a medical condition to give me package. Not to mention if they take the time to read the sender and want to ask why I am receiving ammo. I just tell them it is 68 pounds of lead. Matt
  13. RUSHARP2

    TSA Agents

    the guy had the right name for it. TSA should have known.
  14. yep when you pick your color then pick a house...it knows your number as each house has 1 of each colors. So if you picked 24 and black...you are forced to pick house "b". The only black number in house "b" is 24.
  15. Well I missed the 3rd and 2nd to last episodes. I had them saved on my dvr and when I came back from vacation, the DVR "malfunctioned", and lost them. I now have to wait for them to be on HULU so I can see them. I think they are only up to episode 3 and I need episode 10, 11 and 12. It actually hurts to hear folks talk about it.
  16. With what I am seeing from you guys, it explains why I sold the 45 in favor of the 40. I guess I needed to find different suppliers and I would have kept the 45. BTW, These prices were for sorted, and clean to high shine. Matt
  17. I generally see anywhere from $70 to $80ish for 1000 peices from "sites" that have fully processed brass. Some including sizing and depriming are around $100 per 1k. Matt
  18. I will give you a vote for Chris at CPWSA.com. I bought both of mine from/through him, and I know that he has them in stock. Good guy to deal with. also there is a package deal in the eaa vendor forum.
  19. 1. Do you already use your gun as a race gun, which sport BTW? if not, start using it in competition and through use it will show what you need to change. 2. Henning is really your only source for parts...you will find his parts sold other places, but they will be Hennings parts. No other support of the platform here in the States that I know of, and Hennings stuff is so good, I dont see the need for anyone else. 3. playing devils advocate, my lightest trigger pull is 2.5-2.7lbs, and it is a nice crisp trigger..any reason for such a light trigger? I generally never hear of anyone with a sub 2lb trigger (maybe an open gun). Do you have experience with a trigger that light? BTW, which gun do you own? hope you find what you are looking for. Matt
  20. I am really liking U-Verse by AT&T. Had it 3 months now and it is great. Had Time Warner before and it was ok but spotty service.
  21. For most matches I use a CED backpack. Big enough for a gun bag, 200 rounds, 5 mags/10 SS mags, comes with a water bottle and little seat. Big enough for what you should need for a local match, but not too big that you put too much in. For larger uspsa and 3 gun matches, I just got a jogging stroller off of Craigslist. The kind with the oversize tires, and it folds to a more compact size. I am going to do a little "work" on it to make it look like the rugger gear carts for shotgun and rifle. I will be able to have a cooler and ammo/gear. Got it for $25, figured with about 30 to 50 more it should be just what I need until I see someone else's cool cart. Matt
  22. Good to know there are a couple places to go. I appreciate the information guys. Matt
  23. I have a few original 40 mags and a couple of the 10mm mags from Henning, and through a couple of issues, the bodies have developed rust. I am thinking about having them blasted and then coated. Anyone done or tried this? They still function just fine, but look crappy. Any thoughts or experience? Matt
  24. Got one in 40... Limited or Lim-10 is the divisions you can shoot in... open if you feel crazy. Get the 40 and dont look back.. check out where the EAA/Tang forum in the vendor area and go to Henning's site and get the 21 round mags. You will be got to go for limited. Matt
  25. So this is a two parter.. one about the website and one about me. 1st, I have been on a well known retailers website trying to buy some parts for my shotgun, and other supplies. After getting all the parts in the cart, i go to check out and nothing. So I reload the page, nothing. I do this a couple times and figure I will do it later in the day to see if it is working. That was 2 days ago. I have done it from home and work and I cant get to the checkout. 2nd, I cant believe that I have become that lazy that I will wait for the website to come back up rather than calling said company and ordering over the phone. I guess I just don't want the hassle of talking with a real person. Kind of sad. Oh well, i guess I will make that phone call now as I will end up missing a match this weekend due to my laziness.
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