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Posts posted by RUSHARP2

  1. It will be interesting to see how the AKDAL Arms MKA-1919 ultimately measures-up to these heavyweights...

    It probably will not change the responses that you have received thus far. The AKDAL will be an open division shotgun, just like the Siaga as it is box fed.

    For the most part the Benelli dominates the other divisions(limited/tac). To your original question, Benelli just started Team Benelli with a few 3 gunners, so it is not due to sponsorship that these guys were running Benelli before. FN sponsors a team of shooters as well.

  2. I currently have the Millet DMS, and would not recommend it with the other scopes that are out there in the similar price range. The Millet worked well when I was just sitting at a bench, but as soon as I started carbine and 3 gun events, it started to show its down sides. When I bought it, there was not really another option in that 250ish price range, that I knew of. So it was a good buy at the time and as performed decently. Now I shoot more and have been able to look through a few and I think the Burris tac-30 beats it hands down.

    Now that I know a little more and shoot a little more and have saved up a little.. I will be moving on.

  3. I didnt mean "just another" in a bad way. Should have said an additional, meaning one more event to participate in.

    Since you are not in direct competition with another match director, I would think they would welcome the idea of an additional discipline that would bring more shooters out.

    If you are passionate about doing it, try to find a club that will let you do it and see what happens.

    I dont see the cross over with archery so it does not appeal to me, but I have not picked up a bow in 20 years. I also dont own some the equipment you are looking to use and with the costs you mention in the disciplines that I do shoot, I am not likely to add any at this point. I do get that rimfire equipment is on the more cost effective side, so acquiring it wouldn't be a big hardship.

    on a side note I am wondering about the clubs that you are shooting at. From your comments in your first post to your response to mine it seems as you are not left with a good taste in your mouth with certain events. That is too bad if that is the case, even my worst day of shooting, I met some good people and had a good time.

    Good luck with getting off the ground and being successful.


  4. Let me ask a follow up question...what void are you trying to fill with this discipline? Is it for new shooters, young shooters, just another event for all of us? Who are you trying get involved?

    You said "their events are often what I would consider too challenging (and often too intense) for many." referring to 3 gun events. Wouldn't an event with the same number of guns, plus the same type of movement and then adding an archery component on top of it be just as challenging?

    I take the look from a new product standpoint. Identify the need and end user then create a product around it. Take the approach "if you build it, they will come". If no one comes, there may not be a place for it as it stands.

    Part of one of the pros for me was how welcoming everyone has been in both USPSA and 3 Gun. I started and was overwhelmed with the everything that was needed to complete the course of fire(still am). I was lucky to have some great shooters and even better people be there when I started. They set real expectations and made sure I knew to go at my own speed. I think what is needed at more events are those good shooters that are willing to help the new shooters, not more events.


  5. not the Millet. A lot of people have started there and only a few still have the scope let alone use one. I am counting the days until I can upgrade. With what I ahve seen from other shooters scopes, for a little more money you get a lot more.

    Depending on you minimum... Burris Tac 30 would be my choice if I was getting into the market and was budget minded. Next for me would be the Vortex PST. I am trying to hold out for the Vortex HD. These are only opinions, as I liked what I saw when I was able to look through each scope. you may like different things.


  6. Let me ask my question once again as you are getting a lot of 3 gun advice, in my opinion. Are you looking for a home defense gun or 3 gun shotgun?

    Home defense... get a pump! Like a Nova or 870. Both are running around 400 on gun broker.

  7. I am getting ready to purchase a home defense shot gun. I have narrowed it down to either a FN SLP Tactical or a Benelli M2. I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of after market there is for the FN. I know Benelli has some stuff and that it is expensive but at least it is there. I am not ready to change things right away as it seems both of these are pretty good right out of the box but might want some options later on.

    Anyone that has a FN I would like some feed back on what you think of it.

    Do you want a home defense shotgun or something for 3 gun? I consider those to be 2 different guns, as the requirements are different, imho. For home defense, I am going with a pump, 870 or Nova.

    Is the FN model really the tactical model with the 18in barrel?

  8. For pumps I think there are 3 choices... the two you mentioned and the Benelli Nova. I have personally used a Mossberg (Marine IIRC) and a Nova for one match each, and I prefer the Nova, but don't think there was a great deal of difference between the two. I have no experience with the 870, but I know a few guys that used them to start out with as that is what they owned at the time.

    For Semis - I agree with 45shooter, bargain doesn't fit especially in 3 gun. Most people are running Benelli M2 or the FN SLP, neither are bargains but both are worth it from the feedback on the forum. the 930's are picking up steam with supporters on the forum, but the ported barrel puts you in open. So you either have to buy a non-ported barrel or get the ports covered.

    I run an old 1100 that has needed a lot to get it up and running, and I am tired of it. So I now own a Benelli M1. I picked it up off gunbroker for a steal. I think most go for around $800.

    What are you looking to spend?

    nothing wrong talking with the match director of you local match and seeing if he can get you with a couple other local shooter that might let you shoot their guns so you can get a feel for the gun before buying.


  9. Mark Otto, from 3gunstuff.com


    California Competition Works

    I've used both and Otto's are my preference.

    not the same thing. Mark Otto, Superfly on here I think, is not yet producing the in-line version, or at least they are not up on 3 gun stuff or triangle shooting sports website. The only US based manufacturer is Carbon Arms, a vendor in the vendor area. The Noveske guys used one from a Czech company, that I dont think are available in the US.

  10. dont look for the exact information in the question. Look for what the idea of what the question is testing. The test is meant to be a little hard, meaning you cant just flip to the back of the index and get the rules. There is interpretation in each question that is asked.

  11. I bought the 1500 from Velocity Shooter(best price I found). The case nicely holds my 2 Limited guns and fits inside another suitcase. Tony at VS, traded emails with me as to what I was looking for and what his recommendation was. He was highly recommended to me, and lived up to it.


  12. I cant speak exactly about the 10 mm, but I own both in 40.

    As you noted these are the only real differences, other than the finish.

    1. You are correct.. the Limited does cost more.. about $450 depending on where you buy.

    2. The Match has no magwell

    3. Correct the match is not tapped.

    1. Both are single action

    2. Both take the same mags

    3. the triggers are the same

    4. I think the Limited barrel is considered to be better.. but I have great accuracy with both.

    5. No idea on the springs with the 10mm.

  13. could probably move this to the like section....

    Shot it over the weekend at a three gun match. Ran like a top, on my normal AA, and some federal cheap stuff.

    Only problem is that I have a slightly used Benelli M1 on its way to me. Told the wife I would sell the 1100 when the M1 is up and running. Guess I need to keep the safe doors closed for a while!


  14. OK, but where can I get them?

    Follow the link above to the other thread about this type of holder. There is a post by Cold, which is Jansen from Team Noveske. He provides the information on the company. not sure if you are going to be able to get them shipped to the US as it is a Czech company, i think.


  15. Well its the end of May and I can't find ANY info about this toy. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

    Does anyone know whats going on with production or availability? Or is this just one more example of vaporware?

    have you contacted Cybergun? They look to be the group producing the gun but are not a retailer, or at least there site did not give the option of purchase. They did have a link for Palco Sports which did have two Tanfoglio airsoft for sale, just not what you are looking for.

  16. Too much good advice here, so I got a punch and removed the stuck piece and drilled the hole with a better bit, or at least one meant for hard steel. Happy to say the gun is back together in the safe. I need to take it to the range and make sure it runs, but all is good for now.

    Still getting a new gun though...my wife's idea.

    Thanks for all the help.

  17. I love mine. I have done a lot of different foods on it. For grilling, hotdogs, brats, steak, Spatchcock chicken. I have smoked pork sholders, ribs and Brisket. My favorite is the brisket.

    For long smokes I use a BBQ guru, which regulates the temp. Kind of a set it and forget it options. www.thebbqguru.com, I am sure there are others but this is what I run.

    I hit this place up from time to time for recipes. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/recipes.htm

    Just find some good lump, a good rub and enjoy.

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