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Mike Dame

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Everything posted by Mike Dame

  1. Came across this guys setup by accident. I'm not sure if its possible to top it, But I'd love to try. http://forums.sixgunner.com/One_example_of.../m_27446/tm.htm
  2. A buddy of mine was at a bike show in Detroit last year and was talking to some local guys who make custom wheels. I've been doing Google searches trying to find the place but have come up empty handed. Does anyone know of any shops that machine wheels in the michigan area?
  3. I'm just wondering if anybody has any insight into the Hockey & Basaball card market. The topic came up and work today and it got me thinking. I haven't bought a pack of cads since the mid 90's and the shops I used to go to are all gone. The main question is if now is a good time to sell or if I missed the bus already.
  4. I arrived Friday @ 1am and found out my clothes and guns did not make the same flight . Then I find out that pool here at the Hilton is down for repairs. I've been told that my bag will arrive tomorrow @ noon. Add the ammo issue in and i get the biggest case of stress I've had to deal with in a very long time . I really hope my bag shows up tomorrow, other wise I might just cut my loses and go home, after I sell the 300 rounds I took on the plane with me
  5. A toast then, Here's to a great match full of friends and shooting under clear skies. If your match didn't go right then remeber that a bad day of shooting beats a good day of working. Just take it easy, it's right out of Windsor so it should be a little more potent
  6. I had a blast at this match, and to think I almost didn't go . The stages were great, and it blew my mind that most stages the RO's told us they would handle the patching and resetting. I had an interesting little conversation with SingleStack on his stage as I was loading my gun. SS- " Are you Mike Dame?" "Yeppers" SS- "Single Stack" I replied "no, it's an STI" I had the very noticable team shirt on so I was a little confussed untill he said he was SingleStack. Even then it took me a few seconds to clue in. Thanks to everyone who made this match happen and congrats to all the champs. I second Jakes comment on Max's preformance, Eric's going to have one hell of a battle in Equador this summer.
  7. Shot this one on Sunday, 58 pts in 10.3 with a Limited gun. 5.6311 HF, If the ohio site is accurate then its a 93% which is my highest one to date. I shot the left side first, squated for the center then took a step with my left foot as I planted my right knee to shoot the right side.
  8. the suits represent the seasons and each card represents one week of the year.
  9. Hey, I remember seeing that one too but I saw it from a different angle. I can assure you that the gun did a 720 and he learned a valuable lesson that day. There's a thread about the whole vidoe evidence thing some where around here. The weird thing is that I stopped and looked right at the RO for a second, he didn't do or say anything, so I ran down range and finished off the stage. I second the "never see it again" comment. When I was at the Florida Open this year I ended up having dinner with one of the members of the arbitration committee. I was kind of hoping he didn't remember me but that wasn't the case. The moral of the story, get your hand on your gun before you start moving or put the lock on.
  10. All you need to do is buy some limit-10 plastic things from Arenndendo, put them in you mags then run a screw into it thru your base pad. Since you are only temporarly bringing the mags into the Peoples Republic of Canada they don't need to be perminently modified. We specificly asked the firearms center if the above mentioned process would comply and they said it would.
  11. I am forwarding your question to Warlock who can give you a more detail answer. The main points are 10 round mag capacity, 4.25" min barrel length, you will need to fill out some forms before and when you arrive at the border and it will cost you $25 or $50 per year(they are lowering the fee but I 'm not sure when it takes effect) Its a very simple process, a couple of my friends from Michigan have been bringing their guns over to Windsor every week for the past few months. If you like you can call the Canadian Firearms Center at 1-800-731-4000 for more info aswell
  12. You can count on the Windsor match-whores showing up You guys going to have Ezmarelda in a plaid skirt?
  13. I've wanted to shoot the Summer Blast match the last few years but was never able to make it, hopefully this year will work out even with July's tight schedule.
  14. Like it or not, like is here to stay. A study was done a year or two ago about speach habits and trends. Among other things one of the findings was how prevelant the use of "like" was in all english speaking countries. They found that "like" was being used very specificly, excessively but still specificly, which ment that it had now become a part of the english language. I saw it on a CBC show about the difference between Canadian, American, and British english today and from the past. It was very interesting. So like, deal with it As for another hated saying, "you can see it visually" is often said by my shops engineers. It drives me nutz, how the hell else are you supposed to see something?
  15. if they put that on their brochure, they'd get flooded with enrollment requests I wonder if they offer an agiculture scholarship
  16. I was looking thru a co-workers paintball magazine and saw an add for paintball cleats . Has anyboy tried this route yet?
  17. More videos of Miss Goloski please
  18. Wrong forum Filthy, I don't go by Madness here. Thanks for mentioning the arbitration part, I forgot about that.
  19. Flex, that's correct. When I took his class last year it was brought up, and we all did it at a Level 1 match held at the same club the final day of the course.
  20. What consitutes a fall? If i knock it over while grabing it, the gun would stay in contact with the table the whole time.
  21. If only the RO's saw it the same way, some do and some don't thats the problem. There needs to be a set rule about it.
  22. Ok the stage discription says "gun on table" so I set it down like the guns on the limcat custom homepage. is this allowed? I've been told that its not safe and therefore not allowed. The reason givin was if I grabed it wrong it mighttip over. If I screw up my holster draw the gun might fall out of my hands, so should holsters not be allowed in the sport? I know not all guns are able to stand up like this but as long as it's stable it should be allowed right? I can set my gun up with or without a mag inserted and bang on the table with out it tipping so what's the big deal. If i do screw up and knock it over, it would be the same as if i went to pick it up while it was laying on its side and bobbled it. Maybe there should be a rule that states when ever a stage starts with the gun out of a holster it must be laying flat on its side. Then there would be no question as to the legality of it. What D'ya think?
  23. If I want to shoot the Canadian Nationals I'm going to have to leave right after shooting on Tuesday, Drive 9 hours back home then fly out to the east coast for Wednesday night This will be interesting, I should just move to the States. I hear there are alot of people trying to move up to Canada now, I wonder if the immagration officials are interested in a trade
  24. Were the other 5 in the top 10 L-10 not worthy of mention? I had planned on leaving at noon but decided to stay for the awards, and I'm glad I did. TGO made great speach and I liked Max's aswell, quick and to the point. Watching Max and Eric go head to head for the next couple of years will be one hell of a show.
  25. we're here(warlock and filthy1 aswell) at our first Nat's and it's amazing. The range is massive and the stages look great. We haven't met any new BE'ers but we ran into a few old friends. We start on the popper stages tomorow morning. we're off to the shooters meeting now. later
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