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AZ Stats Chic

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Everything posted by AZ Stats Chic

  1. The squadding is complete. If you'd like to know which squad you're on, drop me a note... A2chic
  2. jhgtyre... Here's the URL: http://www.uspsa2.org/images/2004-A2-Squadding-Final.PDF konkapot... This is only a list of squad times, not a squadding listing. That will not be available until this Monday (evening). A2chic
  3. The squadding lists will be available on Monday, 11/8. A2Chic
  4. Sestock - "What club has enough certified and experience RO's to put a match on? None. You have to import the talent." I know that the Area 2 only has 11 stages, but I would bet that the Rio Salado Sportsman's Club has enough certified and willing RO's and CRO's to staff a big event - such as the Nationals. There are only a very few "officials" that are from other states for the Rio Salado Desert Classic - this being our 17th year. Last year we had 402 shooters in 2 ½ days. We're cutting back to 350 this year. If we had the room... I think we could pull it off - staff wise. A2Chic
  5. Both of you two had requested shooting with the other. It should not be a problem. A2Chic
  6. Jeeper... The squadding is not done until the weekend before the match. I have found it easier to take care of last minute requests when I have the most current listing of who's shooting. You can submit a squadding request at most any time - the sooner, the better. Note... no more than 14 people in a squad. Please do not indicate "all the guys from NM" or "all the guys from the San Diego area" or something similar... cuz there's more than 15 in any of these groups. You can call yourselves the "Jeeper crew" and provide all of the names of all your guys - that works... The fewer "last minute" requests, the easier it is on registration. Please don't show up and tell me that you have got to shoot with this other guy and his squad is full and ... well - you get the picture. Thx, a2chic
  7. ===================== Ken Kwiat - Yes, I have your registration & you are in. And the two "bozos" you were talking about, also are in. ===================== Pat Harrison - "Got my cheque yet?" ... yes I did, you're in. ===================== AZ GUNNER: "new to the sport and was wondering if you had spots if somebody was a no show. I live in Tucson and will be going to watch anyway." Well... there's about 40 people on the waiting list. I have had a couple of calls to cancel, but other than that... I think that some of those guys even at the bottom will just show up anywise - hoping to get into the match. I can't predict the future. You're more than welcome to show up anywise. ===================== Bob Hostetter - "I mailed my check last week after registering online a while back. Can you please confirm I am in the match?" ... Yes, I received it - you're in. ===================== lynn... "any word on when the stages will be posted?" I just sent Jerry Mallard the information (10/08) - hopefully, he will be able to read the format and post them on the A2 page. ===================== Jeeper... "Is this an all day match or are there morning and afternoon squads? I just realized my AZ CCW is expiring shortly and was hoping I could squeeze in a class that weekend to renew it. " There are morning and afternoon squads. I will also have Jerry post the schedule, as well. We are changing the typical shooting order of the stages so that the match will run more smoothly. ===================== Rob Boudrie - "You could always consider using the on-line squadding system www.uspsa.org/squadding for the 2005 match" I will have to check that out... Thanks for the handy hints... Reminder... chocolate and guns go together, right? A2Chic
  8. Hey QuicksDraw! (Stew) - I have your check - you're IN. ================================= NMinzghor (Nick) - you can send your ammo to: Accuracy Speaks c/o (your name) - Rio Salado Desert Classic 3960 N Usery Pass Rd. Mesa, AZ 85207 The minimum round count will be approximately 285. ================================= Erik Warren - I have noted your squadding request on your application and also in my registration database. PLEASE do NOT wait until you arrive to request a squadding buddy. It is much easier to shuffle the competitors a week before the match than at the match during registration (i.e. NIGHTMARE ). For the past few years, I can safely say that squadding takes approximately 12 hours for 350 - 400 shooters. It takes 10 - 15 minutes to make a single change at registration - big difference per shooter - after the fact! A2Chic
  9. The 2004 Rio Salado Desert Classic - USPSA Area 2 Championship Match is officially FULL (9/7/2004). I have started a waiting list and will be contacting those people that have "pre-registered" to request: 1) payment; or 2) drop from the match. See all ya'll at the Nat's. A2Chic
  10. Got your on-line info - need your $'s to send you a confirmation... p.s. only 23 slots left. A2Chic
  11. Format for the weekend: Friday: four stages Saturday: four stages Sunday: three stages + the prize table... 6:50 am - 5:10 pm both Friday and Saturday. Brownell's 2nd Annual Cowboy Cook-Out on Saturday right after the match. Sunday: 6:50 am - 11:30 shooting; lunch/finals posted; awards to follow. A2Chic P.S. The on-line registration is closed. Only 25 slots left.
  12. Update... 8/29/2004 - 66 slots left. 8/30/2004 - 61 slots left. 8/31/2004 - 52 slots left. A2Chic
  13. Lynn - Got it! I have not sent out Congrats' letters until I receive the flyer from the hotel... s/b soon... A2Chic
  14. Stats for the day... Updated 8/25/2004. I have 60 reserved slots for sponsors I have 55 reserved slots for staff I have 73 received via US Mail I have 26 on-line applications received with $'s This brings a subtotal to 188. There are an additional 70 on-line applications that I have not received $'s for. This brings the possible total to 258. The drop-dead maximum number of shooters will be 350. At this time, we're 86% full - only 92 slots left... If you're serious about shooting the Desert Classic in November - get your app & $'s in the mail soon!!! A2Chic FYI - I have sent the following to all on-line registrants that have not sent in their $'s: This is the first year that we’ve tried to use an on-line system. With any new system, it may become apparent after the fact that steps that should have been taken were overlooked. It has come to my attention that the registration form relates a false sense of security in the registration process. Your “on-line registration” does not guarantee a reserved position in the match – your “payment” is your guarantee. This would not have been an issue if we did not fill all of our slots in past years. We are limiting this year’s match to 350 shooters and I expect to fill to capacity before October 1st. With this in mind – I am writing to all of you as a notice of registration payment due. Please send in your payment as soon as possible. I am trying to be fair to those already sending in payments, and also to those “pre-registered”. As in the past, a waiting list will begin once the match is declared full. Registration will continue on a first paid – first in policy as slots are available. Your official match confirmation will be withheld until payment is received. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to call or email me or Paul Caudill (Match Director). Sorry for any inconvenience. If you will not be able to attend, please let me know ASAP.
  15. Stats for the day... I have 60 reserved slots for sponsors I have 46 reserved slots for staff I have 27 received via US Mail I have 15 on-line applications received with $'s This brings a subtotal to 148. There are an additional 38 on-line applications that I have not received $'s for. This brings the possible total to 186. The drop-dead maximum number of shooters will be 350. I'd say that we're half-full; half-empty. If you're serious about shooting the Desert Classic in November - get your app & $'s in the mail soon. A2Chic
  16. They've made some improvements on the range and have added another bay - to the East of where the smallbore range is. A2C
  17. The link "worky" now... And, yes - there are really eleven stages - not including chrono. There will be an on-line registration option. Get your entry in quickly - I've already received 5 today. We are cutting the squads down to 14. We are also limiting the total number of shooters to 350 including staff. ONLY staff will be permitted to shoot on Thursday. A2Chic
  18. Here's a link to the form. Check out the Area 2 pages for on-line registration. See all ya'll soon... AZ Stats Chic http://www.jmallard.com/images/2004A2_App.pdf
  19. I sent the results to Dan's web guy this noon... but I don't see anything posted yet. Send me an email and I'll send you the results. If you can read "pdf's" - I have each division separated and one file with the overall results. Hey Miller boys... I thank you for pointing out my error... It turned out o.k. in the end - but it was kinda hectic there for a moment or two. BRING CHOCOLATE! AZ Stats Chic... lamarca@cox.net
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