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AZ Stats Chic

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Everything posted by AZ Stats Chic

  1. Just a few thoughts on this topic of the lottery draw... If you require "locals" to have a mailing address in AZ - how far out of the town of Mesa can you be to be classified as "local"? Within the Phoenix / Tucson area? What about the guys from Flagstaff or Payson or Prescott? ... or ... If it is required that they are members of the club, will we soon have 1,000 new club members? Any way you look at it, if someone REALLY wants to get in on the "first group", they will find a way. What about the "local" guys that have out of town family or friend who always shoot together? Is this okay to submit one local guy + 3 out of towners? What about the guys that won their class/division last year... they are wanting a guaranteed slot, too. The lottery took a lot of these ifs and buts out of the equation. Although it was very impersonal drawing from a bucket of numbers, I didn't know who was getting in until all was said and done. I try my best to be unbiased and fair to everyone. I don't even look at who's times are which when I enter the scores, other than ensure I'm entering the correct score for the right competitor. Did I feel bad when a group of my friends didn't get in? Of course I did! But on the same note, know that I didn't go back and fix it so they could get in - didn't move them up on the waiting list - didn't shuffle the numbers in any way. I don't take bribes, don't play favoritism, and pride myself as an honest person. I hope all y'all appreciate it... A2Chic
  2. Ahja! Thank you ma'am. Until I get back to my work email (which changed again due to another IT dept "decision"), please consider this response my CONFIRMATION. Got it...
  3. 39 Working on it already. One person added. One guy dropped; one guy got slotted due to someone else who had been selected in the lottery who had to drop.
  4. Yes. I sent you an email today... You are in - you didn't provide an email address on your app - used one from last year - apparently it didn't get to you.
  5. Barbara, I agree completely with Chuck. The raffle arrangement seems a much better (more fair) solution than the old system. Thanks for all you guys have done to address this. We got in and will bring chocolate. What do you prefer? I'm glad that (for the most part) people are okay with the new system. It sure cuts down on the anxiety that August 2nd brought last year. It was pretty rough trying to tell folks that they were 140th on the waiting list after they had just spent $15 on overnight shipping. My Favorites ;-) Dark works, too. A2Chic
  6. I am THE stats chick... I have ALL the numbers... However, I don't have all of the applications/cofirmations from all competitors, nor most of the sponsored shooters. Ask me again closer to the match date. A2Chic P.S. ... I don't have your confirmation, either. There are 33 in your division.
  7. At 33 I am not holding out much hope - sure did want to shoot it - hear its a real hoot! Forty-four (44) folks got into the match last year from the waiting list. A2Chic
  8. I'm working on it... will send info out to those who have confirmed once I have a hotel lined up.
  9. You are 27 on the waiting list. You still could get in. Thanks...27th...yikes I'll keep my fingers crossed....I probably don't want to know how many people cancelled out last year! If you had been # 27 on the waiting list last year, you would have gotten in. The reason for the lottery this year was we had 140+ on the waiting list the first day. This year, there is only 39... A2Chic
  10. Congratulations notices have been sent out... Those w/o an email address on their application will be called tomorrow. Best of Luck to everyone... A2Chic
  11. You and 200+ of your closest friends will receive an email requesting a response as confirmation back to the match registrar that you are still interested in attending the match. This will be done August 5th. I will have to call one person. Best of luck... A2Chic
  12. Most of the "top" shooters are sponsored. I don't see this as an issue. grandbagger - QUOTE: One envelope may contain up to four applications but on the application in the squadding box, "if you wish to be squadded with specific people, please list on the back of application, limit 10 competitors" 'Tis hard to please everyone and still have some sort of order to it all... A2Chic
  13. Just a little reminder... We are using a new "Lottery" entry system this year. Get your applications in SOON!! The Lottery will be picked August 5th. Make sure you include your email address. Application is here: A2-RSDC-Application-2007 The web site for the match is here: Rio Salado Desert Classic - Home Page Contact info is there, as well. A2Chic 20th_Annual_Rio_Salado_Desert_Classic___Lottery_Rules.txt
  14. Rio Salado Sportsman's Club - Mesa, Arizona Host of the annual Superstition Mountain Mystery 3-Gun. We hold several two-gun events, but only one 3-gun event each year in the spring time. This is a three day event. Approximately 250 competitors per match. Min 213 - max 337 rounds using a neutralizing tactic of scoring of one hit per knife, shot-gun, or slug; two hits per rifle or pistol. We have developed the IMA Rules posted on our web site (SMM3G Home Page). The past few years entries have filled the match in less than a week. This past year we opted to go to a lottery system which is being tweeked for the Rio Salado Desert Classic / USPSA Area 2 event hosted by our same club by the same staff. Match Co-directors: Paul Caudill (director of our Rio Salado Practical Pistol Division) and Bob LaMarca (long-time Rio member and coach of the Junior Small-bore program). Area 2 Chic
  15. There are different levels of sponsorship which may or may not include one or more competitor slots. A "sponsored shooter" would be a competitor designated by name by one of the sponsoring companies for this specific match as long as they were at a level which would include one or more competitor slots. Your sponsor must be a sponsor for this match for you to get a slot and they would have to provide your name along with their sponsor information. Sponsorship information may be obtained from John LaMarca at (602) 686-2828 or via email at lamarca1@cox.net. If you have a sponsor supporting your shooting habits and paying your match fees, please have them contact John if you are interested in shooting this event by way of a sponsored slot. Note: There are limited sponsorship opportunities for this event. A2Chic
  16. 230 slots to the competitors. I would not consider any of the "paying" competitors peons. A2Chic
  17. Sorry... that will not happen - go ahead and take your Nomex suit off... A2Chic
  18. I'm back... ... still a little woozie - but I'm still on the planet. Any q's regarding the new application policy - let me know. Here is the procedure: One envelope may contain up to four applications. One check per envelope is okay - multiple checks are okay, too. No one person may send in more than one application - duplicates will be returned (this would be bad). Applications received after August 4th will not be in the first draw, but will not be returned. "Late entries", "Extras" or "Left-over" applications after the first draw will be put on a waiting list. Drop-offs are okay at the house - but must accompany chocolate (just kidding). Each envelope will be considered one chance. (i.e. if four in one envelope - this is one chance; if four people send separately, they each have one chance) I will notify everyone ASAP after the lottery draw being held August 5th - whether they've been picked or not. Please include an email address with your entry. (thx!) Note... This is our club's Rio Salado Desert Classic 20th Annual Anniversary... should be another "good one"!! The Competitors' Banquet on Saturday 11/10/2007 - is not included with the entry price - but will have door prizes to include at least one gun. You should go... I have a new mailing address for this event - a post office box - due to the mail theft we experienced this spring during the SMM3G. Sponsored shooters or perspective sponsors - contact John LaMarca at (602) 686-2828 or lamarca1@cox.net Good luck to everyone... Cheers... A2Chic
  19. Have you been listening to Mike - sounds like a direct quote we got from him? And like cactustactical said - many of the "best" shooters are sponsored. Is it full? No - we do have a very limited number of spaces available on a first come first served basis. Then the waiting list will start. I couldn't tell you exactly how many there are at this moment... I'm in NY visiting for the holidays. BTW - many people did not enter due to the fact that they did not want to be "bothered" with the lottery system this year. Too bad for them... good for those that took the chance. Have a Joyous Holiday Season!! A2Chic
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