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AZ Stats Chic

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Everything posted by AZ Stats Chic

  1. I'd like to know if it isn't too much trouble. TIA. Adios, TG sent you a list via email...
  2. Squads have been finalized. If you'd like to know who you are squadded with, send me an email. This information will not be posted on the internet for privacy reasons. Reminder... there are still openings if you have a buddy that would like to shoot with you. Thanks... A2Chic
  3. Openings??? ... Yes - there are a few openings due to drops and a few sponsors not using all of their slots. If you are interested in attending... Send me an email and a check. Applications are here: SMM3G Web Site At this point, the Lottery Rules no longer apply. A2Chic
  4. Linda, We had mail theft a while back and that's what prompted the PO Box - perhaps you might consider it for future FB and FB3G matches - due to your husband sleeping during the day. Whatever the cost of the mailbox, have the match or your club pay for it as a yearly expense. It will also cut down on those late night drop-offs at "the house". It was a big plus for the two big matches I run (A2 + SMM3G). Just a thought... A2Chic
  5. If you want to shoot against the best shooters in the country, find a match where there are many "sponsored" shooters, as they have been recognized as tops in their sport. In other words, SMM3G - where we have the best sponsored shooters in the country. Makes sense to me... A2Chic
  6. Reminder... If you are in a group - each person should reply - or one can "reply for all", but specify that on your email. thx
  7. 199 sent in - 182 have been drawn. Emails just went out. There are other major events in the Phoenix area - so if you are coming in from out of town - book your hotel SOON!! Those 17 on the waiting list will most likely be slotted, as well. There will be left-over unused sponsor slots and other drops. A2Chic
  8. Revised IMA/SMM3G rules are posted here: IMA Rules December-10-2007 Minor changes - "match" is now "event"; other typos corrected. No "rule" changes. A2Chic IMA_Rules_December_10_2007.pdf
  9. "With the upcomming 2008 rules... will my new gun now be made illegal?" No - your .40 will still be legal for HM. BTW, I checked my stats for the past year... only two people chose to use a .40 in HM (2007). A2Chic
  10. # 4 looks like Larry Piercy (Mesa, AZ - Bowling Team) ... Nope - he's right-handed... never mind. A2Chic
  11. As many as will fill the match. You are allowed up to four applications per envelope. (see the rules) I'm not at home right now... so I can't tell you exactly how many competitors + sponsored slots = a full match. Sponsored shooters are not included in the lottery, so if any sponsor has alloted slots which are not used after a certain deadline date - those unused slots will go to those on the waiting list (if there is one... probably). I would guess around 200 competitors (non-sponsored / non-staff) will be picked - lottery-style. A2Chic
  12. The rules haven't changed since 12/2006. Didn't you read the rules? This was in place for SMM3G 2007 and before you made your purchase. If anyone has rules suggestions or comments - send them to the match directors via the SMM3G contact page. A2Chic
  13. The "committee" meets every Monday (at our place) for the Area 2 and the SMM3G events. Rules review should be one of the first things on the agenda, besides getting applications together for staff and sponsored competitors. I will post a note here when / if rules are amended. A2Chic
  14. Just a reminder... haven't had the time to let those know that I've received their apps - I have a stack of ~= two dozen envelopes and will get through those this weekend. I'll send an email to let folks know I've received their app when it arrives in the POB. A2Chic
  15. It's that time again... The 2008 SMM3G Lottery Application is now available. Send in your application (or your group of up to four) to get into the 2008 SMM3G Lottery - to be held December 15, 2007. Check our main web site for more information. http://www.smm3gun.com/ View the contacts page for additional information on staffing and sponsorship opportunities. http://www.smm3gun.com/contacts.html A2Chic a.k.a. Barbara LaMarca Superstition Mountain Mystery 3-Gun (SMM3G) Registration and Statistics Rio Salado Sportsman's Club Mesa, Arizona rlamarca@cox.net http://www.smm3gun.com Match Sponsor: DPMS Panther Arms
  16. Hey... I know that "chic" - when you get a sec - it's LaMarca (upper cased M - yes... I'm picky - but that's a good thing, right?) And, Hey(2) - Chuck S - WHERE's my Lima Beans?!?!? A2Chic oldcurmudgeon... Thanks for the "correction". Chuck S - Lovely Lima Beans - gonna bring them to the range to "display" - they'll all be jealous... jmallard - thanks for posting the interim results... looks maavvellous!! A2Chic
  17. Hey... I know that "chic" - when you get a sec - it's LaMarca (upper cased M - yes... I'm picky - but that's a good thing, right?) And, Hey(2) - Chuck S - WHERE's my Lima Beans?!?!? A2Chic
  18. Our RSDC web guy has posted interim results. Thanks Tom!!! Everything is running smoothly... Hope to keep the wave rolling the rest of the weekend. A2Chic
  19. There is a public range that will be open. They usually reserve a bench for match shooters to sight in. -ld If you register before you go up to the public range, and show them your badge, they will point you to the "reserved" bench(s) and you will not be charged a range fee. A2Chic
  20. no there is a squad schedule - but not squad lists you will get that info on thursday when you check in That sounds great! Thanks for getting back with me. TG TG - you're on 3
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