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AZ Stats Chic

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Everything posted by AZ Stats Chic

  1. Jerry... A big THANK YOU for your diligence in posting the stages for the A2Match. Computers and web sites are GREAT... as long as they keep working. It's so frustrating when you can't get to where you're goin'. Soo.... when will YOU come down to AZ to shoot our match? I'm waiting... I'm sure that the Mrs. would love to shop 5th Ave in Scottsdale - or maybe even shoot along beside you??? Maybe next year??? Thanks! A2Chic p.s. - those of you on the waiting list... I've filled 17 slots from the waiting list - looks like we'll still be over 400 shooters this year. :-)
  2. Not really... they were scanned and then imported into Ppt along with the shooting instructions. I feel bad about Jerry's site... Hope he's up soon. a2chic
  3. Jerry's site is down 'cause I sent him the stages and he's working on it... a2chic
  4. I've sent copies of the stages to Jerry Mallard. He's busy converting them into ?? pdf ?? ... so when he's done - the stages will be available... someplace - I'll let you know - or Jerry will. zzzzzzzzzz a2Chic.
  5. To give you some history (listen up class...) the person that originally set up this match on the second weekend in November went to some sort of weather history almanac that shows that this is the best weekend in Arizona at this time of the year. Yaaa... you will be beginning at the crack of dawn... but so will the other 399+ shooters. It'll be fun... TRUST ME :-) a2chic
  6. I'd normally ask for some cheese with that whine... but, I do prefer chocolate! If you'd like some... I'll have the coffee on when you get there... just bring a cup. I'll be getting to the range before 5:30 am every morning. I'm lucky to live just 4 miles down-street from the range. As for cutting the times down - that would mean that we would have to cut the size of the match as well. There are over 400 competitors this year. Wubba - yee-ha... and all that... It's crazy over here... Too much computing, too little sleeep. AAAUUUUGGGHHHH :-) a2chic
  7. I'm not sure if this will work - but I've added a link to the squad schedule... Still workin' on those stages... http://www.jmallard.com/forum/viewthread.p...tid=390&pid=879 A2Chic
  8. ChuckS, I sent your confirmation info 9/15/2003. If you did not get it, I will send it to you again. We are on the same squad schedule at last year. I see that you were a competitor last year as well. I know I said that I was working on getting stages posted... I'm kinda busy and haven't gotten it done yet. I'll get there... I will put you on my list to send squadding info out to... I have a "list" - you're on it. Gotta get to work... later... A2Chic
  9. The match is officially FULL. See you all in November... Area2Chic
  10. <<well if I don't get in please put me on a waiting list or something.>> We had a long waiting list last year... but getting on the list this early is a good thing. The cut-off date for refund requests is Oct 30th. I would say you have a good chance at getting in one way or another. A2Chic
  11. davecutts... Hope your entry gets here really soon... There are only 8 slots left as of yesterday's mail. 300lbGorilla... :-) Thanks for the kudos. Bring chocolate (w/nuts) next time :-) Area2Chic 10/16 - only five slots left.
  12. Erik & Lynn, My sincere apologies... It is a bummer to have to wait that long. Too bad the weather is so bad, too. It's been 90+ lately. FYI... There are 15 slots left 10/14/2003. Area2Chic
  13. Blake, I got it today... will send out your confirmation soon. Area2Chic
  14. Erik, Thank you for your sympathies... you could bring chocolate if you REALLY felt bad :-) I've been working on this since July. I used to shoot the match until they asked me to help one year. Ever since then I've been "in charge" of stats - that was 1995. As a competitor I can sympathize with you... but I checked the last 4 years... you've been participating in this event since 2000. I didn't see your name in my 1999 registration. As history shows - you are willing to travel from San Francisco to our match in Mesa, AZ - this being your 5'th year in a row. You didn't EVER wait that long at our match to shoot a stage. It runs very smoothly. Even though last year we changed to an earlier schedule - it runs on time. So where did you spend the (Really) big bucks to shoot? Another reason for the big entry fee is the size of our prize table. This year should be as good as last year. We had 108 yellow sheet items including 60 actual guns. If you're willing to work the match, the RO's prize table had 8 guns on it last year - those are given away by raffle - depending on the number of 1/2 days you work. Makes your chances for big stuff a lot higher if you are an "average" shooter. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face... Area2Chic
  15. Erik, It is hard to turn people away... especially those that have made airlines and hotel reservations. They just don't get it!! Our match fills up! Don't wait until the last minute! But NooOOooo... I have ALWAYS had some (bozo) show up at the match and say "Well, my sponsor told me that I had a slot..." Pretty pompus if you ask me. :-( You did ask me? Right? My 2¢... I always try my best to fit everyone in... hate to see those whiners go away cryin' AZ Stats Chic
  16. TDean... I got your check :-) I have 26 slots left. Since I've gotten my user id back for this forum - I'll keep you all posted up on this site with the app counts. I expect a waiting list within a week. Either that or we might up the squads to 16 shooters/squad. There are 10 stages + chrono. The round count is 273. You can ship your ammo to: (your name) - Rio Salado Desert Classic c/o Accuracy Speaks 3960 N. Usery Pass Road Mesa, Arizona 85207 I'm working on getting the stages on the web - will let you know when/where that is when it happens. If anyone needs any addition info... just let me know. Area2Chic
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