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Posts posted by cryptoprocta

  1. Also not a bad read. The main character, "Gideon Crew," is different than their traditional Pendergast books. I've gone ahead and pre-ordered the next one in this series, which is an additional nod in this one's favor. ...Worth it as a nice distraction for fun reading time.

  2. "Soft Target", Stephen Hunter's latest Swaggart yarn is now available at all the usual places.

    They are always a good read, by an author who knows guns and shooting.

    I agree it is a very good read, but quite different from the traditional classic Swagger novels.

    Although they are obviously worlds apart as authors and in subject matter, this book reminds me of how Without Remorse is a rather focused outlier of the traditionally mega-multi-subplot Clancy-authored series.

  3. An exerpt from BRM3G the sitcom:

    [unnamed shooter jimmies the lock to the locked stats room and approaches Andy, who is in conference with Tammi, and taps Andy on the shoulder. Andy turns.]

    Unnamed shooter to Andy: This match is always hard to shoot! It must be hard to work, too! After the second year of bad weather luck, I think the ROs are revolting!

    [Andy scratches his beard, contemplating.]

    Andy to unnamed shooter (after a pause): Yes, I know they're revolting, but they come for cheap and they're all we've got. The rain might clean 'em up a little.

    Unnamed shooter to Andy: That's not what... Umm... What I'm trying to... Oh, never mind.

    [insert canned laughter, commercial break for a word from our sponsors]


    Just kidding, guys! Can't wait to work it again with y'all this year. It's always a highlight of the shooting year!

  4. ...and their actual store in NYC should be listed as a tourist attraction or educational field trip. THE most efficient and organized system of product review, dealer interaction, delivery, payment, etc. I have encountered in a retail setting. Considering it's the best part of a whole city block near Madison Square Garden, and has been for some time, they must be doing (several) something(s) right!

  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Found this on the IDPAforum. What gets me is that IDPA goes out of their way not to use ipsc terminology. Can't be a Grand Master.

    At the awards banquet at the 2011 IDPA Indoor Nationals a couple hours ago, Joyce Wilson announced that there is now a Distinguished Master Class. To get in this class a person has to be Division Champion at a Nationals, either the regular one or the Indoor. Also, if there is a person who places within 3% of the DC they will get bumped up too. There were about 12 present who have won their division in the last 5 years and they were all inducted and received plaques for being in the inaugural class. These include, Bob Vogel, Dave Sevigny, Craig Buckland, Dan Burwell, Tom Yost, Jerry Miculek, Todd Jarret, Dave Olhasso, Gordon Carrell, Josh Lentz and one other whose name escapes me. Sorry about that.

    Next years Indoors will be on the 22nd through the 25th of February.

    Glen Shelby

  6. Oh my! Before watching the trailer, reply was ....fuggeettaboutit, not another remake! Afterwards, well, guess I know what movie I'm seeing this Christmas! Out of reverence to The Duke and the legacy of films he left behind, however, any observations of and commentary on the 2010 movie will have to be henceforth made in absence of any comparison to the original. That said, this one should hold up on its own by first impressions.

  7. It's certainly worth the price of admission....thumbs up. Funny fact from a radio interview about the "making of": throughout the entire course of making this film, especially the "stadium scenes," BPD only received ONE 911 call related to the sound of gunshots. !?

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