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Everything posted by SteveU

  1. I had the same problem with my iphone. I turned off Javascript and it allowed me to sign in, access messenger, etc. It's still in the "mobile" mode and doesn't work great, but that at least allowed me to get PMs and see new posts. Settings --> Safari --> JavaScript (toggle to off). I don't know what JavaScript is but this seems to work. I got this idea off the Droid phone thread somewhere.
  2. Yeah. That surprised me a little. The way it was edited with Brad first talking to Andre and then telling Denny or someone that, "We're trying to set up an Andre/Kelly challenge" immediately afterwards did not do anyting to help emphasize integrity. But then I remembered that despite the producers' attempts to set up teams, looks like (some of) the contestants know that it's anything but. There's only one prize and sooner or later, the team stuff breaks down on all of these shows. We're just not used to seeing stuff like that in this crowd.
  3. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3376489/ You've got some work to do to to finish your profile, TV star...
  4. If you're near Wilmore, Lin Edwards puts on a great monthly IDPA match. Www.bgslinc.com. Lots of folks from this forum shoot it.
  5. I have had 4 XDs, still have 2, one is my daily carry and the other for USPSA production. Have had them since 2006/2007 and never broke an extractor. So that's my experience. There are a couple gunsmith vendors on this site who are XD experts. They may be able to give you some more experience with thousands of them. www.xdtalk.com is also pretty helpful.<br><br>PS: My XD mags are more reliable than my STI mags....<img class="bbc_emoticon" alt="" src="http://www.brianenos.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif"> Never had a problem.<br>
  6. Early models used to have a locking block cracking issue, but that was worked out maybe 5 years ago. At about that point the trigger bar spring was a weak point, but I suspect that it isn't an issue any more because I haven't heard of many breaking lately. Overall, it's a very reliable handgun.
  7. They will be fine. I've heard some say 10-15 fps: It will depend on your load, but it shouldn't be very much different. <br><br>Might want to put more descriptive information in the title of the post, too: so people don't skip over it 'cause it just says "Primers"
  8. 53 inches edge to center line as drawn, or 53 inches edge to edge from the center array (as written)? Anyone have an official word?
  9. What if the duplicate is 8 spots away? If you count it, it bumps off the other one. But it's lower. What comes first in the algorithm: Whether it's a duplicate or whether it's #8? Hope that's clear. If not I'll give a specific example I think this is in line with OP but if not sorry, don't mean to hijack, and I can start a new thread if someone thinks differently.
  10. Seth and other who understand this "formula": I just shot a classifier match. One of my scores for the day (5 stages) was a duplicate of a prior classifier that I scored better on (the prior one was better). This was 2nd highest of the 5 on that day. So by what I've read on this, it will be entered 4th (4th highest)? If it is entered 5th, then the one that it would bump off would be the duplicate. Will it still bump it, (since the duplicate won't be top 8 if the new one is entered)? Does that make sense? Is that what you meant by "top 9"?
  11. This is a very disappointing thread. Not bad or violating the rules or anything, just sad that expectations weren't met and shooters who all want the same thing are in conflict. I was in Sudden Death's class and had a great experience. As an intermediate ( shooter, I benefitted a lot from the education. I took a lot of notes and felt that I was given a platform to improve myself. I didn't expect to shoot better immediately but that I would be taught what was important to learn. I also learned through the course what gave me the most trouble. That helped me decide which techniques I should spend the most time on to get the most benefit, and what I could tuck away and work on later. You definitely can't do it all at once. Others in my class from D to A seemed to feel the same way. We shot in an unbelievable Kentucky thunderstorm. I felt the round count was appropriate but also felt that I got a lot out of listening and not shooting. That was only our experience and I'm sure 100% of people don't feel the same way. However, there are ways to constructively criticize, and if the expectation for the course wasn't met by all means provide the feedback. They practically begged for it. They gave multiple opportunities to provide it and ask questions. A lot of the feedback is valid and could be explained by the format of the course and how it differed from SD's. Also, clearly the objectives of the instructors and some students for some reason weren't aligned. But my read is that some of the comments B the students in this thread were intended to hurt rather than be productive. Those may be true feelings but don't further the argument, resolve the issue or reflect well on the poster. As you can see from Max's post, there were other ways to resolve this in a win-win way rather than a win-lose. If the intention wasn't to vent, but to provide constructive feedback, I would consider sticking to objective facts and your direct impression of them and leaving out parts that you know are merely inflammatory. ("rather buy bullets.. ") as they take away from your point rather than emphasize it.
  12. Hmm... in my car, the remote fob enables the alarm and ignition kill switch. What is more likely: Someone with a remote receiver/transmitter and computer or someone who can smash in the window and drive away with everything in 60 seconds if I DON'T use the fob? (serious question) Are there aftermarket remote fobs that have higher security?
  13. Not the 5th Sunday match, but we do for Steel Showdown and for the USPSA sanctioned match on the first Sunday of the month (all divisions)
  14. SteveU


    No problem! You teach me how to move and shoot fast and I'll teach you how to fall down and shoot slow.
  15. SteveU


    Pretty uneventful match for me, but look who won the 50 yard prone stage!
  16. At that OAL, one of the shooter at my club uses 4.6. Might start there with a chrono and see. I use 4.8 - 5.0 at 1.180 depending on the primer. 5.0 for Winchester Small Primer but 4.8 works for me for CCI Small Rifle Primer.
  17. Well we have the range for our 5th Sunday Ss/Pro/Rev match. I'll check with Corey but I personally would love to shoot this match instead of that one, and follow up with another (our regular June match) the next weekend. Otherwise we also have Steel Showdown and IDPA this month so still plenty of stuff to shoot !
  18. CANCELLED Sorry folks but I just checked out the range. Flooded roads and pits, wind gusts of 20+mph and lightning consistently within a mile. Radar shows this crap hanging around all day. I hate to cancel my first match as substitute match director but it's just not safe to play outside today. Steve
  19. Weather's looking pretty bad right now, with a nasty front moving in, tornado and flood warning. I'm going to take a ride down to the range and check it out. If it looks like we can't keep targets standing or it's dangerous we'll probably have to give this one a pass -- but I want to take the next hour to see. I'll post back here at 7:30 or so. If you or anyone you know are planning on coming to this match, check for an update here and spread the word. I don't have the batch email for the club members to send out any info that way.
  20. Currently this match is still a go, despite adverse weather in the area. On the fly changes may occur for lightning, but if it's just raining, we'll be shooting.
  21. On stage 2: If you are blocking the steel on the right frombeing engaged in the second port by putting no shoots, prepare for many reshoots due to range equipment failure. Consider using barrels or something that cannot be penetrated by bullet which then knocks down steel plates/poppers. Looks fun, though.
  22. The bottom coil of the spring is getting stuck in the little lip inside the basepad and the rim of the tube. That's keeping one side of the tube off the lip and so the basepad is "crooked" on the tube and the slide lever won't get past the rim of the tube. If the spring is visibly in on either side of the basepad (from pushing it with a screwdriver or the like) sometimes the bottom bend of the spring is under the back where it's hard to see. If you pinch it in a little, adding a little turn to the pinch to tighten up that spiral bend as well as narrow the bottom coil slightly, it should fit without significantly affecting capacity. At least that's my experience -- the spring experts can tell you if that's bad advice, but it seems to work fine for me.
  23. Given what happened that weekend -- (and my heart goes out to those that got ripped off. It's happened to me too) -- maybe a call to the local PD wherever that Olive Garden is, and report what you saw, with a description of the truck and occupants would be in order. It might give them a break that can help catch someone. It may be nothing, but who knows what it takes for the detectives to catch someone (if they're trying).
  24. Definitely 1/4 inch. I tried 5/16 ... It worked but slid off. I have a bunch of 1/4 inch now.
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