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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. He said since the suppressor isn't classified as a compensator the size restriction does not apply.
  2. Things are a bit ugly today in limited , but Henning and MV (as Taran is minor but shooting very good) Mark H. seem to be pretty close.
  3. They are also legal in tactical and limited per M. Voight when I asked him today.
  4. We started on stage 1 ended on stage 4 yesterday 10:30 start. We are morning schedule today.
  5. The XD 9mm mag pouches work for the SP01.
  6. In limited it seemed to be a 2 man race in Limited between Taran and Henning, with MV in there too until we chroned. Taran didn't have a good time at the chrono. He will still probably be at the top of the list though. My first time shooting with Henning and he is the epitomy of smoooooth. I know why the open guys were glad he is shooting limited. A great day for shooting!
  7. I've shot 6 different guns/divisions at bigger match this season and I'm shooting better than I have in awhile. Would I being doing better, if I stuck with one gun, maybe, would I be having as much fun, no. Do what your gut tells you and have fun.
  8. Sweet Kurt, I have a .308 can waiting on paperwork. Here is a cool XD we did the other day.
  9. The safety will most likely be "sandwiched" between your thumbs, so it could be a little of both.
  10. + many on the blood, sweat, tears part. I play the game for the love of the game, but I also try to improve my skills also. If I win anything it is a bonus and rewards the practice and sacrifices. I know how hard other folks work, so I don't feel bad finishing behind another shooter who works hard also, I respect their efforts, skill, and sacrifices. I generally feel like a winner just because I get to play the game with such great folks. I don't consider myself a professional shooter, but I do make my living fixing up people's blasters and training folks how to use them.
  11. I like cans Waiting on the paperwork for a new can for my AR.
  12. Duckboy, quick, please put down the dremel, slowly step away. If you want to mess around with making your own slide cuts, drive over the hill to Bend and bring some mill bits. You can mess around on your slide on my mill for free
  13. The CZ and Tanfogio can be great SSP and ESP guns. My Tangfolio Elite Match Witness is perfect for ESP and the triggers can be very excellent. They do need a working over, sharp edges mag specs and that stuff, but for the price the are sweet. I won the HOA at the Oregon State IDPA Championships with my Tanfoglio after only shooting it for a week, I can't say any higher dollar 1911/2011 9mm shoots any better (and I have shot lots of them.)
  14. The fiber is easy to replace, if you can't afford it, send me your address and I'll give you some for free. It only take a pair of finger nail clippers and a lighter and about 1 minute to replace it. Replacing it before a big match is pretty common practice.
  15. I'll stand by my statement and start quoting ANTI IPSC stuff is you want: From page 1 and 4 of the rule book "The main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual, not equiptment or gamesmanship." Ok what is that referring to if not IPSC. Pretty silly statement really, since no the equiptment is incapable of winning a contest without direction from the shooter, and no brilliant plan has ever won a match or stage unless it was well executed by a shooter. Again from page 1 "Competition only" equiptment is not permitted in this sport." We again what is this type of equiptment if not IPSC gear? I know there is equiptment I would consider IPDA only eqiptment, ie. a 511 vest Page 5 - What do points II and V refer to if not IPSC? Page 6 - S1 B A Ok why state the 180 rule does not exist? That can't be because IPSC has a 180 rule can it? Page 9 - Rules C 4 and C5 Ok, for me it was clear that there were enough things in the rulebook when I read it to come to the conclusion they wree trying to make a sport that is "not IPSC." That is just the way it first struck me when I read the rulebook. That being said, I have enjoyed the few IDPA matches I have particiapted in and even won a couple State Championships this year. There is also something in the rule book that I think EVERY stage designer should keep in the front of their mind, "ANYTHING that can be done to eliminate judegment calls on the part of the safety officers is encouraged." and "...allowing poor course designs to flourish will lead to the demise of IDPA quicker than any other factor." and "assessment of procedural penalties because the shooter failed to understand the course of fire should be very rare." If those simple things were followed, a FTDR would not even be needed IMO. Completely unfounded statement. So that someone else reading this topic is not confused with the above statement, here's a statement directly from the rulebook: The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body of a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters. It was founded in 1996 as a response to the desires of shooters worldwide. The organization now boasts membership of more than 11,000, including members in 19 foreign countries. One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter. The founders developed the sport so that practical gear and practical guns may be used competitively. An interested person can spend a minimal amount on equipment and still be competitive. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual, not equipment or gamesmanship. “Competition only” equipment is not permitted in this sport.
  16. So at this match the were about 170 shots (if I counted right) so that would get me about .93. The highest Master score was .84 so was the match more time consuming on non shooting stuff or the skill level of the Masters low in your opinion/anaylsis? I like the math stuff, thanks again. ps. Homie, judging by your new pick (which is appropriate ) I would say you are down to no class with no ass
  17. That is why you don't shoot conversion barrels in a match that counts and that was a hard way to learn that lesson. Matt, That is good to know, I know how to do the math for IPSC, so thanks for the IDPA comparison. I shot .92, so that looks about right. Now I just need to do the reloads and get into the cover quicker but it was OK for my 4th time doing it IDPA style.
  18. I'm test driving a SP01 for ESP, use the plastic grips (Angus has them) and you can make weight. As far as rules go, if it is on the Shadow, you should be able to upgrade an older version to the Shadow model with no issues.
  19. Yes. The one PG sells is the NHO version.
  20. If you go with a good magwell you need to the use basepads that work with the magwell. The magwell stops the mag from over insertion and breaking the ejector. Barsto makes a good one. It does have to be permantely attached.
  21. No, if I win something I want to do it because of my performance, otherwise it is just more crap.
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