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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I same to the same conclusion when learning IDPA this year. Practicing one reload instead of two made it easier, otherwise I would forget which load I was doing at times.
  2. I'm not saying that many people don't use the same/similar gear as they carry, but there are also lot of people who treat IDPA like a game, which it is. I've seen very few people who look like the average Joe on the street carrying concealed at any of the IDPA matches I've been to, they look like they belong at an IDPA match. If you have a rule book and you can't read the book to find out the rules, don't you think there might be something wrong with either the way it is written or the theory behind it? That seems quite simple to me. Saying that a piece of equipment is unsuitable for a carry because you personally would chose it is just very arrogant to me. I can see many advantages to carrying mag pouches that tilt for concealment purposes, as it is easier to get them to wrap around your body, printing less than ones that stick straight up. I could care less if CR pouches are legal or not, but I do see a problem with a set of rules that say it isn't a legal product if it was not designed with the "intension" of anything. To me I would think the designers most likely were thinking how can we make a product that is durable, flexible, and reliable, because that is the type of product they came up with. I think a shooting competition should be just that. This is approved gear, these are approved actions, these are not, but then again I'm simple that way.
  3. [iDPA is a shooting competition, not every day carry. No one I know uses the same gear for carry as IDPA competitions. No one I know wears a 911 vest when they carry. No one I know would retain an empty mag with one in the pipe before stuffing a new mag and continuing the situation. That being said, my CR pouches are every bit as concealable and comfortable as my "IDPA legal" BladeTech pouches. The biggest pitfall to being a "true believer" is that intent is not quantifiable, and trying to force your ideas of what is and isn't something "worthy of carrying" is pretty pointless. Can anyone say 9mm vs. .45. If there is a rule book, and the product meets the requirements stated in the book, then something is seriously wrong with the rule book or the game.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to work the match! The match staff did a great job and I'll definitely try to make it back next year.
  5. A backwards primer on stage 9 (Virginia count, 6 targets, draw one shot each, reload, 1shot each, reload one shot each) cost Robbie the match win. He had a 2.55 first shot on a 10 yard target. It was awful to see, and he still got third overall on the stage. If you know anything about what he has gone through over the last few months, well I would say he is NOT falling off the top of the hill any time soon. Nils is going to be a force for sure if he can keep with it and pick up some sponsors. Taran is an excellent shooter, but if you look at the scores stage scores, you'll see Robbie just hit a few potholes this match. I wouldn't worry about him losing his place as one of the most dominant shooters in the world for some time to come.
  6. Like Rich said, the feeding problem is related to the extraction and the case being caught by the case with the SWC's. You can also have issues with them getting caught on the ramp, ala using a sharp profile like the Corbon HP's as the bullets nose down before getting to the barrel's feed ramp.
  7. I get the picture in my head of a rocket, which sound about right for Jake I had a REALLY good shooter tell me this about props, "Do what is natural for you. You don't think about how you open a door or take a piss in the middle of the night, you just do it. trust your body." I've seen people pop out of bed (defying the laws of gravity), roll out, set up, and fall out and the bed, all to different degrees of success. The most important thing for me, is that I don't loose my ear protection getting out of the bed and I don't spend too much effort/energy doing so. I don't want to get all worked up before I grab my gun, I want to be in a good state of mind to start shooting.
  8. Technically, no it doesn't. When approved by the Range Officer, competitors at Level I matches may, without penalty, receive whatever coaching or assistance they request. Practically, well I think that the feedback illustrates that no "regular" shooter will get a thumbs up from the RO. I think that coaching is a very BAD idea for any shooter that should know what they are doing. It would be a huge distraction me as a shooter as there is no way for the "coach" to know what I'm doing and I can imagine what they would have to do to get the attention of a shooter that is very focused on getting the course finished.
  9. Duckboy, If you have time (or lack of focus) enough to respond to anything the peanut gallery says you are in serious trouble in the stage and your frame of mind. You do have your A card you don't need no stinking coaches, there is no shallow end of the pool any more for you.
  10. Yep, they feed RN just fine. SWC and some straighter hollow point profiles don't.
  11. XD .45's do not like LSWC, that is most likely your problem. PM or e-mail me if you want and I can give you a call and explain the why if you want the specifics.
  12. DPMS generously donated this upper to the Area II prize table, which just happened to be something I actually wanted to finish a project I've wanted to do for a long time. Lucky me. Maybe Karma, but the serial # on my suppressor just happens to be my birthday, which is pretty cool also.
  13. Dawson sells their products www.dawsonprecision.com 017-012 for the rear 019-004 for the front for the adjustable sights, the fixed sight come in .115 or a wider rear .125.
  14. Do you mean it either fired out of battery or he shoots a hybrid round?
  15. Thanks for all the feedback guys!!! I was thinking about 22's and 410's until they got their skills up, but we want to give them a chance of getting a bird here and there. Homie, Dude, those are pansy guns, wait and try the Merkel .470 nitro express or the new Merkel .500 nitro express side by side. Oh wait, you don't weigh enough to shoot those guns They sure are pretty, but they really pack a punch. I used to hunt and will be getting back into it now the boys are getting old enough, and we can chase ducks now I have the boat.
  16. My brothers youngest son (11) is showing an interest in hunting, he already LOVES fishing. The other day he comes over and ask me if I can take him hunting, so my brother and I talked about getting them some 20 gauge shot guns. Yesterday we took them shopping, but we didn't have any luck find a 20 gauge semi autos under $1000 that we liked. The boys were so excited we decided to take them out shooting and see how they handled some semi auto rifles to see how they did with them and we grabbed a couple Benellis M1S90's in case the did well with the rifles. Well, it was basically their first time shooting real rifles, and I was amazed at how well they did. Then they wanted to try the shotguns, we were a bit cautious as they weigh maybe 60 and 70 pounds soaking wet, but I loaded one 12 gauge round in and let them give it a go. Long story short, the youngest one (who has no fear of anything) got moved around quite a bit, but shot up every last round we had, the 13 year old (who is small for his age but is very coordinated and athletic) could shot 4 rounds in a row without it moving him at all. They both had a blast!!! On the way home, the youngest boy tells my brother he need to buy them some guns so they can go hunting Here is my question to folks who have kids this age and hunt: What are the pros and cons of a 12 gauge (which we have lots of nice ones) versus getting them their own guns in 20 gauge for hunting birds. I think the AR15's are fine for small game and the AR10 would works for mid-sized game, but we are looking for input from folks who have already been there done that. Thanks for your replies in advance and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
  17. +1 on Homie's comment, MB has forgotten more about competition shooting that most people will ever have the chance to experience or learn. He has taught me a LOT about how shooting should be done on many levels. The trigger on this gun was one of the best I'd seen on a Glock. If you need ANY Glock parts until you get your new trigger assembly, just let me know. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  18. that last line was great!!! Actually they could use ANY score where they have the HF and National percentage to calculate the HHF.
  19. If you keep track of your scores (time, points, and HF) your can easily figure out the HHF. Remember your score is a percentage of the high score, so it is simple math. So if you shoot a stage with the HF of 5 and get a percentage of 50% the (HF) 5 / (Percentage) .5 = (HHF) 10
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