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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. I have. I've actually used them both on the same day.
  2. IonBond is a huge company and they do all kind of finishes. They do their gun coating in North Carolina.
  3. If you get a well built CZ, the trigger won't be an issue.
  4. I think it came out of Sweden, and I'm not sure the cost as it was a gift.
  5. The service models (4") will work in the tactical (5") holsters. Bladetech DOH is fast enough. Safariland makes a nice holster also.
  6. Add ambi safety, Wilson tactical mag release, Ion Bond finish TechWell I modified for IDPA CDP or USPSA SS Replace the front sight with a Dawson sight. It shoots pretty good, real good for the price.
  7. Rich is dead on point IMO. You can't turn back the clock without destroying the division. We do XD's for LEO duty use every week, so you would be making the call IDPA did and that makes no sense to me. A service pistol that is not in the service pistol class. Progress requires change, and the BOD has made very reasonable descisions IMO. Take non DA guns out of Production and say goodby to Glock, M&P, and XD. Then you would need to create a striker fired class, and that class would destroy Production class, which would be basically CZ (edited to add) Sig, Beretta class.
  8. Well, if rules DO matter and we should follow them, then there is a difference in the design of Double-Action and Single-Action-Only guns, and some striker-fired guns appear to designed or capable of being modified to be in the latter (non-Production legal) category. If we don't care about following the rules (perhaps because its inconvenient), and we're okay with allowing some Single-Action-Only (SAO) guns in Production, then I would think the next logical question would be: "If we don't mind ignoring the rules for some guns that are SAOs or could be modified to be SAOs, why don't we allow all guns that are SAOs or capable of being modified to be SAOs? DOA went out the window with Glock. Glock is not a DAO. If you don't get that, then there is no way to have a discussion with you.
  9. A well tuned striker fired Glock is better than most any of the shelf single action pistol, so what is your REAL point? There is no practical difference between SA and striker fired these days, so wouldn't a better question be, why shouldn't classic SA's be allowed in Production? That you can make a XD with a 2# trigger that moves the striker rearward makes the whole question of this thread pointless, since no one would benefit from the change suggested.
  10. Here is the final R and R version. He should have more versions are out soon.
  11. They had problems on the ones that where there was no radius in the back of the block, so you can just look and see if it is has a radius or not.
  12. Eric, FYI, I'm not paying anyone back, as this is not my venture to fund. He said he has 1 million he would be willing to invest in the project. I do know that if the numbers don't pencil for him he won't do it. I'm trying to help him get good info he can use to make a good, informed decision on what to do with the $ is is willing to invest, as I think it is in my best interest to do so, and the best interest of the community where I live. I've made the mistake of assuming folks couldn't afford things before only to find out later they had more money banked than I'll make in ten to twenty life times. There are some folks out there that don't need to draw a wage from a day job and just want something fun to do, as they have folks who run the day to day operations of their investments. Those folks have a few more options than folks like myself. John, Thanks for the PM! Central Oregon is unique in it's make up. The area has a population of about 210,000+, and Bend is the hub. The market is pretty small numbers wise, but there is a lot of money in the town. That is why I think a private "club" might do much better than a range. I'm so busy with my business, that I don't have a lot to input to the project, but I knew I would get good info from the folks on this board. I do honestly appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) and I've passed it all on. I don't want your job for sure. If I had my own place like they have down in Lake View at Clint's place where I could do whatever I want with no one to gripe about it, I "might" consider it Not to make money, but to have a kick ass time shooting guns. I do enjoy teaching, but I wouldn't want to do it day in and day out.
  13. Eric, I appreciate your concerns, but he will NOT be looking to do anything with Big Gumbint™, as he has stated that very clearly. He does believe Bend could use a range, and I'm in agreement. If we can sustain 30+ golf ranges in the area (most pretty upscale), I would think we should be able to support one shooting range/club. My main concern (as stated in my first post) is that 1 million is not enough to do it properly. I would hate to see a range come to town, and fail. I've been told it takes 3-4 million to do a range properly from someone who has a very successful range, but has a much bigger customer base than we have here in Bend, so getting info from smaller operations should be quite useful. He came to me because he wants a full service gunsmith shop located in the facility, and we are looking to expand to a bigger space, so it might be a mutually beneficial arrangement. If it is not feasible or worth the risk involved for the investment of his capital, I have no doubts that it will not get out of the planning and research phase of development. I'm not spending cash, but I'll do what I can to help Bend get an indoor range. This is a photo he took today when we went shooting that illustrates this.
  14. Yes, yes, yes, yes. That is exactly what we are thinking. We have some good instructors to draw from that are retired LEO instructors and IPSC shooters also, and some younger guys looking to make a living out of it. We would do class 3 shoots also, and have a small supply of autos and suppressed fun stuff to get that part going. We have a shop that designs high end golf Pro Shops that is interested in doing the common areas, so it would look top notch. It all depends on the city though.
  15. This investor is quite savvy and apparently has followed my advise of looking for equipment of ranges that didn't make it and has found some relatively new gear at fire sale (scrap) prices from the new owners who are changing the use of the building. Bill, Those are stops we planning on making for sure after talking to Mike. For those concerned it won't work, well you never know until you try It may be a pipe dream, but sure things are boring. It may never get zoning approval, but we are still ready to give it a go. Input from the great folks on the forum definitely saves us a lot of time. Thanks again.
  16. Thanks for all the good input. Eric, Where did you get those stats? The investor has done ok, and if we can do ok with it in the first 2-3 years, looks to be prepared to invest quite a bit more into this venture. I know Bend could use an indoor range that was done properly.
  17. I have been approached by an investor who wants to build a nice small indoor shooting range. I've done some research and am under the impression that it might cost a LOT more than that. Is there anyone here with experience about the cost of locating a range (not building a building) with around 10 lanes? Any help is appreciated. I think getting the city to sign off would be the first step.
  18. FYI, The thin plastic CZ grips weigh virtually nothing.
  19. FYI, The electrician I talked to suggested a Lutron fan control over a dimmer, and for $10 for the dimmer and $5 for an extension cords you can dial the thing so it work perfectly with whichever primer you like. Worth every penny for me.
  20. I dare anyone say that IPSC is a hoser sport where you don't need to aim. Way to go Chuck and crew!!! Great challenges and great execution.
  21. I hear Tactical Solutions is making a .22 conversion for the STI. Tactical Solutions I'm waiting for one to try out.
  22. My minor .40 ammo made 156 PF, but then again I knew the chrono I was using is garbage and didn't want to take a chance as I didn't have time to work a load up right. The 10 feet thing does get some folks.
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