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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. Yes, that is my concern. It is a commercial order, with a company that has stores on MANILA, PANGASINAN, CEBU, and DAVAO. I'm sure someone here must have info that could be helpful. I have contacts with most all of the companies listed on their website so I will be getting info from them, but I figure it can't help to here from the Enosverse also. There is an endless amount of expertise here.
  2. If anyone does business in the Philippines would like to give me a hand with what I need to do to sell a very large order I would greatly appreciate your input. PI shooters are welcome to respond, as the company appears to be legit from what I can tell, but would feel better with first hand feedback. I will prefer to contact via phone if possible, so send me an e-mail or PM with a number and time to call. Thanks all!
  3. +1, just because you can doesn't mean you should. It won't hurt the good shooters, but it can really ruin a fun day for a lot of folks. Maybe I have the wrong attitude but if someone shoots this stage poorly and it ruins their day instead of making you want to become a better shooter, as well as giving you something to contemplate/work on like visual patience, trigger control, etc., maybe a different/easier sport/hobby is in order. Any time I've made a stage where a large percentage of shooters get a number of points, I look at it as a failure on my part, not theirs. Making overly hard challenges is very easy. How many folks would go bowling if all the frames were 7-10 splits? The reason anyone can go bowling and have some success is that in every frame, there is a large chance for some success. As a competitor I like challenging shots, because that gives me a place to gain on other shooters, but I do have compassion of shooters who don't have as much experience when the challenge is overly difficult and there are not enough other points in the stage to still get a score.
  4. +1, just because you can doesn't mean you should. It won't hurt the good shooters, but it can really ruin a fun day for a lot of folks.
  5. Yea, but you still have a baby face...
  6. Not bad for a skinny young guy, 3rd overall Way to go Mitch!
  7. Buy Brian's book, "Beyond the Fundamental." Brian used tape on the glasses (I frost my off eye lense) and I have no real dominant eye and find no disadvantage to this for people who don't have a really dominant eye.
  8. So are you sandbagging then? Let the chips falls where the fall, it is only an insult to you to hold back on classifiers for fear of being embarrassed by being beaten by anyone. Do you want fear to drive you or passion to succeed? There is no success without lots of failure, and if you are worried about being beaten, you can not focus on doing what it takes to win My skill set leans toward stand and blast stuff. It would not be hard to practice all the upcoming classifiers to the point where I could shoot them GM level. I need to work on stage planing movement, getting in and out of shooting positions, shooting on the move. Until I get better at those skills there is no point in grandbagging two classes above where I should currently be. I'd be hard pressed to keep up with the top A class at a national. Taking that into consideration, I don't see the point in getting a GM card when I only shoot M on stages that have little movement or stage planning, such as the classifiers. I was just giving you a hard time as you said it would be easy to do for you. It isn't Grandbagging if you can do it, and where you "should" be depends only on you. If you can legitimately (not shoot a stage ten times to get a hero score) shoot a 95% score, then you deserve it. My serious point was mindset. I don't get the benefit from comparing yourself to how you think you would rate against others. I think that mindset holds a lot of people back. If you can shoot 95% classifiers, you would break down a lot of barriers, and once those barriers are gone, you open yourself to a lot of opportunity.
  9. Then why doesn't everyone have a GM card in their wallet? Excuses.
  10. So are you sandbagging then? Let the chips falls where the fall, it is only an insult to you to hold back on classifiers for fear of being embarrassed by being beaten by anyone. Do you want fear to drive you or passion to succeed? There is no success without lots of failure, and if you are worried about being beaten, you can not focus on doing what it takes to win
  11. A great animated video on the subject Worth creating an account (free) for.
  12. You guys crack me up. I'll repeat a quote I heard that was attributed to Robby, "Shooting is simple, simple does not mean easy."
  13. Draw fast then shoot and reload fast and accurate. I think it is that simple.
  14. I agree with Ben. USPSA created "Grandbaggers" and "Sandbaggers" the instant they created the classification system, there is no set of standards that adequately measure match performance skill. Some people are very good at stand and shoot and can't shoot in our out of a position and people call them Grandbaggers because they can score well on classifiers, but score poorer on field courses, and most matches are more field courses than standards. The inverse is also true. I got good at standing at shooting when I only had 4 target stands and shot every day. That your classification doesn't lower as you shoot less cause people to be over classified also. Sandbaggers are the people in life who worry more about recognition than performance, and there is nothing you can do to fix that if you have a classification system, they are too clever. Fact is that the classification system is simply a prize/recognition distribution tool. If you don't worry about your classification, you can spend that time on your shooting. So to answers CHA's question, yes and no. Yes, because they are the one that determines the minimum skills to get a piece of paper label GM on it. Does it measure the skill level of guys like Ben who could 100% them weak hand, blindfolded, and on one leg, nope.
  15. Tactical Solutions Tom does a great job with his products.
  16. If money is no object, then I hope have a great time and the best of luck. Your original post said a couple hundred K and that is not very much money to start manufacturing guns, especially "cop guns." If money is truly no object and making money isn't important, then it sounds like a great gig to me. Cop guns are bought by bean counters so you need to make an inexpensive product, and that means LOTS of them. You also need a lot of patience, say 5-10 years, as it seems the LEO community is very slow to adapt products that have not been very proven. All the big boys want the cop market and spend tons of money to get the business, and I would venture to say that would be the hardest, most expensive market to get. I would suggest making bad ass guns that people who want to spend good money on guns want, not cop guns, especially if you want to make them in the USA.
  17. Loves2Shoot


    The 10 rounders "limited capacity" mags use a different follower, so you need the round springs and make sure to note that when you order them if you decide to get them from us.
  18. I wouldn't even think about it without $500K in the bank and a house that was paid for.
  19. We sent our X-gripped (grip as described in this thread) XD frame to a BOD meeting a few years ago and hey said it was fine as long as the aluminum oxide was in the proper areas.
  20. Counter person to a 115 lbs. female customer: If you want to get a self defense gun, you need to get a .45, is the only caliber ever made design to kill a man.
  21. +1 the reverse plug hole in the slide works very well to hold the plug
  22. Alex, Please be careful spout crap about folks that is not true. Had Robert he wanted Chinese blueprints he would have bought 1 comp, not 20. The new comps he is making (mine has two Dreadnaught's) are a joint venture with John Paul and are going to be badged JP. If you don't like it then take it up with John. Jack already chimed in about the magwell, but smack talking someone who doesn't deserve it should not be tolerated here.
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